Miss, I Have a Very Fine Horse- Crumpler (SC) 1963
[McNeil, "Southern Folk Ballads," 1987, Volume 1, page 12.
R. Matteson 2017]
Miss, I Have a Very Fine Horse- from the singing of Deana Crumpler and Susan Harriet Snyder of Columbia, South Carolina on May 14, 1963. Collected by Mrs. Robert Snyder.
"Miss, I have a very fine horse
That stands in yonder stall,
That you may have at Your command
If you will be my bride, bride, bride,
If you will be my bride."
"Sir, I see Your very fine horse
That stands in Yonder stall,
But he knows his master will get drunk
And's afraid that he will learn, learn, learn,
And's afraid that he will learm."
"Miss, I have a very fine house
That's been newly rectified,
That you may have at Your command
If you wilt be my bride, bride, bride,
If you will be my bride."
"Sir, I see your very fine house
And also very fine yard
But who's to stay with me at night
When you are gambling and playing cards, cards,
Gambling and playing cards?"
"Miss, I never do that way
I never thought it right
But if you'll consent to marry me
I'll not stay out one night, night, night,
I'll not stay out one night'"
"Sir, I know what that is for
It's just to take me in
And when You find the promise is true
You'll gamble and drink again, 'gain' 'gain'
You'll gamble and drink again!"
"Miss I find you a very hard case,
Perhaps too hard to please,
And some cold night when you are alone,
I hope to my soul you'll freeze, freeze freeze,
I hope to my soul you'll freeze."
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