Mellinger E. Henry


[Mellinger Henry worked with my grandfather Maurice Matteson on his book, Beech Mountain Folk-Songs and Ballads, and at least one article, "Songs from North Carolina" published in Southern Folklore Quarterly in 1941. They met at a summer camp held in Banner Elk, NC in 1932.

The bulk of this infomation below comes from an article on Mellinger Henry by Steve Green.]


 Mellinger Edward Henry (1873-1946) graduated from Brown University in the Class of 1899.  He entered the teaching field, becoming a professor of English at Dickinson High School in Jersey City, New Jersey.  Mr. Henry was an avid hiker and belonged to numerous mountain clubs up and down the Appalachian chain.  He married Florence Stokes (August 3, 1921) whose family had ties to Georgia.  Together, the Henrys made numerous sojourns in the Blue Ridge and Great Smoky Mountain region of Eastern Tennessee and Western North Carolina.  In 1923, on one of their trips, they heard Dr. C. Alphonso Smith, deliver a lecture on American ballads and folksongs, and almost immediately began their collecting of songs from the people they encountered in the mountain back country.[1] Once they had established the nucleus of a collection, Mellinger Henry began corresponding with other folksong scholars who were doing or endorsing similar work in various parts of the U.S.  Among those individuals offering initial encouragement were Harvard professor, George Lyman Kittredge, and Robert Winslow Gordon, founder of the Archive of American Folksong at the Library of Congress.  During the next fifteen years, the Henrys devoted much time to securing ballads and songs, traveling south from New Jersey during Mr. Henry's summer vacations.  Mrs. Henry was trained musically and was able to take down tunes for many of the pieces, while Mellinger Henry concerned himself with researching variants and sources of the song texts.  His correspondence with other scholars grew and he published numerous articles in the Journal of American Folklore, the New Jersey Journal of Education, and other journals.  In 1934, his first book, Songs Sung in the Southern Appalachians, was published in London by the Mitre Press.  Beech Mountain Folk Songs and Ballads, a collaborative effort with Maurice Matteson, was published in 1936 by G. Schirmer.  This was followed in 1937 by Henry's Bibliography for the Study of American Folk-Songs, also published by Mitre Press.  In 1939, Folk Songs of the Southern Highlands was published in New York by J. J. Augustin.

Mellinger Henry was interested—as were other ballad scholars of the time—in the literary heritage of folksong poetry and the effects of oral transmission, but Mr. Henry's interest went beyond that of mere "arm chair" study, as he admired and felt an affinity with the people whom he perceived as living "the outdoor life" of which he was so fond.  He encouraged—through editorials, articles and lectures—the opening up of the Blue Ridge Mountain region for vacationers and especially the creation of trail networks for hikers and climbers.  The National Park Service was beginning to take an interest in the region, and several of Mr. Henry's singer-informants found themselves forced to sell their land and relocate as a result of the establishment of the Great Smoky Mountain National Park in the 1920s.

Over the years, Mellinger Henry made a point of sending reprints of his published journal articles to various colleagues and mentors, including Harry Lyman Koopman and S. Foster Damon, both connected with the Brown University Library.  It was presumably due in part to their encouragement—and Mellinger Henry's fond memories of his alma mater—that Mrs. Henry decided, after her husband's death in 1946, to donate his papers to the John Hay Library.

Today, there is a quiet but steady flow of reissued vintage folklore field recordings, and considerable attention is being focused on the southern American scene during the first half of this century. Mellinger Henry's papers throw light not only on his own work but on the entire field of folksong studies during the 1920s and 1930s, a time when scholars were publishing seminal collections and debating the so-called "communal" theories of the origins of folksong.  The papers also offer some insight into the opening of the southern mountains to tourism, and offer possibilities for investigating the interaction between local and "outside elements."  Above all, there is the chance to find out more about the traditions and the region that Mellinger Henry loved and worked so hard to document and share with others.

[1] For a brief but informative account of the Henry's collecting activities, written by Mrs. Henry, see "The Ballad-Hunting Henrys" in North Carolina Folklore VII: 1 (July, 1959) pp. 32-34.


AS=American Speech
FSSNE=Bulletin of the Folk-Song Society of the Northeast
JAFL=Journal of American Folklore
NJER=New Jersey Educational Review
NJJE=New Jersey Journal of Education
NYEP=New York Evening Post
SFQ=Southern Folklore Quarterly

[Address given by Professor Henry on ballads and their origin].  Englewood, NJ: The        Press (Mar. 14, 1930).

"Adventures in the Great Smokies."  NYEP (Aug. 29, 1930).

"Adventures of a Ballad Collector."  Word Study.  Springfield, Mass.: G. & C. Merriam     Co., June, 1932.

"American Survival of a Traditional Ballad."  NJJE 17: 4 (Dec., 1927) 11.

"American Survivals of a Traditional Ballad."  NJJE 16: 6 (Feb., 1927) 7.

"An Unpublished Version of Two American Songs: 'The Texas Rangers' and 'Little Mohea'."  NJJE 17: 3 (Mar., 1928) 13-14.

"Ballade of the Skunk, The."  JAFL 57 (1944) 281-282.

"Ballads and Songs of the Southern Highlands."  JAFL 42 (1929) 254-300.

Beech Mountain Folk Songs and Ballads, for voice and piano.  New York: G. Schirmer,  1936. 

Bibliography for the Study of American Folk-Songs, A.  London: The Mitre Press, 1937.

"Blue Ridge of North Carolina, The."  NYEP (Mar. 23, 1923).

"Brian O'Lynn."  JAFL 54 (1941) 83-84.

"Collecting Ballads in the Southern Highlands."  NJER 8: 5 (Mar.-Apr., 1935) 14.

"Devil's Ditties."  JAFL 45 (1935) 273.   [Review]

"English Deparrtment, The."  NJJE 14: 7 (Mar., 1925) 10.

Folk-Songs from the Southern Highlands.  New York:  J. J. Augustin, 1939.

"Frankie and Johnny."  NJJE 20: 5-6 (Jan.-Feb., 1931) 15.  [Review].

"Great Central Research Bureau at Washington for Folk-Songs."  NJJE (Mar., 1929) 12.

"History of An American Folksong, The— 'The Lexington Girl'."  NJJE 18: 8-9 (Apr.-May, 1929), 10; 9-10.

"Hunting Mountain Ballads"  NYEP (Aug. 22, 1930).

"Jack Hall." JAFL 44 (1932) 305.

"Jack Hall."  NJJE 9: 7 (Mar., 1930) 8.

"King Henry Fifth's Conquest of France (Child, 164): A Traditional Ballad Not Hitherto     Found in America."  Comment and Criticism 48: 1 (Mar., 1933) 307-310.

"King Henry Fifth's Conquest of France: A Traditional Ballad Not Hitherto Found in          America."  NJJE (Nov.-Dec., 1930) 6.

"'Lamkin' (An Old English Ballad Rare in America... A Tennessee Version Never Before    Published."  NJJE 19:1 (Sept., 1929) 9.

"Lexington Girl, The."  JAFL 42 (July-Sept., 1929) 247-253.

"Library of Congress Plans to Preserve American Folk-Songs in a National Collection."     NJJE   18: 6 (Feb., 1929) 10.

"Life in the Great Smoky National Park."  NJJE 20: 2 (Oct., 1930) 4.

"Little Dicky Whigburn."  FSSNE 3: 15 (1932).

"More Songs from the Southern Highlands."  JAFL 44: 171 (Jan.-Mar., 1931) [61]-115.

"Mountain Minstrelsy of Pennsylvania."  FSSNE 4: 18 (1930). [Book Review]

"Negro Songs from Georgia."  JAFL 44: 174 (Oct.-Dec., 1931) 437-447.

"North Carolina Field for Exploring Hikes."  NYEP (Dec. 28, 1923).

"North Carolina Trails"  NYEP (Aug. 13, 1923).

"North Carolina Trails."  NYEP (Oct. 31, 1923).

"Nursery Rhymes and Game-Songs from Georgia."  JAFL 47 (Oct.-Dec., 1934) 334-341.

"Our Mountain Trails."  Asheville [North Carolina] Citizen (Oct. 9, 1923).

"Pearl Bryan."  JAFL 56 (1943) 139-140.

"Pearl Bryant: An Unpublished Variant of an American Folksong."  JAFL 42 (1929) 301- 303.

"Prose Writers of New Jersey: Later Writers, Section 2."  NJJE (Oct., 1925) 5-6.

"Songs from North Carolina."  SFQ 5:3 (Sept., 1941) 137-149. [with Maurice Matteson].

"Songs of Mine Disasters."  NJJE (Jan., 1930) 10.

Songs Sung in the Southern Appalachians.  London: The Mitre Press, 1934. [1933?]

"South as a Summer Resort."  NYEP (Aug. 17, 1923).

"Southern Highlands, The." NJJE 19: 3-4 (Nov.- Dec., 1929) 10.

"Springfield Mountain."  FSSNE 5: 15 (1932).

"Still More Ballads and Folk-Songs from the Southern Highlands."  The Charlotte [North   Carolina] Observer (Aug. 13, 1934).  [Review by Phillips Russell].

"Still More Ballads and Folk-Songs from the Southern Highlands."  JAFL 45: 175 (Jan.-   Mar., 1932) 1-176.

"Stray Fragments of Old."  NJJE 16: 10 (June, 1927), 9.

"Teachers as Collectors of Folk-Songs; American Survivals of the Popular Ballad; the Southern Highlands now practically their only home."  NJJE 15: 7 (Mar., 1926) 6; 11-12; 16-19.

"Thursday April."  FSSNE 5: 21 (1932).

"Traditional Ballad [sic] of Pennsylvania."  Altoona [Pennsylvania] Tribune (Jan. 30,  1932) 6.

"Trampers' Trails Through North Carolina Highlands."  Asheville [North Carolina] Citizen (Oct. 8, 1923).

"Trampers' Trails Through North Carolina Highlands."  NYEP (Aug. 31, 1923).

"Two Ballad Fragments."  AS 1 (No. 4) (Jan., 1926) 247.

"Unpublished Version of a Folk-Song: 'Little Frankie'."  NJJE 16: 1 (Sept., 1926) 20.

"Where are the Folk-Songs and Ballads of New Jersey?"  NJJE 15: 6 (Feb., 1926) 5; 17.


