Music Magazine Articles by Richard L. Matteson Jr.
[under construction]
I've written for several music magazines of the years. I'll also include the articles I can find that I published in the Piedmont Classic Guitar Society newsletter and in the PCGS programs. My first published music, an arrangement of What Child Is This? in Dm appeared in The Church Musician, circa 1980. I had a regular column in Fingerstyle Guitar for the first few issues. My first short music book, Folk Songs From The Appalachian Mountains was published by Mel Bay in 1992 [See "Books" by Richard L. Matteson Jr.].
I'm not a great writer- too straight forward- also I can't type (haha!), but I'm very good at arranging songs for solo fingerstyle/classical guitar. I'm also a good researcher and love ferreting out obscure information about people and songs. This will not include my newpaper articles for the Beaufort Gazette and articles for various weekly arts newsprint publications written in Winston-Salem. Also not included here are my articles for Bass and Striper Fishing magazine written circa 1999-2001- that magazine is now defunct. Here's a list of my music articles which I will eventually make available on the attached pages (left hand column):
1) What Child is This? - The Church Musician c. 1980
2) Two Appalachian Folk Songs (The Cuckoo and Banks of that Lonely River) w/music- Guitar Review Spring 1992
3) Acoustic Guitar Magazine
4) Workshop on: Arranging An Appalachian Folk Song- "The Cuckoo" w/music and cassette recording (later issues on CD). Fingerstyle Guitar Magazine Vol. No. 1 (In Tune With Alex De Grassi) 1993

5) Workshop on: An Appalachian Christmas Carol, The Lovely Child. w/music and cassette (later issues on CD). Fingerstyle Guitar Magazine Vol. No. 2 (Earl Klugh) 1993

6) Workshop on: Appalachian Counterpoint- Canon (Welcome Welcome Every Guest) Fingerstyle Guitar Magazine Vol. No. 3 (Earl Klugh) 1993

Bury Me Beneath The Willow- Bluegrass Now.
Lily May Ledford: Coon Creek Girl- Old Time Herald; June/July 2009 Vol. 11 No. 11; This article was very long at one point. It came about from my painting; Banjo Picking Girl and moving to Louisville in 2008 where I met Cari Norris, Lily Mae's grandaughter.

Championship Fiddler Sleepy Marlin- Old Time Herald; May 2010; I got to know Sleepy briefly before he died in 2010. There's an interview I did with him on Youtube in May 2009:

Clayton McMichen: The Early Years- Fiddler Magazine; Vol. 18 No. 1 Spring 2011. This recent article is part of a large 30 page article I wrote on Clayton McMichen. This installment, The Early Years will be the only part published by Fiddler- the other installment featuring an interview with Slim Bryant, will not be published.

Art, Charlie and Hiram Stamper- (Originally: The Stamper Family Kentucky Fiddlers) Fiddler Magazine Winter 2011-2012 Vol 18 No. 4. This long 25 page article was edited down to over half it's size becasue of space requirements. The editor did a good job- only one mistake wasn't corrected.