Did Christ O'er Sinners Weep?- Doc Watson

Did Christ O'er Sinners Weep?
Doc Watson 1990

Did Christ O'er Sinners Weep?/Weeping Saviour

Public Domain Old-Time, Bluegrass Gospel; Words: Ben­ja­min Bed­dome, in A Se­lect­ion of Hymns from the Best Au­thors, by John Rip­pon, 1787. Music: William Walker- E. J. King 1844;

ARTIST: Recorded by Doc Watson on Praying Ground


SHEET MUSIC: http://www.ccel.org/ccel/walker/harmony/files/hymn/Weeping_Saviour.html

CATEGORY: Traditional And Public-Domain Gospel;

DATE: 1787

RECORDING INFO: Did Christ O'er Sinners Weep? - Bedbome, B.

Watson, Doc. On Praying Ground, Sugar Hill SH-3770, LP (1990), trk# B.05

Walker, William.  1844 Southern Harmony


OTHER NAMES: "Weeping Saviour"

SOURCES: Folk Index; Meade

NOTES: "Did Christ O'er Sinners Weep?" or "Weeping Saviour" was written Ben­ja­min Bed­dome and appeared in A Se­lect­ion of Hymns from the Best Au­thors, by John Rip­pon, 1787 and recorded by Doc Watson on his Sugar Hill CD- Praying Ground in 1990. The song was included in William Walker's 1844 Southern Harmony as "Weeping Saviour" Southern Harmony no. 7b.


Did Christ o'er sinners weep,
And shall our cheeks be dry?
Let floods of penitential grief
Spring forth from every eye.

The Son of God in tears
Angels with wonder see
Be thou astonished, O my soul
He shed those tears for thee.

He wept that we might weep;
Each sin demands a tear:
In heaven alone, no sin is found,
And there's no weeping there.

Did Christ o'er sinners weep,
And shall our cheeks be dry?
Let floods of penitential grief
Spring forth from every eye.


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