List of Ballads and Folk-Songs Collected by Mellinger E. Henry

Box No. Folder No. Description Informant
1 Indexes  "List of Ballads and Folk-Songs Collected by Mellinger E. Henry...."  Henry, Mellinger E. (n.d.)
1 1 Lady Isabel and the Elf Knight  Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug. 1, 1928)
1 2 Earl Brand Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug., 1928)
1 3 Lord Randal
 Riddle, Mary; Black Mountain, NC (1926)
1 4 Young Beichan  Harmon, Laura; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug., 1928)
1 5 Lord Thomas and Fair Annet  Harmon, Samuel P.; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug., 1928)
1 6 Little Musgrave and Lady Barnard  Harmon, Samuel P.; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug., 1928)
1 7 Bonny Barbara Allen  Proctor, Mrs. Hiram; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug., 1928)
1 8 Barbara Allen  Riddle, Mary; Black Mountain, NC (n.d.)
1 9 Bold Lamkin  Harmon, Laura; Cade's Cove, TN (1928)
1 10A Maid Freed from the Gallows, The Riddle, Mary; Black Mountain, NC (n.d.)
1 10B Maid Freed from the Gallows, The Riddle, Mary; Black Mountain, NC (n.d.)
1 10C Maid Freed from the Gallows, The Ferrar, Laura; Jersey City, NJ (n.d.)
1 11 Johnny Scot  Harmon, Laura; Cade's Cove, TN (Sept. 23, [1928])
1 12 James Harris Proctor, Mrs. Hiram; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug., 1928)
1 13 [Pretty Polly] Gadsey, Granville; Guerrant, KY (July, 1925)
2 14 Willie Morrow, Mrs. Emory P.; Aliceville, AL (1925)
2 14 Flirting Morrow, Mrs. Emory P.; Aliceville, AL (1925)
2 14 [Sinful to Flirt] Morrow, Mrs. Emory P.; Aliceville, AL (1925)
2 15 Sweet Willie Morrow, Mrs. Emory P.; Aliceville, AL (1925)
2 15 Flirting Morrow, Mrs. Emory P.; Aliceville, AL (1925)
2 15 [Sinful to Flirt] Morrow, Mrs. Emory P.; Aliceville, AL (1925)
2 16 Pearl Bryant Gadsey, Granville; Guerrant, KY (1925)
2 16 "Pearl Bryant: An Unpublished Variant of an American Folk Song" Henry, Mellinger E. (ca.1929)
2 17 Texas Rangers, The  Riddle, Mary; Black Mountain, NC (1925)
2 18 Oma Wise Oliver, Henry Clay; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug., 1928)
2 18 Poor Omie Oliver, Henry Clay; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug., 1928)
2 19 Little Mohea Riddle, Mary; Black Mountain, NC (1925)
2 19 Pretty Mohea, The Riddle, Mary; Black Mountain, NC (1925)
2 20 Litte Mohea Morrow, Mrs. Emory P.; Aliceville, AL (1925)
2 20 [Pretty Mohea, The]  Morrow, Mrs. Emory P.; Aliceville, AL (1925)
2 21 Little Frankie Gadsey, Granville; Guerrant, KY (1925)
2 21 Frankie and Albert Gadsey, Granville; Guerrant, KY (1925)
2 21 "Unpublished Version of a Folk-Song: Little Frankie" Henry, Mellinger E. (ca.1926)
2 22 Frankie Harmon, Austin; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug., 1928)
2 22 Frankie and Albert Harmon, Austin; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug., 1928)
2 23 [Frankie and Albert] Tuohy, Austin; Jersey City, NJ (n.d.)
2 23 Little Frankie Tuohy, Austin; Jersey City, NJ (n.d.)
2 24 Lexington Girl Riddle, Mary; Black Mountain, NC (n.d.)
2 24 Wexford Girl, The Riddle, Mary; Black Mountain, NC (n.d.)
2 24 Cruel Miller, The Riddle, Mary; Black Mountain, NC (n.d.)
2 24 Lexington Miller, The Riddle, Mary; Black Mountain, NC (n.d.)
2 24 "The History of an American Folk-Song: The Lexington Girl" Henry, Mellinger E. (ca.1929)
2 25 Young Johnny Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug., 1928)
3 26 Sweet Willie Oliver, Henry Clay; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug., 1928)
3 27 Little Rose Wood Casket, A Morrow, Mrs. Emory P.; Aliceville, AL (1925)
3 27 Package of Old Letters, A Morrow, Mrs. Emory P.; Aliceville, AL (1925)
1 9 Boab King  Harmon, Laura; Cade's Cove, TN (1928)
3 28 Rosewood Casket Riddle, Mary; Black Mountain, NC (1925)
3 29 Frog and the Mouse, The Osgood, Charles G.; Princeton, NJ (n.d.)
3 30 Froggie Henry, Florence Stokes (n.d.)
3 31 Hargis-Marcum Feud, The Hall, Miss Mabel; Taft, TX (1926-1927)
3 31 Hargis-Marcum Feud, The Hurst, C.; Heiner, KY (Nov. 15, 1926)
3 31 Jett-Marcum Feud Hurst, C.; Heiner, KY (Nov. 15, 1926)
3 32 Butcher Boy, The Gianotti, Miss Nancy; Jersey City, NJ (1926)
3 33 Blind Child's Prayer, The Morrow, Mrs. E[mory] P.; [Aliceville, AL] (n.d.)
3 33 Blind Girl, The Morrow, Mrs. Emory P.; Aliceville, AL (n.d.)
3 34 Little Nellie Morrow, Mrs. Emory P.; Aliceville, AL (n.d.)
3 34 Nellie Morrow, Mrs. Emory P.; Aliceville, AL (n.d.)
3 35 My Last Gold Dollar Morrow, Mrs. Emory P.; Aliceville, AL (n.d.)
3 36 Treat Me Right [Negroes at Asheville, NC (n.d.)]
3 37 Grandma Grunts  Andelfinger, George H.; Jersey City, NJ (n.d.)
3 38 Pharoah's Army Got Drownded Stokes, Charles A.; Ft. Benning, Columbus, GA (n.d.)
3 39 Pharoah's Army  [Negroes at Montreat, NC (July, 1926)]
3 40 In the Morning ("minstrel song") Stokes, Charles A.; Ft. Benning, Columbus, GA (n.d.)
3 41 Golden Stairs Stokes, Charles A.; Ft. Benning, Columbus, GA (n.d.)
3 41 [Climbing Up the Golden Stairs] Stokes, Charles A.; Ft. Benning, Columbus, GA (n.d.)
3 42 Fragment of a Negro Camp-meeting Song Unidentified singer[s] (n.d.)
3 43 Negro Song [Negro spiritual singers at Montreat, NC (July, 1926)]
3 43 Negro Camp-Meeting Song, (Part of)  [Negro spiritual singers at Montreat, NC (July, 1926)]
4 44 Negro Song  Stokes, Miss Julia; Atlanta, GA (n.d.)
4 44 [Amazing Grace] Stokes, Miss Julia; Atlanta, GA (n.d.)
4 45 Black Sheep, [The] Riddle, Mary; Black Mountain, NC (n.d.)
4 46 Our Cheerful Voice Gadsey, Granville; Guerrant, KY (n.d.)
4 47 O Fathers, It's High Time You All Are Ready Gadsey, Granville; Guerrant, KY (n.d.)
4 48 Miner Boys, The Gadsey, Granville; Guerrant, KY (July, 1925)
4 48 "Songs of Mine Disasters"  Henry, Mellinger E. (n.d.)
4 49 I Have a Father Gone to Glory Gadsey, Granville; Guerrant, KY (July, 1925)
4 50 Dear Mother Gadsey, Granville; Guerrant, KY (July, 1925)
4 51 Rich Man Extra Tire Harmon, Laura; Cade's Cove, TN (Nov. 2, 1928)
4 51 [Rich Man of Exeter] Harmon, Laura; Cade's Cove, TN (Nov. 2, 1928)
4 52 One More Drink Unidentified singer[s] (n.d.)
4 53 Hired Man's Song (?), The Dann, Harvey M.; East Orange, NJ (n.d.)
4 54 And She Skipped Across the Green [Fragment] Dann, Harvey M.; East Orange, NJ (n.d.)
4 54 [Winding Up that Little Ball of Yarn] Dann, Harvey M.; East Orange, NJ (n.d.)
4 55 Hallelujah, I'm a Bum [Handbill (printed) from NJ social club] (n.d.)
4 56 Rambler Song Farr, Dr. Finis K.; Cincinnati, OH (n.d.)
4 56 Fragment of a Fraternity Song Farr, Dr. Finis K.; Cincinnati, OH (n.d.)
5 57 "Stray Fragments of Old American Songs of the Southern Highlands" Henry, Mellinger E. (ca.1927)
5 57 [Old Growler Is Dead] Henry, Mellinger E. (n.d.)
5 57 Hunter's Song, The Henry, Mellinger E. (n.d.)
5 57 Tommy Tompkins and Polly Hopkins Henry, Mellinger E. (n.d.)
5 57 Indian Camp-meeting Song Henry, Mellinger E. (n.d.)
5 58 "Lullaby Songs, Children's Games, etc." Henry, Florence Stokes (n.d.)
5 59 Texas Ranger Harmon, Austin; Varnell, GA (1929)
5 60 My Pretty Little Pink Harmon, Austin; Varnell, GA (1929)
5 61 Old Grampus Burnette, Mrs. Elsie; Black Mountain, NC (n.d.)
5 61 [Old Growler] Burnette, Mrs. Elsie; Black Mountain, NC (n.d.)
5 62 Ballade of the Skunk, The Unidentified singer[s] (n.d.)
5 64 "Mrs. Morrow's Comments" Morrow, Mrs. Emory P.; Aliceville, AL (n.d.)
5 65 Lulu Unidentified singer[s] (n.d.)
5 67 "Library of Congress Plans to Preserve American Folk-Songs in a National Collection" Henry, Mellinger E. (n.d.)
5 67 [Untitled essay re Robert W. Gordon and Library of Congress folksong collection] Henry, Mellinger E. (n.d.)
5 67 "Great Central Research Bureau at Washington for Folk Songs" Henry, Mellinger E. (n.d.)
5 68 Blind Girl, The Unidentified singer[s] (n.d.)
5 68 Little Rose Wood Casket, A Unidentified singer[s] (n.d.)
5 68 Willie Unidentified singer[s] (n.d.)
5 68 Little Mohea Unidentified singer[s] (n.d.)
5 68 Nellie Unidentified singer[s] (n.d.)
5 69 Rhyme of the Old-Time Hudson River Captains Unidentified singer[s] (n.d.)
5 70 [Untitled song re Saint Nicholas] Unidentified singer[s] (n.d.)
5 72 Jew's Daughter, The Tucker, Mrs. Mary; Varnell, GA (1929)
5 72 Sir Hugh, or The Jew's Daughter Tucker, Mrs. Mary; Varnell, GA (1929)
5 72 [Little Boy Lost His Ball, A] Tucker, Mrs. Mary; Varnell, GA (1929)
5 73 Wife of Usher's Well  Tucker, Mrs. Mary; Varnell, GA (1929)
5 74 Come Pretty Polly Tucker, Mrs. Mary; Varnell, GA (1929)
5 74 Little Mollie Tucker, Mrs. Mary; Varnell, GA (Feb., 1929)
5 74 [Pretty Polly] Tucker, Mrs. Mary; Varnell, GA (Feb., 1929)
5 76 "Great Central Research Bureau at Washington for Folk Songs" Henry, Mellinger E. (n.d.)
5 77 My Dearest Dear Tucker, Mrs. Mary; Varnell, GA (1929)
6 78 Johnny Doyle Tucker, Mrs. Mary; Varnell, GA (1929)
6 78 Ganual More [?] Tucker, Mrs. Mary; Varnell, GA (1929)
6 79 William and Polly  Tucker, Mrs. Mary; Varnell, GA (1929)
6 80 Young Hunting  Tucker, Mrs. Mary; Varnell, GA (1929)
6 80 Loving Heneary [sic]  Tucker, Mrs. Mary; Varnell, GA (1929)
6 81 Early in the Spring  Harmon, Austin; Varnell, GA (n.d.)
6 82 Johnny Troy Tucker, Miss Rachel; Varnell, GA (n.d.)
6 82 Song of a Hero Tucker, Miss Rachel; Varnell, GA (n.d.)
6 82 Song of Heraw [i.e."hero'] Tucker, Miss Rachel; Varnell, GA (n.d.)
6 85 Battle of Fredericksburg, The Tucker, Miss Rachel; Varnell, GA (n.d.)
6 85 Just Before the Last Great Charge Tucker, Miss Rachel; Varnell, GA (n.d.)
6 86 Kitty Wells Clark, Cora; Crossnore, NC (July 13, 1929)
6 87 I'm Going to Georgia King, Miss Mary E.; Gatlinburg, TN (Aug. 12, 1929)
6 88 All My Sins Are Taken Away King, Miss Mary E.; Gatlinburg, TN (Aug., 1929)
6 89 Mary Fagen King, Miss Mary E.; Gatlinburg, TN (Aug. 12, 1929)
6 89 Leo Frank and Mary Phagan King, Miss Mary E.; Gatlinburg, TN (Aug. 12, 1929)
6 90 Rowan County Trouble King, Miss Mary E.; Gatlinburg, TN (Aug., 1929)
6 90 Tolliver-Martin Feud Song King, Miss Mary E.; Gatlinburg, TN (Aug., 1929)
6 91 Butcher Boy, The King, Miss Mary E.; Gatlinburg, TN (n.d.)
6 92 Sourwood Mountain Johnson, Misses Ronie and Annie Barbara; Crossnore, NC (July 12, 1929)
6 93 Georgia Creek Harmon, Austin; Varnell, GA (1929)
6 94 Jack Hall [Informant?]
6 94 Song Sung on the Scaffold By Samuel Hall, An 18th Century English Murderer [Informant?]
6 95 Drunken Dream Franklin, Miss Juanita; Crossnore, NC (July, 1929) 
6 95 [Drunkard's Dream, The] Franklin, Miss Juanita; Crossnore, NC (July, 1929) 
6 96 Sinking of Titanic King, Miss Mary E.; Gatlinburg, TN (Aug., 1929)
6 96 Great Titanic, The King, Miss Mary E.; Gatlinburg, TN (Aug., 1929)
6 97 Jesse James King, Miss Mary E.; Gatlinburg, TN (Aug. 12, 1929)
6 98 Little Sparrow Franklin, Miss Lib; Crossnore, NC (July, 1929)
6 98 [Fair and Tender Ladies] Franklin, Miss Lib; Crossnore, NC (July, 1929)
6 99 Little Sparrow Bohanan, Ray; Sevierville, TN (Aug. 15, 1929)
6 99 False Lover, The Bohanan, Ray; Sevierville, TN (Aug. 15, 1929)
6 99 [Fair and Tender Ladies] Bohanan, Ray; Sevierville, TN (Aug. 15, 1929)
7 100 Tender Lady, The King, Miss Mary E.; Gatlinburg, TN (n.d.)
1 Indexes  "List of Ballads and Folk-Songs Collected by Mellinger E. Henry...."  Henry, Mellinger E. (n.d.)
7 100 Little Sparrow Bohanan, Ray; Sevierville, TN (Aug. 15, 1929)
7 101 Jack and Joe Hardin, Mac; Sevierville, TN (Aug., 1929)
7 102 Jack and Joe Bohanan, Ray; Sevierville, TN (Aug. 12, 1929)
7 103 Jack and Joe King, Miss Mary E.; Gatlinburg, TN (Aug., 1929)
7 104 Wexford Girl, The Bohanan, Ray; Sevierville, TN (Aug. 12, 1929)
7 104 Cruel Miller, The Bohanan, Ray; Sevierville, TN (Aug. 12, 1929)
7 104 Boston Girl Bohanan, Ray; Sevierville, TN (Aug. 12, 1929)
7 105 Old Robin King, Miss Mary E.; Gatlinburg, TN (Aug. 12, 1929)
7 106 Paper Pins Franklin, Misses Mary and Pauline; Crossnore, NC (July 11, 1929)
7 107 House Carpenter Franklin, Mrs. Cleophas L.; Crossnore, NC (July 14, 1929)
7 108 Sweet Willie Franklin, Mrs. Cleophas L.; Crossnore, NC (July 14, 1929)
