Tarry Trousers- (Col) 1934 Sam Henry

Tarry Trousers- (Col) 1934 Sam Henry
[From Sam Henry's Songs of the People. ‘Songs of the People’ series that ran in the Northern Constitution between 1923 and 1938. Most versions titled "Tarry Trousers/Trowsers" are a different song of a mother-daughter conversation about marrying a sailor. Several Scottish versions have the Tarry Trousers stanza.

According to the online site, Contemplator: "Tarry trousers" refers to the sailor's practice of waterproofing their trousers with tar. This may be among the reasons sailors were referred to as "tars," a term used since 1676. Between 1857 and 1891 sailors also wore black 'tarpaulin' hats (boater-shaped with ribbon around the crown). The term "Jack Tar" has been in use since the 1780s.

R. Matteson 2017]

Tarry Trousers- from Sam Henry, published in North Ireland on Feb. 10, 1934

Yonder stands a pretty maiden,
Who she is I do not know,
I'll go court her for her beauty,
Let her answer yes or no.

'Pretty maid, I've come to court you,
If your favour I do gain
And you make me hearty welcome,
I will call this way again.'

'Sit you down, you're heart'ly welcome,
Sit you down and chat a while,
Sit you down, you're heart'ly welcome,
Suppose you do not call again?'

'Pretty little maid, I've gold and riches,
Pretty little maid, I've houses and lands,
Pretty little maid, I've worldly treasures.
And all will be at your command.'

'What do I care for your worldly treasures?
What do I care for your houses and lands?
What do I care for your gold and riches?
All that I want is a nice young man.'

'Why do you dive so deep in beauty?
It is a flower will soon decay,
It's like the rose that blooms in summer
When winter comes, it fades away.'

'My love wears the tarry trousers,
My love wears the jacket blue,
My love ploughs the deep blue ocean,
So, young man, be off with you.'

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