No. 4: Neville Goddard

No. 4: Neville Goddard

Performance and the Subconscious Mind- Part 4 Neville Goddard
Posted on February 2, 2011 by Richard Matteson

Clearing Negative Beliefs and Experiences

Clearing Technique #3: Visualization & Imagination

“Imagining creates reality” Neville Goddard

This blog is one of a series of blogs on performance and the subconscious mind. This is Part 4 featuring the concepts of visualization based on the work of Neville Goddard.

Neville (1905-1972) was an influential metaphysics teacher. His interpretations of the Bible and the works of William Blake are fascinating. [Most of his work is available online]

At the core of Neville’s teachings is what he called The Law, the technique of creating one’s physical reality through imagining. This concept is a form of visualization and can be applied to performance as well as other life applications.

Renown guitar teacher Aaron Shearer used ADM (Aim Directed Movement) as the cornerstone of his process for learning to play the guitar. You simply see in your mind’s eye what you are going to do before you do it. He also advocated using visualization to see the opening measures of the music before you begin performing.

Neville used a similar technique to manifest events in his physical reality by first seeing them in his mind’s eye. By imagining the result you want, and seeing it, you create it in the physical world.

Let’s look at some examples of how this would work in a musical performance.

1) You are backstage alone before a performance. Closing your eyes to block out distractions you imaging yourself performing and your audience enthusiastically applauding after you finish. You see yourself bowing. You see their faces and sense their joy from hearing your performance. You hear people talking as they leave about how much they enjoyed the performance.

This is the kind of positive mental imagining that creates successful performances.

Maybe you’re a musician and you want to perform at Carnegie Hall.

1) You get photos and watch video performances at Carnegie Hall. You image the feel of the carpet, the smell of the polished woodwork, the sounds of the audience and see the colors of the interior decor. You know what it’s like to be in Carnegie Hall. You read the program with your name on it and see the pieces you will be playing. You imaging yourself on the stage playing a classical arrangement of an Appalachian folksong.

The applications for visualization and using your imagination are endless. There are two more important concepts which should be added:

1) In most cases you must take action in order for your imagination to create reality.

2) It must be something that you believe you can do.

If you don’t practice and don’t know the music, imagining success is something your conscious and subconscious minds will not believe. If you don’t call Carnegie Hall and book the hall, you may never play there.

And how do you get to Carnegie Hall?


More to come,


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