7 109 Lord Randall Unidentified singer[s] (n.d.)
7 109 Texas Ranger Unidentified singer[s] (n.d.)
7 109 Sweet Willie Unidentified singer[s] (n.d.)
7 109 Oma Wise McLean, Miss Dicie; Crossnore, NC (July, 1929)
7 110A Little Oma Wise King, Miss Mary E.; Gatlinburg, TN (Aug. 12, 1929)
7 110A Poor Omie King, Miss Mary E.; Gatlinburg, TN (Aug. 12, 1929)
7 110A [Omie Wise] King, Miss Mary E.; Gatlinburg, TN (Aug. 12, 1929)
7 110B Frankie Baker Johnson, Miss Ronie; Crossnore, NC (July, 1929)
7 110B Frankie and Albert Johnson, Miss Ronie; Crossnore, NC (July, 1929)
7 112 Frankie Baker Franklin, Mrs. Cleophas L.; Crossnore, NC (July, 1929)
7 112 Little Frankie Gadsey, Granville; Guerrant, KY (1925)
7 113 No Change in Me Bohanan, Ray; Sevierville, TN (Aug. 12, 1929)
7 114 Old Smoky Johnson, Miss Ronie; Crossnore, NC (July 13, 1929)
7 115 Married and Single Life Franklin, Mrs. Cleophas L.; Crossnore, NC (July, 1929)
7 115 Come All Young Men Franklin, Mrs. Cleophas L.; Crossnore, NC (July, 1929)
8 116 House Carpenter, The Johnson, Miss Ronie; Crossnore, NC (July, 1929)
8 116 James Harris  Johnson, Miss Ronie; Crossnore, NC (July, 1929)
8 117 Barbara Allen Franklin, Miss Mary; Crossnore, NC (July 10, 1929)
8 117 Bonny Barbara Allan  Franklin, Miss Mary; Crossnore, NC (July 10, 1929)
8 120 Twa Sisters, The  Clark, Cora; Crossnore, NC (July 12, 1929)
8 119 On the Banks of the Ohio  Clark, Cora; Crossnore, NC (July 13, 1929)
8 119 Shawnee, The Clark, Cora; Crossnore, NC (July 13, 1929)
8 119 On the Banks of the Old Pedee Clark, Cora; Crossnore, NC (July 13, 1929)
8 121 [Untitled article for The (New Jersey) Journal of Education] Henry, Mellinger E. (n.d.)
8 122 William and Mary Bohanan, Ray; Sevierville, TN (Aug. 12, 1929)
8 123 Package of Old Letters, A Bohanan, Ray; Sevierville, TN (July, 1929)
8 123 [Little Rosewood Casket] Bohanan, Ray; Sevierville, TN (July, 1929)
8 124 Willie Franklin, Miss Mary; Crossnore, NC (July, 1929)
8 124 Flirting Franklin, Miss Mary; Crossnore, NC (July, 1929)
8 124 [They Say it is Sinful to Flirt] Franklin, Miss Mary; Crossnore, NC (July, 1929)
8 125 Wagoner Lad, The Franklin, Mrs. Cleophas L.; Crossnore, NC (July 14, 1929)
8 125 Wagoner's Lad, The Franklin, Mrs. Cleophas L.; Crossnore, NC (July 14, 1929)
8 126 Little Blossom  Bohanan, Ray; Sevierville, TN (Aug., 1929)
8 127 Little Mohea King, Miss Mary E.; Gatlinburg, TN (Aug. 12, 1929)
8 128 Frances Silvers Johnson, Miss Ronie; Crossnore, NC (July 12, 1929)
8 128 [Frankie Silvers] Johnson, Miss Ronie; Crossnore, NC (July 12, 1929)
8 129 Gambling on the Sabbath Day Hardin, Mac; Sevierville, TN (Aug., 1929)
8 130 Soldier Boy, The Hardin, Mac; Sevierville, TN (Aug., 1929)
8 130 Lover's Lament, The Hardin, Mac; Sevierville, TN (Aug., 1929)
8 131 Lonesome Scenes of Winter, The Hardin, Mac; Sevierville, TN (Aug., 1929)
8 132 British Soldier, The Hardin, Mac; Sevierville, TN (Aug., 1929)
8 133 One More Kiss Before I Go Hardin, Mac; Sevierville, TN (Aug., 1929)
9 134 Boston Girl, The Hardin, Mac; Sevierville, TN (Aug., 1929)
9 135 Rambling Cowboy, The Bohanan, Ray; Sevierville, TN (Aug. 18, 1929)
9 136 Santa Barbara Earthquake, The King, Miss Mary E.; Gatlinburg, TN (Aug. 12, 1929)
9 137 Wreck of Number Nine, The King, Miss Mary E.; Gatlinburg, TN (Aug. 12, 1929) 
9 138 Floyd Collins King, Miss Mary E.; Gatlinburg, TN (Aug. 12, 1929) 
9 139 Package of Old Letters, A King, Miss Mary E.; Gatlinburg, TN (Aug. 12, 1929)
9 140 Little Rosewood Casket King, Miss Mary E.; Gatlinburg, TN (n.d.)
9 141 Fragments [Informant?]
9 142 [Untitled] ["You thought I was blind but now I see...."] Bohanan, Ray; Sevierville, TN (Aug., 1929) 
9 143 Mule Franklin, Mrs. Annie E.; Crossnore, NC (July 24, 1929)
9 144 Frog and the Mouse, The King, Miss Mary E.; Gatlinburg, TN (Aug., 1929) 
9 145 Claud Allen McLean, Miss Dicie; Crossnore, NC (July, 1929)
9 146 Pearl Bryan King, Miss Mary E.; Gatlinburg, TN (Aug., 1929)
9 146 Florilla King, Miss Mary E.; Gatlinburg, TN (Aug., 1929)
9 147 Little Mauniee Bohanan, Ray; Sevierville, TN (Aug., 1929) 
9 147 [Little Maumee] Bohanan, Ray; Sevierville, TN (Aug., 1929) 
9 147 [Pretty Maumee] Bohanan, Ray; Sevierville, TN (Aug., 1929) 
9 147 [Indian Lass, The] Bohanan, Ray; Sevierville, TN (Aug., 1929) 
9 148 I Gave My Love a Cherry Franklin, Miss Mary; Crossnore, NC (July 10, 1929)
9 148 Capt. Wedderburn's Courtship  Franklin, Miss Mary; Crossnore, NC (July 10, 1929)
9 149 My Dear Sweetheart King, Miss Mary E.; Gatlinburg, TN (Aug., 1929)
9 149 Black is the Color King, Miss Mary E.; Gatlinburg, TN (Aug., 1929)
9 150 I Gave My Love a Cherry Johnson, Miss Ronie; Crossnore, NC (July 12, 1929)
9 150 Capt. Wedderburn's Courtship  Johnson, Miss Ronie; Crossnore, NC (July 12, 1929)
9 151 "Nursery Rhymes" "Game Songs" Stokes, Miss Julia; Atlanta, GA (n.d.)
9 152 "Nursery Rhymes" "Game Songs" Stokes, Miss Julia; Atlanta, GA (n.d.)
9 153 I Am Standing in the Shoes of John Franklin, Mrs. Cleophas L.; Crossnore, NC (July, 1929)
9 154 Fragments King, Miss Mary E.; Gatlinburg, TN (Aug., 1929)
9 155 Kaiser, T'is of Thee, The (Tune: America) Bohanan, Ray; Sevierville, TN (Aug., 1929) 
9 156 True Lover's Farewell, The Bohanan, Ray; Sevierville, TN (Aug., 1929)
9 156 Parting Sweethearts Bohanan, Ray; Sevierville, TN (Aug., 1929)
9 157 Farewell Parting Lover, The Bohanan, Ray; Sevierville, TN (Aug., 1929)
9 157 Farewell, Parting Lover Bohanan, Ray; Sevierville, TN (Aug., 1929)
9 158 Irish Barber Bohanan, Edna [Sevierville, TN] (Aug., 1929)
10 159 Last Good Bye Bohanan, Ray; Sevierville, TN (Aug., 1929) 
10 160 Soldier Love King, Miss Mary E.; Gatlinburg, TN (Aug., 1929)
10 160 Sweet Willie  King, Miss Mary E.; Gatlinburg, TN (Aug., 1929)
10 161 Will You Love Me When I Am Bald? Bohanan, Ray; Sevierville, TN (Aug., 1929) 
10 163 Massa Had a Yaller Gal Henry, Florence Stokes (n.d.)
10 164 Butcher Boy, The Gray, Mrs. Henry C.; Terre Haute, IN (n.d.)
10 165 Twa Corbies, The Gray, Mrs. Henry C.; Terre Haute, IN (n.d.)
10 165 Three Ravens, The  Gray, Mrs. Henry C.; Terre Haute, IN (n.d.)
10 166 [Negro songs collected by Julia Stokes...] Stokes, Miss Julia [from Martha Hardwick]; Early Co., GA (May, 1929)
10 166 I Got a Home Stokes, Miss Julia [from Martha Hardwick]; Early Co., GA (May, 1929)
10 166 Lord, I Wonder Is My Mother on That Train? Stokes, Miss Julia [from Martha Hardwick]; Early Co., GA (May, 1929)
10 166 That Same Train Stokes, Miss Julia [from Martha Hardwick]; Early Co., GA (May, 1929)
10 166 I'm Going to Die Wid His Staff in My Hand Stokes, Miss Julia [from Martha Hardwick]; Early Co., GA (May, 1929)
10 166 John Said That Number Stokes, Miss Julia [from Martha Hardwick]; Early Co., GA (May, 1929)
10 166 He Never Said a [M]umblin' Word Stokes, Miss Julia [from Martha Hardwick]; Early Co., GA (May, 1929)
10 166 Be Ready When He Comes Stokes, Miss Julia [from Martha Hardwick]; Early Co., GA (May, 1929)
10 166 Don't Turn Back Stokes, Miss Julia [from Martha Hardwick]; Early Co., GA (May, 1929)
10 166 [We'll Understand It Better By and By] Stokes, Miss Julia [from Martha Hardwick]; Early Co., GA (May, 1929)
10 166 Lead Me On Stokes, Miss Julia [from Martha Hardwick]; Early Co., GA (May, 1929)
10 166 If Anybody Asks You Who I Am Burruss, Ruth M.; Richmond, VA (n.d.)
10 166 I Can't Hole Out No More  Stokes, Miss Julia [from Martha Hardwick]; Early Co., GA (May, 1929)
10 166 We Will Understand By and By Stokes, Miss Julia [from Martha Hardwick]; Early Co., GA (May, 1929)
10 166 Fragment of a Negro Song [Shout Monah, You Shall Be Free] Stokes, Miss Julia [from Martha Hardwick]; Early Co., GA (May, 1929)
10 166 Fragmentary Lines of a Negro Song  Stokes, Miss Julia [from Martha Hardwick]; Early Co., GA (May, 1929)
10 166 My Sister Don't Love Me Stokes, Miss Julia [from Martha Hardwick]; Early Co., GA (May, 1929)
10 166 Fragment, A [i.e."There's such a rumblin' in the ground..."] Stokes, Miss Julia [from Martha Hardwick]; Early Co., GA (May, 1929)
10 166 In the Morning Stokes, Miss Julia [from Martha Hardwick]; Early Co., GA (May, 1929)
10 166 Golden Stairs Stokes, Miss Julia [from Martha Hardwick]; Early Co., GA (May, 1929)
10 169 Lord Randall Riddle, Mary; Black Mountain, NC (n.d.)
10 169 Lord Randall Riddle, Mary; Black Mountain, NC (n.d.)
10 169 Texas Ranger Riddle, Mary; Black Mountain, NC (n.d.)
10 169 Sweet Willie Riddle, Mary; Black Mountain, NC (n.d.)
10 169 Rosewood Casket Riddle, Mary; Black Mountain, NC (n.d.)
10 171 Cindy Franklin, Mrs. Cleophas L.; Crossnore, NC (Feb., 1930)
10 172 Blind Girl, The Franklin, Mrs. Cleophas L.; Crossnore, NC (1930)
10 172 Blind Child's Prayer, The Franklin, Mrs. Cleophas L.; Crossnore, NC (1930)
10 173 Orphan Girl, The Franklin, Mrs. Cleophas L.; Crossnore, NC (Feb., 1930)
10 174 Ground Hog Franklin, Mrs. Cleophas L.; Crossnore, NC (July 13, 1930)
10 175 I Love Little Willie Franklin, Mrs. Cleophas L.; Crossnore, NC (Feb., 1930)
10 176 Old Smoky Franklin, Mrs. Cleophas L.; Crossnore, NC (Feb., 1930)
11 177 Who Will Shoe My Foot Henry, Florence Stokes [Decatur, GA]; (n.d.)
11 177 Lass of Roch Royal, The  Henry, Florence Stokes [Decatur, GA]; (n.d.)
11 178 Fragment of a Negro Song  Henry, Florence Stokes [Decatur, GA]; (n.d.)
11 178 [Shout Monah, You Shall Be Free]  Henry, Florence Stokes [Decatur, GA]; (n.d.)
11 179 Sandy Henry, Florence Stokes [Decatur, GA]; (n.d.)
11 180 Did Ye Ever See the Divil? Matthewson, Frank E.; Jersey City, NJ (n.d.)
11 180 No Title Matthewson, Frank E., Jersey City, NJ (n.d.)
11 181 Maid Freed from the Gallows, The  Clark, Cora; Crossnore, NC (July 12, 1929)
11 182 Springfield Mountain  Westcott, Prof. Allan; Annapolis, MD (April 7, 1930)
11 183 Frog and the Mouse, The Westcott, Prof. Allan; Annapolis, MD (April 7, 1930)
11 184 Song Fragments Westcott, Prof. Allan; Annapolis, MD (April 7, 1930)
11 185 [Aunt Jemima's Plaster] Westcott, Prof. Allan; Annapolis, MD (April 22, 1930)
11 186 No Title  Matthewson, Frank E.; Jersey City, NJ (April, 1930)
11 186 Brian O'Lynn  Matthewson, Frank E.; Jersey City, NJ (April, 1930)
11 187 Fragmentary Lines of a Negro Song [Gospel Train?] [Negro entertainers at Skyland, Virginia (May 30, 1939)]
11 187 [Gospel Train?]  [Negro entertainers at Skyland, Virginia (May 30, 1939)]
11 187 "Negroes Singing at Skyland, May 30, 1930" Henry, Mellinger E. (1930)
11 188 Massa Had a Little Yaller Gal Henry, Florence Stokes [Decatur, GA]; (n.d.)
11 189 Black Jack David Cogar, Mr. N. E.; Berrysburg, NC[?] (Jan. 12, 1922)
11 189 Gypsy Laddie, The  Blair, Miss Mary; Paterson, NJ (May 25, 1930)
11 189 Gypsy Davy  Blair, Miss Mary; Paterson, NJ (May 25, 1930)
11 190 I Used to Have a Father Green[e], Mr. Harold; Washington, D.C. (n.d.)
11 190 Fragment (I Used to Have a Father) Green[e], Mr. Harold; Washington, D.C. (n.d.)
11 191 [Counting out rhymes, re 'Intra Mintra,' etc.] Boston Evening Transcript (Jan. 18, 1930)
11 192 Broomfield Hill, The  Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (Dec. 13, 1930)
11 193 Bamboo Briar, The  Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (Dec. 13, 1930)
11 193 Bramble Briar, The  Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (Dec. 13, 1930)
11 194 Wexford Girl, The  Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (Dec. 13, 1930)
11 194 Cruel Miller, The  Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (Dec. 13, 1930)
11 194 Lexington Girl, The  Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (Dec. 13, 1930)
11 195 Wife Wrapt in Wether's Skin  Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (Dec. 13, 1930)
11 196 Twelve Apostles  Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug. 13, 1930)
1 1 (Child No. 4) Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug. 1, 1928)
1 3 (Child No. 12) Riddle, Mary; Black Mountain, NC (1926)
1 4 (Child No. 53) Harmon, Laura; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug., 1928)
