308. Lillie Shaw

LiLLiE Shaw

Henry, in SSSA 55, printed a ballad entitled 'Lillie ShuU,' ob-
tained from Elk Park, Avery county, in 1933, which has the same
substantial content as the following but orders the stanzas some-
what differently and shows a number of verbal differences.

From Mrs. Minnie Church, of Heaton, Avery county, who between
1930 and 1939 contributed this and many other items to the Frank C.
Brown Collection.


The great crowd now has gathered

Around this jail today,

To see my execution

And to hear what I've to say.

Now I must hang this morning
For the murder of Lillie Shaw,
Who I so cruelly murdered
And her body shamefiely burned.

Then I knelt down to Jesus,

In penetrated grief,

And begged that he might save me

As he did the dying thief.

Then my soul could hear a whisper
Said in most gentle tone,
'My grave is one sufficient
To hold this violent one.'



5 The cries of poar Lillie
Again I could almost hear,

As she begged me not to kill her,
Her life alone to spare.

6 The fire where I burned her
Again was in my sight,
The only fire consuming

In the fire that form so bright.

7 Now I must hang this morning,
The time is drawing near,

But I have a hope in heaven
And death I do not fear.

8 And there's my Dear old Parents,
Who now for me will maurn,
Likewise my wife and baby
Who will be left alone.

9 God care for my baby.
Who will be left alone ;

I pray the lord will keep him
From all danger, harm, and sin.

10 The hour has now arrived,
I can no longer stay.
I hope that I will meet you
In Heaven some sweet day.




LiLLiE Shaw
'Lillie Shaw.' Anonymous singer. Recorded at Heaton, Avery county, in 1933.

Scale: Hexachordal. Tonal Center: c. Structure: abab^ (2,2,2,2) = aa^ (4,4).


'Lillie Shaw.' Anonymous singer. Recorded; no date or place given.



Scale: Mode III. Tonal Center: c. Structure: abbe (2,2,2,2).

2 I'm to hang for the murder
Of Lillie Shaw you've learned,
Whom I so cruelly murdered,
And a body so shamefully burned.

3 I was taken to prison^
The murder I did own ;


And by the force of sentence
To hang for the murder done.

4 The murder so cruel and sinful,
The thing which I had done

It filled my soul with horror
While in the prison alone.

5 The fire where I burned her
Again was in my sight,
Her lovely form consumed

In the fire that burned so bright.

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