I Will Put My Good Ship- Davidson (Tar) 1909 Greig

I Will Put My Good Ship- Sam Davidson (Tar) 1909 Greig U

[My date, title. Version of "I Will Set My Ship in Order" from The Greig-Duncan Folk Song Collection - Volume 4; edited by Patrick N. Shuldham-Shaw, ‎Emily B. Lyle - 1981. Collected in North Scotland in early 1900s by Gavin Greig (1856–1914), and the minister James Bruce Duncan 1848-1917).

R. Matteson 2016]

U. "I Will Put My Good Ship"
- Sung by Sam Davidson of Auchedly, Tarves. Collected by Gavin Greig.  Sam, a farmer, was also known a singer. He collected an MS book of songs taken from his farm servants.

1.   I'll put my good ship into order,
And I 'll sail her into the sea,
And I 'll sail far over yonder border,
And see gin my bonnie lovie minds on me.

2. He sail-ed east, and he sail-ed west,
He sail-ed far, far o'er the sea,
Until he came to my  true love's window,
There he rapp-ed so loud and would fain be in.

3. "O who is that at my bedroom window,
Rapping loudly and knows my name?"
"It's I your true love Johnnie,
Arise, arise and let me in.

4.   "Arise, arise, love, go and ask your mother
If she will let you my fair bride be,
If she refuse, come back and tell me,
'Tis the last time I'll come and see."

5. "My mother is in her bedroom sleeping,
And words of love, she would not hear
So young man go and court another,
And whisper softly in her ear."

6. "Arise, arise, love, go and ask your father
If he will let you my fair bride be,
If he refuse, come back and tell me,
It's the last time I'll come and see."

7. "My father's in his office writing,
And counting out  his merchandise;
And he has a letter in his pocket,
That speaks of your disgrace."

8. "Of my dispraise love, of my dispraise,
How can that be?
For I never slighted anyone,
Until this night  you hae slighted me."

9. The lassie rose, put on her clothes,
For to let her laddie in,
But before she got the  door unbolted,
The ship was on the sea again.

10. "Come back, come back, my true love Johnnie,
Come back, come back and speak wi' me,"
Now what way can I come back and speak wi you,
When my ship is sailing wi' her jolly crew?"

11. "The fish may fly, the seas go dry,
The rocks may melt wi' the sun,
And working men may slack their labour,
Before that I return again."

12. She turned herself right 'round about,
And  flung herself into the sea,
Saying, "Farewell my ain true love, Johnnie
Ye'll nae hae me to come back to see."


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