1 5 (Child No. 73) Harmon, Samuel P.; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug., 1928)
1 6 (Child No. 81) Harmon, Samuel P.; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug., 1928)
1 7 (Child No. 84) Proctor, Mrs. Hiram; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug., 1928)
1 8 (Child No. 84) Riddle, Mary; Black Mountain, NC (n.d.)
1 9 (Child No. 93) Harmon, Laura; Cade's Cove, TN (1928)
1 12 Daemon Lover, The Proctor, Mrs. Hiram; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug., 1928)
1 12 (Child No. 243) Proctor, Mrs. Hiram; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug., 1928)
5 73 (Child No. 79) Tucker, Mrs. Mary; Varnell, GA (1929)
5 71 (Child No. 155) Hoover, M. M.; New York, NY (n.d.)
6 80 (Child No. 68)  Tucker, Mrs. Mary; Varnell, GA (1929)
6 81 One Dark and Gloomy Day Harmon, Austin; Varnell, GA (n.d.)
7 107 Daemon Lover, The Franklin, Mrs. Cleophas L.; Crossnore, NC (July 14, 1929)
8 116 Daemon Lover, The Johnson, Miss Ronie; Crossnore, NC (July 12, 1929)
8 116 (Child No. 243) Johnson, Miss Ronie; Crossnore, NC (July 12, 1929)
8 117 (Child No. 84) Franklin, Miss Mary; Crossnore, NC (July 10, 1929)
8 120 (Child No. 10) Clark, Cora; Crossnore, NC (July 12, 1929)
10 160 Sailor Boy King, Miss Mary E.; Gatlinburg, TN (Aug., 1929)
10 165 (Child No. 26) Gray, Mrs. Henry C.; Terre Haute, IN (n.d.)
10 166 [Shout Monah, You Shall Be Free] Stokes, Miss Julia [from Martha Hardwick]; Early Co., GA (May, 1929)
11 177 Who Will Shoe My Little Foot? Henry, Florence Stokes [Decatur, GA]; (n.d.)
11 177 (Child No. 76) Henry, Florence Stokes [Decatur, GA]; (n.d.)
11 181 (Child No. 95) Clark, Cora; Crossnore, NC (July 12, 1929)
11 181 Hangman's Tree, The Clark, Cora; Crossnore, NC (July 12, 1929)
11 189 (Child No. 200) Blair, Miss Mary; Paterson, NJ (May 25, 1930)
11 192 (Child No. 43) Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (Dec. 13, 1930)
11 195 (Child No. 277) Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (Dec. 13, 1930)
11 196 Ten Commandments, The Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug. 13, 1930)
11 196 Two Lillie White Babes Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug. 13, 1930)
11 196 Two Little White Babes, The Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug. 13, 1930)
12 197 Little Dickie Whigburn Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug. 13, 1930)
12 197 Little Dicky Whigburn Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug. 13, 1930)
12 198 Old Big Sheep, The Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug. 12, 1930)
12 198 Derby Ram Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug. 12, 1930)
12 199 Mermaid Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug. 13, 1930)
12 199 Mermaid Child, The Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug. 13, 1930)
12 199 (Child No. 289) Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug. 13, 1930)
12 200 Home Dearie Home Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug. 13, 1930)
12 200 Home Daughter Home Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug. 13, 1930)
12 201 Two Sisters, The Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug. 13, 1930)
12 201 (Child No. 10) Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug. 13, 1930)
12 202 (Child No. 10) Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug. 13, 1930)
12 202 Twa Sisters, The Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug. 13, 1930)
12 202 Two Sisters, The Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug. 13, 1930)
12 203 Gypsy Laddie, The Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug. 13, 1930)
12 203 Gypsy Davy Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug. 13, 1930)
12 203 (Child No. 200) Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug. 13, 1930)
12 204 Goodman, The Harmon, Samuel P.; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug., 1930)
12 204 (Child No. 274) Harmon, Samuel P.; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug., 1930)
12 204 [Our Goodman] Harmon, Samuel P.; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug., 1930)
12 205 I Love-ed a Lass Harmon, Samuel P.; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug. 13, 1930)
12 206 Cruel Mother, The Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug. 30, 1930)
12 206 (Child No. 20) Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug. 30, 1930)
12 207 Lonesome Dove Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug. 12, 1930)
12 207 Little Dove, The Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug. 12, 1930)
12 208 George Collins Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug. 12, 1930)
12 208 Lady Alice Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug. 12, 1930)
12 208 (Child No. 85) Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug. 12, 1930)
12 209 Little Betty Ann Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug. 13, 1930)
12 210 Sweet Trinity, The Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug. 13, 1930)
12 210 Golden Vanity, The Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug. 13, 1930)
12 210 Merry Golden Tree, The Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug. 13, 1930)
12 210 (Child No. 286) Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug. 13, 1930)
12 211 King Henry the Fifth Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug., 1930)
12 211 King Henry the Fifth's Conquest of France Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug., 1930)
12 211 "King Henry the Fifth's Conquest of France: A Traditional Ballad Not Hitherto..." Henry, Mellinger E. (n.d.)
13 212 Doctor Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug. 30, 1930)
13 212 Fair Sally Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug. 30, 1930)
13 212 Brown Girl, The Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug. 30, 1930)
13 212 (Child No. 295) Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug. 30, 1930)
13 213 Groundhog, The Blair, Miss Mary; Paterson, NJ (May 25, 1930)
13 213 Whistle Pig Blair, Miss Mary; Paterson, NJ (May 25, 1930)
13 214 Barbara Allen [fragment] Taylor, Mrs. William Gavin; Arlington, NJ (n.d.)
13 215 Butcher Boy, The Napiorski, Thaddeus; Jersey City, NJ (1929)
13 216 My Friend, Garfielder Corbett, William J.; Frost Proof, FL (April, 1930)
13 216 No Title Corbett, William J.; Frost Proof, FL (April, 1930)
13 216 Fragments of Negro Songs Corbett, William J.; Frost Proof, FL (April, 1930)
13 217 Sheffield Apprentice, The Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug. 13, 1930)
13 218 Farmer's Curst Wife, The Harmon, Samuel P.; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug. 12, 1930)
13 218 (Child No. 278) Harmon, Samuel P.; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug. 12, 1930)
13 219 Pretty Mohea Wilson, Mrs. Ewart; Pensacola, NC (Aug. 1, 1930)
13 220 Golden Willow Tree, The Wilson, Mrs. Ewart; Pensacola, NC (Aug. 1, 1930)
13 220 Sweet Trinity, The Wilson, Mrs. Ewart; Pensacola, NC (Aug. 1, 1930)
13 220 Golden Vanity, The Wilson, Mrs. Ewart; Pensacola, NC (Aug. 1, 1930)
13 220 (Child No. 286) Wilson, Mrs. Ewart; Pensacola, NC (Aug. 1, 1930)
13 221 No Title Wilson, Mrs. Ewart; Pensacola, NC (Aug. 1, 1930)
13 221 Mary of the Wild Moor Wilson, Mrs. Ewart; Pensacola, NC (Aug. 1, 1930)
13 222 Our Goodman Wilson, Mrs. Ewart; Pensacola, NC (Aug. 1, 1930)
13 222 Home Came the Goodman Wilson, Mrs. Ewart; Pensacola, NC (Aug. 1, 1930)
13 222 (Child No. 274) Wilson, Mrs. Ewart; Pensacola, NC (Aug. 1, 1930)
13 223 British Lady, The Wilson, Mrs. Ewart; Pensacola, NC (Aug. 1, 1930)
13 223 Jack Monroe Wilson, Mrs. Ewart; Pensacola, NC (Aug. 1, 1930)
13 223 Jackaro Wilson, Mrs. Ewart; Pensacola, NC (Aug. 1, 1930)
13 224 Sweet Soldier Boy Wilson, Mrs. Ewart; Pensacola, NC (Aug. 1, 1930)
13 224 Sweet William Wilson, Mrs. Ewart; Pensacola, NC (Aug. 1, 1930)
13 224 Sailor Boy, The Wilson, Mrs. Ewart; Pensacola, NC (Aug. 1, 1930)
1 8 "American Survivals of an Old English Ballad" [re 'Barbara Allen'] Henry, Mellinger E. (1927)
1 8 "American Survivals of a Traditional Ballad" [re 'Barbara Allen'] Henry, Mellinger E. (1927)
1 3 "American Survival of a Traditional Ballad," [re 'Lord Randal'] Henry, Mellinger E. (1927)
1 7 Barbey Ellen Proctor, Mrs. Hiram; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug., 1928)
9 148 (Child No. 46) Franklin, Miss Mary; Crossnore, NC (July 10, 1929)
1 1 Pretty Polly Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug. 1, 1928)
1 2 (Child No. 7) Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug., 1928)
1 2 Lord Loving Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug., 1928)
1 2 [Lord Lovel] Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug., 1928)
1 4 Young Behan Harmon, Laura; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug., 1928)
1 5 Lord Thomas and Fair Ellender Harmon, Samuel P.; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug., 1928)
1 6 Matty Groves Harmon, Samuel P.; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug., 1928)
1 7 [Barbara Allen]  Proctor, Mrs. Hiram; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug., 1928)
1 8 Barbary Allen  Riddle, Mary; Black Mountain, NC (n.d.)
1 9 Lambkin Harmon, Laura; Cade's Cove, TN (1928)
1 10A (Child No. 95) Riddle, Mary; Black Mountain, NC (n.d.)
1 10B (Child No. 95) Riddle, Mary; Black Mountain, NC (n.d.)
1 10C (Child No. 95) Ferrar, Laura; Jersey City, NJ (n.d.)
1 11 (Child No. 99) Harmon, Laura; Cade's Cove, TN (Sept. 23, [1928])
1 12 House Carpenter, The Proctor, Mrs. Hiram; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug., 1928)
1 13 Come Pretty Polly Gadsey, Granville; Guerrant, KY (July, 1925)
1 13 Pretty Pollie Gadsey, Granville; Guerrant, KY (July, 1925)
2 16 Jealous Lover, The Gadsey, Granville; Guerrant, KY (1925)
2 17 Texas Ranger Riddle, Mary; Black Mountain, NC (1925)
2 20 [Indian Lass, The] Morrow, Mrs. Emory P.; Aliceville, AL (1925)
3 26 Sweet Lily Oliver, Henry Clay; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug., 1928)
4 51 Rich Man, The Harmon, Laura; Cade's Cove, TN (Nov. 2, 1928)
4 53 I'm a Young Man from the Country Dann, Harvey M.; East Orange, NJ (n.d.)
5 61 Growler Burnette, Mrs. Elsie; Black Mountain, NC (n.d.)
5 65 [Shout Lulu] Unidentified singer[s] (n.d.)
5 71 Sir Hugh, or The Jew's Daughter Hoover, M. M.; New York, NY (n.d.)
5 71 Hugh of Lincoln Hoover, M. M.; New York, NY (n.d.)
5 71 Lamkin ["Boab King"] Harmon. Laura; Cade's Cove, TN (1928)
5 72 (Child No. 155) Tucker, Mrs. Mary; Varnell, GA (1929)
6 79 Sweet Willie Tucker, Mrs. Mary; Varnell, GA (1929)
14 225 Frankie and Johnny Wilson, Mrs. Ewart; Pensacola, NC (July 31 & Aug. 1, 1930)
14 226 Drowsy Sleeper, The Franklin, Mrs. Cleophas L.; Crossnore, NC (Aug. 3, 1930)
14 226 [Awake, Awake You Drowsy Sleeper] Franklin, Mrs. Cleophas L.; Crossnore, NC (Aug. 3, 1930)
14 227 Wife of Usher's Well, The Oliver, Mrs. John; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug. 13, 1930)
14 227 (Child No. 79) Oliver, Mrs. John; Cade's Cove, TN (Aug. 13, 1930)
14 228 Forsaken Lover Franklin, Miss Pauline; Crossnore, NC (Aug. 13, 1930)
14 229 Three Black Crows, The Franklin, Miss Mary; Crossnore, NC (Aug. 11 & 14, 1930)
14 229 (Child No. 26) Franklin, Miss Mary; Crossnore, NC (Aug. 11 & 14, 1930)
14 230 Forsaken King, Miss Mary E.; Gatlinburg, TN (Aug. 5, 1930)
14 230 [Dear Companion, The] King, Miss Mary E.; Gatlinburg, TN (Aug. 5, 1930)
14 231 Yorkshire Bite, The Johnson, Mrs. Lee; Pyatt; NC (July 14, 1930)
14 231 (Child No. 283) Johnson, Mrs. Lee; Pyatt; NC (July 14, 1930)
14 231 Robber Song Johnson, Mrs. Lee; Pyatt; NC (July 14, 1930)
14 231 Farmer John Johnson, Mrs. Lee; Pyatt; NC (July 14, 1930)
14 232 Liza Jane Johnson, Mrs. Lee; Pyatt; NC (July 14, 1930)
14 232 Eliza Jane Johnson, Mrs. Lee; Pyatt; NC (July 14, 1930)
14 232 [Whoa Mule] Johnson, Mrs. Lee; Pyatt; NC (July 14, 1930)
