Diamonds In The Rough- Carter Family 1929

Diamonds In The Rough
Carter Family-  1929

Diamonds In The Rough

Public Domain Old-Time, Bluegrass Gospel; C. W. Byron & Arthur F. Ingler 1897

ARTIST: As recorded by the Carter Family February 15, 1929 on Vi V-40150



CATEGORY: Traditional And Public-Domain Gospel;

DATE: 1836

RECORDING INFO: Diamonds in the Rough [Me III-A 9] - Byron, C. W./Pickett, L. L.

Carter, A. P.. Carter Family on Border Radio, JEMF 101, LP (1970ca), trk# B.04 [1938-41]
Macon, Uncle Dave. Classic Sides 1924-1938, JSP 7729A-D, CD( (2004), trk# B.08 [1926/09/09] 

Allen Brothers. Victor unissued; 1928 "I'm a Diamond In The Rough

Carter Family 15 February 1929 Vi V-40150. Reissued on The Carter Family 'Clinch Mountain Home: Their Complete Victor Recordings 1928-1929' Rounder CD 1065.

RELATED TO: Honest Farmer

OTHER NAMES: "The Wayworn Traveler" "Palms of Victory"

SOURCES: Folk Index; Meade

NOTES: "Diamonds In The Rough" was written by C. W. Byron & Arthur F. Ingler in 1897 (see original lyrics below) and recorded by The Carter Family in 1929. Meade credits the music to L.L. Pickett and words to C. W. Byron. 

Charles K. Wolfe's notes for The Carter Family, My Clinch Mountain Home, Rounder CD 1065, 1993:

"Diamonds In The Rough" was another old shape-note gospel song that A. P. found and rearranged; Sara remembers him getting it from another old hymn book, but exactly which one is not clear. The song itself had been written and copyrighted back in 1897, with composer credits to C. W. Byron and arrangement credits to Arthur F. Ingler. Researcher Norm Cohen, though, has noted that the first stanza heard here does not appear in the printed texts, and may have been taken from a 1924 recording of the piece of Grand Old Opry star Uncle Dave Macon.

DIAMONDS IN THE ROUGH- Original lyics (C. W. Byron - Arthur F. Ingler as recorded by The Larry Nelson Family, 1999)

Oh, many hearts are aching, we see them everywhere
Whose cups are filled with sorrow, whose homes are filled with care
Misfortune overtakes them, the world gives them a cuff
Or sends them to perdition, those diamonds in the rough

CHORUS: The day will soon be over in which to work and win
Many a gem lies hidden beneath the dross of sin
So let us dig and find them, God's power is enough
To polish into beauty, those diamonds in the rough

One day my precious comrade, you too were lost in sin
But others sought your rescue and Jesus took you in
So when you're tried and tempted by the scoffer's keen rebuff
Don't turn away in anger, he's a diamond in the rough


So let us keep it burning, the lamp of holy love
To every persecutor point out the way above
The precious light of Jesus was shed for that poor dove
So let us tell him of it, that diamond in the rough

CHORUS (last two lines twice)

Diamonds In The Rough- John Prine (A.P. Carter) John Prine sings these two, a cappella, with some beautiful harmonising by his brother Dave, and Steve Goodman.

While walking out one evening not knowing where to go
Just to pass the time away before we held our show
I heard a little mission band playing with all their might
I gave my soul to Jesus and left the show that night

The day will soon be over and evening will begun
No more gems to be gathered so let us all press on
When Jesus comes to claim us and says it is enough
The diamonds will be shining no longer in the rough

DIAMONDS IN THE ROUGH (A.P.Carter) Carter Family 15 February 1929 Vi V-40150. Reissued on The Carter Family 'Clinch Mountain Home: Their Complete Victor Recordings 1928-1929' Rounder CD 1065.

While walking out one evening not knowing where to go
Just to pass the time away before we held our show
I heard a little Bethel mission band singing with all their might
I gave my heart to Jesus and left the show that night

Chorus: The day will soon be over and evening will be done
And no more gems be gathered so let us all press on
When Jesus comes to claim us and says it is enough
The diamonds will be shining no longer in the rough

One day my precious comrade you too were lost in sin
And others sought your rescue and Jesus took you in
And when you're tired and tempted and suffer stern rebuff
Don't turn away in anger, there's diamonds in the rough


When reading through the bible some wondrous sights are seen
I read of Peter, James and John by the sea of Galilee
And Jesus when he found them, he found them very tough
And they were precious diamonds he gathered in the rough




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