Performance Development Articles by Richard L. Matteson Jr.

Performance Articles by Richard L. Matteson Jr.

Performance Articles: A series of short performance (originally blogs) articles was started in Nov. 2010 and continued for about one month, resulting in 14 articles. The articles explore some of the concepts of Matteson's mentor- classical guitar pedagogue Aaron Shearer. After these articles Matteson started his Performance & The Subconscious Mind articles.

Performance & The Subconscious Mind: In 2011 Richard Matteson started a series of innovative articles about performance and the subconscious mind which go beyond the customary performance concepts. The articles were originally presented as blogs on his Digimusicam Blog along with several articles on performance concepts from his teacher and mentor- classical guitar pedagogue Aaron Shearer. The articles and interviews were done in a span of about two months- late Jan- April of 2011.


Performance & The Subconscious Mind:

No. 1: Joseph Murphy
No. 2: TFT & EFT
No. 3: Albert Ellis
No. 4: Neville Goddard
No. 5: Aaron Beck & Larina Kase
No. 6: Bruce Lipton
No. 7: Lester Levenson
No. 8: Anchoring
No. 9 Interview with Judy Rees
No. 10 Thomas Troward
No. 11 Mesmer, Quimby & Hypnotism
No. 12 Interview With Harry Carpenter
No. 13 Muscle Testing; Kinesiology; Kendall;
No. 14 Psychological Kinesiology- Affirmations- VAK
No. 15- Dr. Diamond; Peter Muir; Music Therapy
No. 16 Afformations; Noah St. John; Presupposition
No. 18 Beyond Reframing- NLP- Dilts- Sleight of Mouth- Mind Lines
No. 19 NLP and Beyond; Interview Owen Fitzpatrick
No. 20- Interview with Noah St. John
No. 21- Dr. Hew Len and Ho’oponopono

Performance Articles:

Goal of Learning Music: Performance
The Concept of Performance Development : Sharing Music
Performance: Establishing a Routine
Performance Excitement
Performance Development: Positive Thoughts
ADM And Visualization During a Performance
ADM: Aim Directed Movement
Stop and Go Technique
Role of the Subconscious Mind
Conscious and Subconscious
Security and Confidence
Aaron Shearer: Misunderstood?
What Makes A Successful Performance?
Mistakes During A Performance

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