14 233 Little Rosewood Casket, The Franklin, Mrs. William; Crossnore, NC (July 16, 1930)
14 234 Barbara Allen Franklin, Mrs. William; Crossnore, NC (July 12, 1930)
14 235 Bessie Franklin, Mrs. William; Crossnore, NC (July 17, 1930)
14 235 Drunkard's Lone Child, The Franklin, Mrs. William; Crossnore, NC (July 17, 1930)
14 236 Young Edmund Franklin, Mrs. William; Crossnore, NC (July 17, 1930)
14 236 [Edwin in the Lowlands Low] Franklin, Mrs. William; Crossnore, NC (July 17, 1930)
14 237 John Atkins Franklin, Mrs. William; Crossnore, NC (July 17, 1930)
14 238 Tom Dooley Franklin, Mrs. William; Crossnore, NC (July 17, 1930)
14 239 Drunkard's Hell, The Franklin, Mrs. William; Crossnore, NC (July 16, 1930)
14 239 Drunkard's Dream, The Franklin, Mrs. William; Crossnore, NC (July 16, 1930)
1 10B (Child No. 95) Ferrar, Laura; Jersey City, NJ (n.d.)
1 10B Maid Freed from the Gallows, The Ferrar, Laura; Jersey City, NJ (n.d.)
7 107 James Harris Franklin, Mrs. Cleophas L.; Crossnore, NC (July 14, 1929)
7 107 (Child No. 243) Franklin, Mrs. Cleophas L.; Crossnore, NC (July 14, 1929)
9 150 (Child No. 46) Johnson, Miss Ronie; Crossnore, NC (July 12, 1929)
1 Indexes  "List of Ballads and Folk-Songs Collected by Mellinger E. Henry...."
 Henry, Mellinger E. (n.d.)
1 Indexes  "Modern Publications" [Draft 1] Henry, Mellinger E. (n.d.)
1 Indexes  "Modern Publications" [Draft 2] Henry, Mellinger E. (n.d.)
1 Indexes  "Alphabetical List of Songs"  Henry, Mellinger E. (n.d.)
1 Indexes  "List of Songs from 'More Songs from the Southern Highlands'"  Henry, Mellinger E. (n.d.)
1 Indexes  [List of song titles]  Henry, Mellinger E. (n.d.)
1 Indexes  "Variants"  Henry, Mellinger E. (n.d.)
1 Indexes  "Third Ballad Collection"  Henry, Mellinger E. (n.d.)
1 Indexes  "The Book of American Negro Spirituals by J. W. Johnson, et al" [contents listing] Henry, Mellinger E. (n.d.)
15 240 Orphan Girl Franklin, Mrs. William; Crossnore, NC (July 17, 1930)
15 241 Dying Soldier, The Franklin, Mrs. William; Crossnore, NC (July 17, 1930)
15 241 Soldier Boy, The Franklin, Mrs. William; Crossnore, NC (July 17, 1930)
15 242 Pretty Saro Franklin, Mrs. William; Crossnore, NC (July 14, 1930)
15 243 No Title (Oh, Have You Heard the Mournful Story?) Franklin, Mrs. William; Crossnore, NC (July 16, 1930)
15 243 Oh, Have You Heard the Mournful Story? Franklin, Mrs. William; Crossnore, NC (July 16, 1930)
15 243 Orphan's Song Franklin, Mrs. William; Crossnore, NC (July 16, 1930)
15 243 Orphan, The Franklin, Mrs. William; Crossnore, NC (July 16, 1930)
15 244 Black Mustache, The Franklin, Mrs. William; Crossnore, NC (July 18, 1930)
15 244 Darling Black Mustache, The Franklin, Mrs. William; Crossnore, NC (July 18, 1930)
15 245 Write a Letter to Mother Franklin, Mrs. William; Crossnore, NC (July 17, 1930)
15 245 Write a Letter to My Mother Franklin, Mrs. William; Crossnore, NC (July 17, 1930)
15 246 Drummer Boy, The Franklin, Mrs. William; Crossnore, NC (July 15, 1930)
15 246 Drummer Boy of Shiloh, The Franklin, Mrs. William; Crossnore, NC (July 15, 1930)
15 247 Three Black Crows Franklin, Cleophas L.; Crossnore, NC (July 13, 1930)
15 247 (Child No. 26) Franklin, Cleophas L.; Crossnore, NC (July 13, 1930)
15 248 [Oh, Who Will Shoe My Pretty Little Feet] Franklin, Cleophas L.; Crossnore, NC (July 14, 1930)
15 248 Lass of Roch Royal, The Franklin, Cleophas L.; Crossnore, NC (July 14, 1930)
15 248 (Child No. 76) Franklin, Cleophas L.; Crossnore, NC (July 14, 1930)
15 249 Our Goodman Franklin, Cleophas L.; Crossnore, NC (Aug. 3, 1930)
15 249 Three Nights [Drunk] Franklin, Cleophas L.; Crossnore, NC (Aug. 3, 1930)
15 249 (Child No. 274) Franklin, Cleophas L.; Crossnore, NC (Aug. 3, 1930)
15 250 Home in the Old Country Franklin, Cleophas L.; Crossnore, NC (July 6, 1930)
15 250 [Home Dearie Home] Franklin, Cleophas L.; Crossnore, NC (July 6, 1930)
15 251 Tom Dooley Franklin, Cleophas L.; Crossnore, NC (July 14, 1930)
15 252 Jesse James Franklin, Cleophas L.; Crossnore, NC (July 14, 1930)
15 252 Poor Jesse James Franklin, Cleophas L.; Crossnore, NC (July 14, 1930)
15 253 Poor Ellen Smith Franklin, Cleophas L.; Crossnore, NC (July 14, 1930)
15 253 Ellen Smith Franklin, Cleophas L.; Crossnore, NC (July 14, 1930)
15 254 Oma Wise Franklin, Cleophas L.; Crossnore, NC (July 13, 1930)
15 254 Omie Wise Franklin, Cleophas L.; Crossnore, NC (July 13, 1930)
15 254 Poor Omie Franklin, Cleophas L.; Crossnore, NC (July 13, 1930)
15 255 Darling Black Mustache Franklin, Cleophas L.; Crossnore, NC (July 13, 1930)
15 255 Black Mustache, The Franklin, Cleophas L.; Crossnore, NC (July 13, 1930)
15 256 Whistle Pig Franklin, Cleophas L.; Crossnore, NC (July 13, 1930)
15 256 [Ground Hog] Franklin, Cleophas L.; Crossnore, NC (July 13, 1930)
16 257 Eliza Jane Franklin, Cleophas L.; Crossnore, NC (July 7, 1930)
16 257 [Whoa Mule] Franklin, Cleophas L.; Crossnore, NC (July 7, 1930)
16 257 [Liza Jane] Franklin, Cleophas L.; Crossnore, NC (July 7, 1930)
16 258 Lulu Franklin, Cleophas L.; Crossnore, NC (July 14, 1930)
16 258 [Shout Lulu] Franklin, Cleophas L.; Crossnore, NC (July 14, 1930)
16 259 Old Ship of Zion Franklin, Cleophas L.; Crossnore, NC (July 6, 1930)
16 260 Big Eye Rabbit Franklin, Cleophas L.; Crossnore, NC (n.d.)
16 260 Big Eyed Rabbit Behind the Pine Franklin, Cleophas L.; Crossnore, NC (n.d.)
16 260 No Title Franklin, Cleophas L.; Crossnore, NC (n.d.)
16 261 No Title Franklin, Cleophas L.; Crossnore, NC (July 14, 1930)
16 261 Sal's Got a Meat-Skin Franklin, Cleophas L.; Crossnore, NC (July 14, 1930)
16 261 Sal Got a Meat Skin Laid Away Franklin, Cleophas L.; Crossnore, NC (July 14, 1930)
16 262 Butcher Boy, The Tucker, Miss Rachel; Varnell, GA (Nov. 5, 1930)
16 263 King Henry Fifth's Conquest of France Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (Oct. 12, 1930)
16 263 (Child No. 164) Harmon, Mrs. Samuel, Cade's Cove, TN (Oct. 12, 1930)
16 263 "King Henry Fifth's Conquest of France: A Traditional Ballad Not Hitherto Found..." Henry, Mellinger E. (n.d.)
16 264 Three Sons, The Proctor, Mrs. Hiram, Varnell, GA (Nov., 1930)
16 264 Song Ballet Proctor, Mrs. Hiram, Varnell, GA (Nov., 1930)
16 264 Three Boys Proctor, Mrs. Hiram, Varnell, GA (Nov., 1930)
16 264 Three Rogs [sic] [i.e. Three Rogues] Proctor, Mrs. Hiram, Varnell, GA (Nov., 1930)
16 264 [Three Jolly Rogues] Proctor, Mrs. Hiram, Varnell, GA (Nov., 1930)
16 265 Yorkshire Bite, The Tucker, Mrs. Mary; Varnell, GA (Nov. 5, 1930)
16 265 (Child No. 283) Tucker, Mrs. Mary; Varnell, GA (Nov. 5, 1930)
16 266 Holy Twig, The Tucker, Mrs. Mary; Varnell, GA (Oct. 11, 1930)
16 266 No Title Tucker, Mrs. Mary; Varnell, GA (Oct. 11, 1930)
16 266 Monday Morning, I Married Me a Wife Tucker, Mrs. Mary; Varnell, GA (Oct. 11, 1930)
16 267 Paper of Pins Tucker, Mrs. Mary; Varnell, GA (Oct. 11, 1930)
16 268 No Title Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Varnell, GA (Oct. 11, 1930)
16 268 Weaver Had a Wife, The Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Varnell, GA (Oct. 11, 1930)
16 268 Song Ballent [sic] Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Varnell, GA (Oct. 11, 1930)
16 268 [Major's Breeches, The] Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Varnell, GA (Oct. 11, 1930)
16 269 Song Ballen [sic] Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Varnell, GA (Oct. 30, 1930)
16 269 Last Night I Dreamed of My True Love Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Varnell, GA (Oct. 30, 1930)
16 270 Fair Damsel Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Varnell, GA (Oct. 30, 1930)
16 270 Song Ballen [sic] Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Varnell, GA (Oct. 30, 1930)
16 271 Bugaboo, The Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Varnell, GA (Oct. 11, 1930)
16 271 Buggerboo, The Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Varnell, GA (Oct. 11, 1930)
16 272 I Have Always Heard of These Old Men Tucker, Mrs. Mary; Varnell, GA (Oct. 11, 1930)
16 272 Song Tucker, Mrs. Mary; Varnell, GA (Oct. 11, 1930)
16 272 Song Tucker, Mrs. Mary; Varnell, GA (Oct. 11, 1930)
17 273 Little Blossom Bidwell, Margaret J. [author?]
17 274 Gallan Soldier, The [i.e. Gallant Soldier] Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Varnell, GA (October, 1930)
17 274 Soldier's Wooing, The Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Varnell, GA (October, 1930)
17 275 Claud Allen Tucker, Miss Rachel; Varnell, GA (Dec. 10, 1930)
17 276 Song Ballet Tucker, Miss Rachel; Varnell, GA (Dec. 10, 1930)
17 276 I Was Sixteen Years of Age Tucker, Miss Rachel; Varnell, GA (Dec. 10, 1930)
17 277 Wagner Boy Tucker, Miss Rachel; Varnell, GA (Dec. 10, 1930)
17 277 [Wagoner Lad, The] Tucker, Miss Rachel; Varnell, GA (Dec. 10, 1930)
17 278 On Top of Old Smoky Tucker, Miss Rachel; Varnell, GA (Dec. 10, 1930)
17 278 Old Smoky Tucker, Miss Rachel; Varnell, GA (Dec. 10, 1930)
17 278 [Pretty Saro] Tucker, Miss Rachel; Varnell, GA (Dec. 10, 1930)
17 279 Song Ballen Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Varnell, GA (Dec. 27, 1930)
17 279 I Rode to Church Last Sunday Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Varnell, GA (Dec. 27, 1930)
17 279 [Handsome Molly] Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Varnell, GA (Dec. 27, 1930)
17 280 Cowboy Song Tucker, Miss Rachel; Varnell, GA (Dec. 26, 1930)
17 280 Death of a Maiden Fair Tucker, Miss Rachel; Varnell, GA (Dec. 26, 1930)
17 280 [Ranger's Command] Tucker, Miss Rachel; Varnell, GA (Dec. 26, 1930)
17 281 Old Gray Mare, The Tucker, Mrs. Mary; Varnell, GA (Dec. 27, 1930)
17 281 [Once I Had an Old Gray Mare] Tucker, Mrs. Mary; Varnell, GA (Dec. 27, 1930)
17 282 Pearlie Bryant Tucker, Miss Rachel; Varnell, GA (Dec. 26, 1930)
17 283 Cherry Tree Carol, The Wheeler, Miss Mary; Paducah, KY (Jan. 14, 1931)
17 283 (Child No. 54) Wheeler, Miss Mary; Paducah, KY (Jan. 14, 1931)
17 284 Judgement, The Oliver, Mr. John; Cade's Cove, TN (n.d.)
17 284 Judgement, The Oliver, Mr. John; Cade's Cove, TN (Apr. 10, 1931)
17 285 Little Dove, The Oliver, Mr. John; Cade's Cove, TN (Apr. 10, 1931)
17 286 Orphan Girl, The Oliver, Mr. John; Cade's Cove, TN (Apr. 10, 1931)
17 287 Song Ballad Oliver, Mr. John; Cade's Cove, TN (Apr. 10, 1931)
17 288 Bold Jack Donahoe Seeley, Herleth[?] [via Fannie H. Eckstorm; Brewer, ME] (1926)
17 288 Wild Colonial Boy, The Seeley, Herleth[?] [via Fannie H. Eckstorm; Brewer, ME] (1926)
18 289 Quaker's Song Browne, Emily W.; Cambridge, MA (1931)
18 289 Shaker Song Browne, Emily W.; Cambridge, MA (1931)
18 289 [Come, Come, Shaker Life?] Browne, Emily W.; Cambridge, MA (1931) 
18 291 Lone Prairie, The MacMillan, Elizabeth C.; Passaic, NJ (n.d.)
18 291 Dying Cowboy, The MacMillan, Elizabeth C.; Passaic, NJ (n.d.)
18 291 [Bury Me Out on the Lone Prairie] MacMillan, Elizabeth C.; Passaic, NJ (n.d.)
18 292 [Darby Ram, The] Barclay, Mr. William Maxwell; Passaic, NJ (n.d.)
18 293 George Collins Wilson, Mrs. Ewart; Pensecola, NC (July, 1931)
18 293 Lady Alice Wilson, Mrs. Ewart; Pensecola, NC (July, 1931)
18 293 (Child No. 85) Wilson, Mrs. Ewart; Pensecola, NC (July, 1931)
18 294 Little Nell of Narragansett Bay Gage, Dr. D. S.; Montreat, NC (July, 1931)
18 295 Elfin Knight, The Gage, Dr. D. S.; Montreat, NC (July, 1931)
18 295 (Child No. 2) Gage, Dr. D. S.; Montreat, NC (July, 1931)
18 296 [Dying Cowboy, The] Gage, Dr. D. S.; Montreat, NC (July, 1931)
18 296 [I'm a poor cowboy / and I know I've done wrong...] Gage, Dr. D. S.; Montreat, NC (July, 1931)
18 297 [When I die, don't bury me at all...] Franklin, Cleophas L.; Crossnore, NC (Aug., 1931)
18 298 And-a When I Die Henry, Florence Stokes; [Atlanta, GA] (n.d.)
18 299 Judge and the Jury, The King, Miss Mary E.; Gatlinburg, TN (Aug., 1931)
18 299 (Child No. 209, possible derivative of) King, Miss Mary E.; Gatlinburg, TN (Aug., 1931)
18 300 Hangman's Song Stokes, Miss Julia [from Miss Hettie Twiggs]; Crossnore, NC (July, 1931)
18 300 Maid Freed from the Gallows, The Stokes, Miss Julia [from Miss Hettie Twiggs]; Crossnore, NC (July, 1931)
