326. Devilish Mary


326. Devilish Mary
'Devilish Mary.' Sung by Horton Barker. From the previous recording of
Dr. W. A. Abrams, Watauga county, probably 1941. This text somewhat re-
sembles that of SharpK 11 200, No. 149B, which begins: "When I was young
and full of love."


was grow - ing up I thought I'd nev - er


mar - ry. I saw so man - y pret - ty lit - tie girls But


none of them would have me. Rah - rah rinc - tum


hoo - la ma-rinc-tum, Rah-rah rinc-tum Dai - sie, Rah rinc-tum


hoc la ma - rinc - tum, Rah - rah ain't she a dai - sie?


Scale: Pentachordal, plagal. Tonal Center: a. Structure: aaibb^ (44,4,4).


2 One little girl I come across
Lived up in London's dairy,

Her hair was as red as a golden thread,
And they called her Devilish Mary.

3 We hadn't been courtin' but a week or two,
We both got in a hurry ;

Both agreed in the same old spot

That we'd marry the very next Thursday.

4 We hadn't been married but a week or two.
She just looked like the devil,

And every word I'd say to her
She'd crack my head with a shovel.

5 One night when I was late gettin' in,
And she was in a blunder,

She opened a big ol' licker jug
And floored my head like thunder.

6 Mary, she's a good ol' girl.

She cooks and washes the dishes ;
But every time that girl gets mad
She wants to wear my britches.

7 If I ever marry again in this world,
It'll be for the love of riches,

I'll marry a girl sixteen feet high
That can't get in my britches.

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