18 300 (Child No. 95) Stokes, Miss Julia [from Miss Hettie Twiggs]; Crossnore, NC (July, 1931)
18 301 Ground Hog Moser, Richard; Swannanoa, NC [from Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (Aug., 1931)
18 302 Shortening Bread Moser, Richard; Swannanoa, NC [from Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (Aug., 1931)
18 303 When You Hear that Whistle Blow Moser, Richard; Swannanoa, NC [from Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (Aug., 1931)
18 304 I Feel Like Travelling On Moser, Richard; Swannanoa, NC [from Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (Aug., 1931)
18 305 Sindy Moser, Richard; Swannanoa, NC [from Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (Aug., 1931)
18 305 [Cindy] Moser, Richard; Swannanoa, NC [from Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (Aug., 1931)
18 306 Old Maid's Song, The Franklin, Miss Pauline; Crossnore, NC (Aug., 1931)
18 306 [Old Joe Clark] Franklin, Miss Pauline; Crossnore, NC (Aug., 1931)
18 307 Little Orphans, Two King, Miss Mary E.; Gatlinburg, TN (Aug. 8, 1931)
18 308 I've Been Faithful to You King, Miss Mary E.; Gatlinburg, TN (Aug. 8, 1931)
18 309 You Told Me, Dear, That You Loved Me King, Miss Mary E.; Gatlinburg, TN (Aug. 8, 1931)
18 309 [I'm Thinking Tonight of My Blue Eyes] King, Miss Mary E.; Gatlinburg, TN (Aug. 8, 1931)
19 310 Such a Happy Girl King, Miss Mary E.; Gatlinburg, TN (Aug. 8, 1931)
19 310 One Kiss Before I Go King, Miss Mary E.; Gatlinburg, TN (Aug. 8, 1931)
19 310 [Kiss Me Quick and Let Me Go] King, Miss Mary E.; Gatlinburg, TN (Aug. 8, 1931)
19 311 John Henry Kirby, Robert; Montreat, NC (July, 1931)
19 312 John Henry Kirby, Robert; Montreat, NC (July, 1931)
19 313 John Henry Kirby, Robert; Montreat, NC (July, 1931)
19 314 John Henry Kirby, Robert; Montreat, NC (July, 1931)
19 315 John Henry Dixon, Joe; Montreat, NC (July, 1931)
19 316 Will the Weaver Harmon, Samuel P.; Varnell, GA (Aug., 1931)
19 317 Farm Life Song Newson, Mr. Budd: Iredell, NC (July, 1931)
19 317 [Kemo Kimo] Newson, Mr. Budd: Iredell, NC (July, 1931)
19 317 [Sing Song Kitty] Newson, Mr. Budd: Iredell, NC (July, 1931)
19 318 Old Man at His Grave, An Franklin, Miss Pauline; Crossnore, NC (Aug., 1931)
19 318 [Get Away Old Man] Franklin, Miss Pauline; Crossnore, NC (Aug., 1931)
19 319 Hard Times and Old Bill Franklin, Cleophas L.; Crossnore, NC (Aug., 1931)
19 320 His Little Black Mustache Stokes, Mrs. J. W. [via Miss Mary F. Stokes]; Lithonia, GA (Sept., 1931)
19 321 Billy Boy Franklin, Mrs. Cleophas L.; Crossnore, NC (Aug., 1931)
19 322 Tender Lady, The King, Miss Mary E.; Gatlinburg, TN (Aug., 1931)
19 322 [Fair and Tender Ladies] King, Miss Mary E.; Gatlinburg, TN (Aug., 1931)
19 322 [Come All You Fair and Tender Ladies] King, Miss Mary E.; Gatlinburg, TN (Aug., 1931)
19 323 Broken Engagement, The King, Miss Mary E.; Gatlinburg, TN (Aug., 1931)
19 324 Drunkard's Confession, A King, Miss Mary E.; Gatlinburg, TN (Aug., 1931)
19 325 Father Let's Go Down Stokes, Miss Julia [from Miss Hettie Twiggs]; Crossnore, NC (July, 1931)
19 325 [Down in the Valley to Pray] Stokes, Miss Julia [from Miss Hettie Twiggs]; Crossnore, NC (July, 1931)
19 326 My Lord, What a Morning! Stokes, Miss Julia [from Miss Hettie Twiggs]; Crossnore, NC (July, 1931)
19 327 I Heard the Whistle Blowing Stokes, Miss Julia [from Miss Hettie Twiggs]; Crossnore, NC (July, 1931)
19 328 Wild Bill Jones Stokes, Miss Julia [from Miss Hettie Twiggs]; Crossnore, NC (July, 1931)
19 329 Steamboat Bill King, Miss Mary E.; Gatlinburg, TN (Aug., 1931)
20 330 She'll Be Coming Around the Mountain Stokes, Miss Julia [from Bowie Wiseman]; Crossnore, NC ([July], 1931)
20 331 Jesus is a Rock Stokes, Miss Julia [from Miss Hettie Twiggs]; Crossnore, NC (July, [1931])
20 332 Sorghum Molasses Wilson, Mrs. Ewart; Pensacola, NC (Aug., 1931)
20 333 All in the Scenes of Winter King, Miss Mary E.; Gatlinburg, TN (Aug., 1931)
20 333 [Lonesome Scenes of Winter, The] King, Miss Mary E.; Gatlinburg, TN (Aug., 1931)
20 334 Pretty Fair Miss in the Garden McMahan, Miss Virgie; Pensacola, NC (Aug., 1931)
20 335 On the Banks of the Ohio Wilson, Miss Virginia; Pensacola, NC (Aug., 1931)
20 335 [Banks of the Ohio, The] Wilson, Miss Virginia; Pensacola, NC (Aug., 1931)
20 336 Old Man's Courtship, The Wilson, Miss Virginia; Pensacola, NC (Aug., 1931)
20 336 His Old Gray Beard a-Shining Wilson, Miss Virginia; Pensacola, NC (Aug., 1931)
20 337 Twenty Years Ago Wilson, Mrs. Ewart; Pensacola, NC (Aug., 1931)
20 338 Dishonest Miller, The Wilson, Mrs. Ewart; Pensacola, NC (Aug. 20, 1931)
20 338 [Miller's Will, The] Wilson, Mrs. Ewart; Pensacola, NC (Aug. 20, 1931)
20 339 Pretty Polly Combs, Miss Margaret; Guerrant, KY (Sept., 1931)
20 340 Short Life of Trouble Combs, Miss Margaret; Guerrant, KY (Sept., 1931)
20 341 Little Mohee Combs, Miss Margaret; Guerrant, KY (Sept., 1931)
20 341 [Indian Lass, The] Combs, Miss Margaret; Guerrant, KY (Sept., 1931)
20 343 Little Sweetheart Combs, Miss Margaret; Guerrant, KY (Sept., 1931)
20 345 Oh, Sing to Me of Heaven Combs, Miss Margaret; Guerrant, KY (Sept., 1931)
20 346 My Ole Home in Tennessee Combs, Miss Margaret; Guerrant, KY (Sept., 1931)
20 347 False Lover, The Combs, Miss Margaret; Guerrant, KY (Sept., 1931)
20 347 [Fair and Tender Ladies] Combs, Miss Margaret; Guerrant, KY (Sept., 1931)
20 347 [Awake, Awake You Drowsy Sleeper] Combs, Miss Margaret; Guerrant, KY (Sept., 1931)
20 348 Froggie Went a-Courting Stokes, Miss Julia [from Talton Aldridge]; Crossnore, NC (Jan., 1932)
20 349 Sailor Boy, The Tucker, Mrs. Mary; Varnell, GA (Jan., 1932)
20 350 Young Johnny Hall, Miss Mabel; Guerrant, KY (Jan., 1932)
21 351 Drunkard Song Hall, Miss Mabel; Guerrant, KY (Jan., 1932)
21 351 [Fortune] Hall, Miss Mabel; Guerrant, KY (Jan., 1932)
21 351 [Once I Had a Fortune] Hall, Miss Mabel; Guerrant, KY (Jan., 1932)
21 352 Waterfall, The Hall, Miss Mabel; Guerrant, KY (Jan., 1932)
21 353 Billy Boy Stokes, Mrs. J. W.; Lithonia, GA (Oct., 1931)
21 354 Cocaine George, Barnet; Lithonia, GA (July 30, 1931)
21 355 King William Was King George's Son Henry, Mellinger E. [from Mrs. Emma Henry as child in PA] (Feb. 10, 1932)
21 356 Butcher Boy, The Albers, Miss Elizabeth; Jersey City, NJ (Feb., 1932)
21 357 Pretty Pollie Harmon, Mrs. Austin; Varnell, GA (Nov. 3, 1931)
21 357 Come, Pretty Polly Harmon, Mrs. Austin; Varnell, GA (Nov. 3, 1931)
21 358 Calomel Song Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Varnell, GA (Sept., 1931)
21 359 Song Balit [sic] Hooker, Mrs. Sarah; Varnell, GA (Nov., 1931)
21 359 [Orphan Girl, The] Hooker, Mrs. Sarah; Varnell, GA (Nov., 1931)
21 359 Orphan's Song Hooker, Mrs. Sarah; Varnell, GA (Nov., 1931)
21 360 Floella Hooker, Mrs. Sarah; Varnell, GA (Nov., 1931)
21 361 Ground Hog Tucker, Mrs. Mary; Varnell, GA (Sept., 1931)
21 362 I Called My Dogs Tucker, Mrs. Mary; Varnell, GA (Oct. 16, 1931)
21 363 Forsaken Love Tucker, Mrs. Mary; Varnell, GA (Oct., 1931)
21 364 Claud Allen Tucker, Mrs. Mary; Varnell, GA (Oct., 1931)
21 365 Brisk Young Farmer, The Brackett, Mrs. Rachel; Varnell, GA (Feb., 1930)
21 365 William Hall Brackett, Mrs. Rachel; Varnell, GA (Feb., 1930)
21 365 [John Riley, etc.] Brackett, Mrs. Rachel; Varnell, GA (Feb., 1930)
21 365 [Broken Token, The] Brackett, Mrs. Rachel; Varnell, GA (Feb., 1930)
21 366 Room Was So Cold and Cheerless, The Brackett, Mrs. Rachel; Varnell, GA (Oct. 13, 1931)
21 367 Swannanoa Tunnel Brackett, Mrs. Rachel; Varnell, GA (Feb., 1932)
21 367 Swan O Tunnel Brackett, Mrs. Rachel; Varnell, GA (Feb., 1932)
21 368 First She Gave Was a Old Shot Gun Brackett, Mrs. Rachel; Varnell, GA (Dec., 1931)
21 369 Kittie Wells Coyner, Mrs. Samuel; Waynesboro, VA (Nov., 1931)
21 370 My Old Banjo Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Varnell, GA (Nov., 1931)
21 371 Sixpence Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Varnell, GA (Jan., 1932)
21 371 [Sing a Song of Sixpence] Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Varnell, GA (Jan., 1932)
21 372 Sugartown Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Varnell, GA (Jan., 1932)
21 372 Nursery Rhymes from Mrs. Harmon Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Varnell, GA (Jan., 1932)
21 372 [Jaybird] Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Varnell, GA (Jan., 1932)
22 373 Camphor Song, The Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Varnell, GA (Jan., 1932)
22 374 Gypsy's Warning, The Coyner, Mrs. Samuel; Waynesboro, VA (Nov., 1931)
22 375 He Was Standing by the Window Tucker, Mrs. Mary; Varnell, GA (Sept., 1931)
22 375 We Was Standing by the Window Tucker, Mrs. Mary; Varnell, GA (Sept., 1931)
22 376 Little Blossom Brackett, Mrs. Rachel; Varnell, GA (Oct., 1931)
22 377 Who Killed Poor Robin Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Varnell, GA (Nov. 10, 1931)
22 378 Young Soldier Brackett, Mrs. Rachel; Varnell, GA (Jan., 1932)
22 379 There Was a Little Tree Henry, Florence Stokes [from George Allison]; Atlanta, GA (n.d.)
22 381 Rowan County Troubles Franklin, Miss Mary; Crossnore, NC (July, 1930)
22 382 "'Devil's Ditties'" [Book review] Henry, Mellinger E. (ca.1935)
22 383 "Adventures of a Ballad Collector" Henry, Mellinger E. (ca.1932)
22 384 "'Mountain Minstrelsy of Pennsylvania'" [Book review] Henry, Mellinger E. (1931?)
22 385 "'Thursday April'" [Book review] Henry, Mellinger E. (1932?)
22 386 Song Fragments Westcott, Prof. Allan; Annapolis, MD (Apr., 1930)
22 386 Frog and the Mouse, The Westcott, Prof. Allan; Annapolis, MD (Apr., 1930)
22 386 [Kemo Kimo] Westcott, Prof. Allan; Annapolis, MD (Apr., 1930)
22 386 [Buffalo Girls] Westcott, Prof. Allan; Annapolis, MD (Apr., 1930)
22 386 [Paul Jones had a frigate...] Westcott, Prof. Allan; Annapolis, MD (Apr., 1930)
22 386 [Old Mammy Dinah] Westcott, Prof. Allan; Annapolis, MD (Apr., 1930)
22 387 Yorkshire Bite Harmon, Samuel P.; Varnell, GA (Aug., 1931)
22 388 Barbara Allen  [tune from unidentified source; (n.d.)]
22 388 True Love or Sailor Boy [tune from unidentified source; (n.d.)]
22 388 Billy Boy Blaylock, Miss [Susie] [tune from unidentified source (n.d.)]
22 388 Georgia Lullaby [Pigott, Robert S., composer mentioned only] (n.d.)
22 389 Two-Gun Cowboy, The Pressley, Miss Jessie; Black Mountain, NC (July, 1932)
22 390 Young Edmund Pressley, Miss Jessie; Black Mountain, NC (July, 1932)
22 390 Miss Emma Pressley, Miss Jessie; Black Mountain, NC (July, 1932)
22 390 Miss Emmer Pressley, Miss Jessie; Black Mountain, NC (July, 1932)
22 391 Oh! But I Won't Have Him Brackett, Mrs. Rachel; Varnell, GA (Aug. 29, 1932)
22 392 Old Counselor, The Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (July 26, 1932)
22 393 Little Family, The Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (July 26, 1932)
23 394 Judas 1st Version Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (July 26, 1932)
23 394 [Were You There When They Crucified My Lord?] Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (July 26, 1932)
23 395 Judas 2nd Version Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (July 26, 1932)
23 396 Marthy Wept Harmon, Mrs. Samuel; Cade's Cove, TN (July 26, 1932)
23 397 Poor Boy, The Pressley, Miss Jessie; Montreat, NC (July, 1932)
23 398 Harmon and His Sons Harmon, Samuel P.; Cade's Cove, TN (July 27, 1932)
23 399 Arkansas Traveler, The Harmon, Samuel P.; Cade's Cove, TN (July 27, 1932)
23 400 [Lecture to Blue Mountain Eagle Climbing Club re song collecting] Henry, Mellinger E. (n.d.)
23 401 Sailor Boy Version 1 Blaylock, Miss Susie; Rabun Gap, GA (May 17, 1932)
23 401 Sailor Boy Version 2 Blaylock, Miss Susie; Rabun Gap, GA (May 17, 1932)
23 401 True Love Blaylock, Miss Susie; Rabun Gap, GA (May 17, 1932)
23 401 Bonny Barbara Allen Blaylock, Miss Susie; Rabun Gap, GA (May 17, 1932)
23 401 [Barbara Allen] Blaylock, Miss Susie; Rabun Gap, GA (May 17, 1932)
23 401 Georgia Lullaby Blaylock, Miss Susie; Rabun Gap, GA (May 17, 1932)
23 401 [Down in the Valley] Blaylock, Miss Susie; Rabun Gap, GA (May 17, 1932)
23 401 Song from Georgia Blaylock, Miss Susie; Rabun Gap, GA (May 17, 1932)
23 401 River Stay [A]way [From My Door] Blaylock, Miss Susie; Rabun Gap, GA (May 17, 1932)
23 401 [Listen to the Mockingbird] Blaylock, Miss Susie; Rabun Gap, GA (May 17, 1932)
23 401 [I've Been Working on the Railroad] Blaylock, Miss Susie; Rabun Gap, GA (May 17, 1932)
23 402 Billie Boy Blaylock, Miss Susie; Rabun Gap, GA (May 17, 1932)
23 403 Billy Boy Bohanan, Ray; Sevierville, TN (June 21, 1932)
23 404 Barbra Allen [sic] Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
23 405 Little Bessie Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
23 406 Old Ninety-Seven Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
23 406 [Wreck of Old 97, The] Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
23 407 Mountain Top Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
23 407 Liza Jane Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
23 408 Blue Eyes Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
23 408 [I'm Thinking Tonight of My Blue Eyes] Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
23 409 Little Birdie Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
23 409 [Single Girl, Married Girl] Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
23 410 Who Will Shoe Your Pretty Little Feet? Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
23 410 Lass of Roch Royal, The Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
23 411 Twenty-One Years Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
23 413 Roving Gambler Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
23 414 When the Work's All Done This Fall Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
23 415 Rambling Cowboys, The Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
23 416 Pretty Little Black-Eyed Susan Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
23 417 I Wonder When I Shall Be Married Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
23 418 Willie Down By the Pond Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
23 418 [Sinful to Flirt] Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
23 418 Flirting Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
23 419 Hunters of Kentucky, The Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
23 420 Innocent Prisoner, The Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
23 421 I'll Remember You, Love, in My Prayers Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
23 422 Betty Brown Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
23 423 True Lover's Farewell, The Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
23 423 Lass of Roch Royal, The Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
24 424 I Love Little Willie Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
24 425 Pretty Fair Maid, A Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
24 425 [John Riley, etc.] Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
24 426 And So You Have Come Back to Me Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
24 427 Ship That Never Returned, The Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
24 428 Good Bye, My Lover, Good Bye Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
24 429 Orphan Girl, The Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
24 430 Nightingale, The Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
24 430 [Brave Volunteer, The] Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
24 431 Merry Golden Tree, The Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
24 432 [memo re Ruth Bagwell] Henry, Mellinger E. (n.d.)
24 433 Riddle Song Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
24 433 I Gave My Love a Cherry Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
24 434 Frog and the Mouse, The Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
24 435 Turkish Lady, The Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
24 435 [Lord Bateman] Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
24 436 Demon Lover, The Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
24 437 I'll Not Marry [at All] Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
24 438 My Pretty Little PInk Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
24 439 Miller's Will, The Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
24 440 Girl I Left Behind Me, The Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
24 441 Lady Isabel and the Elf Knight Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
24 441 Pretty Polly Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
24 442 I Wonder When I Shall Be Married Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
24 443 [materials pertaining to student collecting project?] Bagwell, Ruth; (Aug. 24, 1932)
24 443 [materials pertaining to student collecting project?] Shields, Johnnie; [student of Artus Moser; Harrogate, TN] (Aug. 24, 1932)
24 443 [materials pertaining to student collecting project?] Wilson, Gene; Gibson Station, VA (n.d.)
24 443 [materials pertaining to student collecting project?] Smith, Doc; Fonde, KY; (n.d.)
24 443 [materials pertaining to student collecting project?] Wright, Mrs.; Pruden, TN (n.d.)
24 443 [materials pertaining to student collecting project?] Bussels, Mrs. L. J.; Shawanee, TN [sic] (n.d.)
24 444 [materials pertaining to student collecting project?] [miscellaneous informants cited]
24 445 Young Ladies Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
24 445 Come Roll Around the Wheel of Fortune Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
24 446 Cross Your Fingers Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
24 447 Sidney Allen Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
24 449 Lord Thomas Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
25 450 Disappointed Lover, The Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
25 451 Liza Jane Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
25 451 Whoa, Mule! Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
25 452 More Pretty Girls Than One Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
25 453 Sourwood Mountain Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
25 454 Two Little Girls in Blue Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
25 455 Dying Soldier, The Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
25 455 [Brother Green] Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
25 456 Peddler and his Wife, The Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
25 457 Hangman's Song, The Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
25 457 [Maid Freed from the Gallows, The] Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
25 458 Jesse James Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
25 459 Wild Bill Jones Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
25 460 Soldier Boy, The Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
25 460 [Roving Gambler, The, etc.] Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
25 461 Little Sadie Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
25 462 Hustling Gamblers Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
25 462 [Yonder Stands Little Maggie, etc.] Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
25 463 Lady Alice Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
25 463 George Collins Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
25 464 Oma Wise Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
25 465 Two Little Children Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
25 466 On a Cold Winter's Eve Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
25 467 Early Early in the Spring Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
25 468 Wretched Rambling Boy, The Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
25 468 [Rake and a Rambling Boy] Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
25 469 Billy Boy Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
25 470 Girl I Left on New River, The Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
25 470 Rambling Cowboy,The Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
25 470 [Girl I Left Behind Me, The] Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
25 470 [Maggie Walker Blues, The, etc.] Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
25 471 Lord Daniel Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
25 471 [Little Musgraves and Lord Daniel] Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
25 471 [Matty Groves, etc.] Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
25 472 Wild and Reckless Hobo, A Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
25 472 [Danville Girl, etc.] Moser, Artus; Harrogate, TN [via Dr. D. S. Gage; Fulton, MO] (1932)
25 473 Flat Bill Beaver Cap Brackett, Mrs. Rachel; Varnell, GA (1933)
25 474 Answer Singin' [poem] Stockton, LeRoy [author, Santa Barbara, CA; (n.d.)]
25 474 Eatin' Dirt Stockton, LeRoy [author, Santa Barbara, CA; (n.d.)]
25 474 Bronco-Buster Stockton, LeRoy [author, Santa Barbara, CA; (n.d.)]
25 475 Singing Old Dry Bone Smith, Goodwin D.; Good Hope, GA (Mar., 1933)
25 475 [Dry Bones] Smith, Goodwin D.; Good Hope, GA (Mar., 1933)
26 476 Sweet Willie Bragg, Mrs. Lloyd Bare; Elk Park, NC (Aug., 1933)
26 476 Earl Bran[d] Bragg, Mrs. Lloyd Bare; Elk Park, NC (Aug., 1933)
26 477 Four Nights [Experience] Hampton, Mrs. Mollie Bare; Elk Park, NC (Aug., 1933)
26 477 Our Goodman Hampton, Mrs. Mollie Bare; Elk Park, NC (Aug., 1933)
26 478 Lillie Shull Hampton, Mrs. Sofia; Elk Park, NC (Aug., 1933)
26 479 Bolakin Tuberfield, Mrs. Lena Bare; Elk Park, NC (Aug., 1933)
26 479 Lamkin Tuberfield, Mrs. Lena Bare; Elk Park, NC (Aug., 1933)
26 479 Bold Lakins Tuberfield, Mrs. Lena Bare; Elk Park, NC (Aug., 1933)
26 480 Jonah and the Whale Justman, Evelyn; Jersey City, NJ (Jan. 9, 1933)
26 481 I Love Little Willie Brackett, Mrs. Rachel; Varnell, GA (n.d.)
26 482 When the Work's All Done This Fall Franklin, C. L., Jr.; Crossnore, NC (July 14, 1930)
26 483 Spin, Meime Liebe Tochter Hoch, D. K.; Reading, PA (Jan. 11, 1933)
26 483 [Spin, Spin, My Dear Daughter] Hoch, D. K.; Reading, PA (Jan. 11, 1933)
26 484 Our Cheerful Voice Gadsey, Granville; Guerrant, KY (Sept. 3, 1926)
26 485 Dear Mother Gadsey, Granville; Guerrant, KY (Sept. 3, 1926)
26 486 Shady Valley, The Tuberfield, Mrs. Lena Bare; Elk Park, NC (Aug., 1933)
26 486 Jealous Lover, The Tuberfield, Mrs. Lena Bare; Elk Park, NC (Aug., 1933)
26 488 Lord Thomas Robbins, Edith; Banner Elk, NC (n.d.)
26 489 It Rained Shell, Mrs. J. E.; Banner Elk, NC (n.d.)
26 489 [Sir Hugh, or The Jew's Daughter] Shell, J. E.; Banner Elk, NC (n.d.)
26 490 George Colon [i.e. Collins] Hicks, Nathan; Sugar Grove, Beech Mountain, NC (n.d.)
26 491 There Was an Old Man Scott, Mrs. Walter, Jr.; Charlotte, NC (July, 1933)
26 491 [With His Old Gray Beard Unshaven, etc.] Scott, Mrs. Walter, Jr.; Charlotte, NC (July, 1933)
26 492 On Springfield Mountain [Scott, Mrs. Walter, Jr.; Charlotte, NC (July, 1933)]
26 492 [Springfield Mountain] [Scott, Mrs. Walter, Jr.; Charlotte, NC (July, 1933)]
26 493 John Lewis O'Neall [sic], Miss Katherine; Lansing, NC (n.d.)
26 493 [Omie Wise] O'Neall [sic], Miss Katherine; Lansing, NC (n.d.)
26 494 Little Rosewood Casket O'Neall [sic], Miss Katherine; Lansing, NC (n.d.)
26 495 Gladys Kincaid Winters, Hazel; White Pine, NC (May, 1932)
26 496 Jonah and the Whale Henry, [Florence Stokes]; [Atlanta, GA as a child]
26 497 Susanna Scott, Mrs. Walter, Jr.; Charlotte, NC (n.d.)
26 497 [Oh! Susanna] Scott, Mrs. Walter, Jr.; Charlotte, NC (n.d.)
26 498 Peter Scott, Mrs. Walter, Jr.; Charlotte, NC (n.d.)
26 498 Peter Fishing Scott, Mrs. Walter, Jr.; Charlotte, NC (n.d.)
26 498 [Peter Went Fishing on Sunday] Scott, Mrs. Walter, Jr.; Charlotte, NC (n.d.)
26 499 My Sister Don't Love Me Stokes, Miss Julia [from Martha Hardwick]; Blakely, GA (May, 1929) 

Obituary in JOAFL
Mellinger Edward Henry (1873-1946)
by Arthur Palmer Hudson
The Journal of American Folklore, Vol. 59, No. 233 (Jul. - Sep., 1946), pp. 315-316

Mellinger Edward Henry (1873-1946)

Mellinger Edward Henry, born at Mount Pleasant, Pennsylvania, died at
Englewood, New Jersey, January 31, I946. He was educated at Brown,
Harvard, and Columbia. Practically all of his professional career was included
in the teaching of English in high schools at Paterson, New Jersey (90o6-
I9II), and Jersey City (Dickinson High School, 191-1937). The pursuit of the
folksong, however, was his avocation. In 1926, summering with his wife
(Florence Newton Stokes) in the southern mountain region, he developed an
interest in folksongs which endeared him to the mountain folk, as one "nice
and common," and resulted in the addition of a thousand ballads and songs
to the corpus of published American folksongs. The introductions and notes
to Mr. Henry's published collections testify rather to his human than his
scholarly interest in folklore. His services to specialized scholarship were
largely rendered through his useful Bibliography of American Folk-Songs
Mr. Henry's portly, genial figure, his twinkling eyes, and his liking for
acquaintance and friendship made him a conspicuous and long-remembered
figure at many of the summer folk festivals and the annual meetings of various
folklore societies. In his home on Edgewater Avenue, Ridgefield, New
Jersey, he accumulated a library of io,ooo volumes, including American and
first editions of Thomas Carlyle, George Eliot, John Masefield, William De
Morgan, Joseph Conrad, H. G. Wells, and others. He also collected Beadle's
Half Dime Novels and left in manuscript a small book about them. His
interest in mountain songs was paralleled by his interest in mountains. During
the last thirty years of his life he "hiked over mountain tops from Oglethorpe,
Georgia, to Canada." Shortly before his death he noted that he was
"now trying to hike to Mt. Katahdin, Maine," which he climbed in 1916.
Accounts of the manner of his death suggest that he climbed the last peak as
manfully and as confidently as he did Mt. Katahdin. His love for the South,
first realized and long sustained by his love for the songs of its people, found
fitting consummation in his burial in West View Cemetery, Atlanta, Georgia.
Mellinger Edward Henry's contributions to American folksong comprise
the following books and articles:
Songs Sung in the Southern Appalachians (London: The Mitre Press, I934).
Bibliography of American Folk-Songs (London: The Mitre Press, I937).
Folk Songs of the Southern Highlands (New York: J. J. Augustin, I938).
The Lexington Girl (JOURNALO F AMERICANF OLKLORE42 : 247-53, I929).
Ballads and Songs of the Southern Highlands (ibid. 42: 254-308, 1929).
Pearl Bryant (ibid. 42: 301-03, 1929).
More Songs from the Southern Highlands (ibid. 44: 6I-I24, 193I).
Negro Songs from Georgia (ibid. 44: 437-47, I93I).
Still More Ballads and Folksongs from the Southern Highlands (ibid. 45: 1-176,
I932)-entire number.
"The Ballade of the Skunk" (ibid. 57: 281, I944).
Review of Steamboatin' Days: Folk Songs of the River Packet Era (Wheeler)
(ibid., 59: 238-40, 1946).

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