Vill, The Ship's Carpenter- (Scot) c.1908 Greig B

Vill, The Ship's Carpenter- (Scot) c.1908 Greig B

[Fragment from: The Greig-Duncan Folk Song Collection, Volume 2 by Patrick N. Shuldham-Shaw, Emily B. Lyle; Aberdeen University Press, 1983.

I do not have a copy of this edition and do not know if an informant is named. This is version of a parody of Gosport known as "Molly The Betrayed or The Fog Bound Vessel" from the 1850s.

R. Matteson 2016]

Vill, The Ship's Carpenter- a parody version collected by Greig-Duncan.

1.   In a kitchen in Portsmouth a fair damsel did dwell
       Who for beauty and grammar none could her excel
       She loved a gay feller whose name it was Vill
       And to his trade was a ship"s carpenter
         sing Dottle dottle dottle chip chip chip

2. He led her o"re hills and o"re valleys so deep
       Till at last this poor maiden began for to weep
       O Villiam I doubt you"ve a led me this way
       In order my innocent life to betray
         With your Dottle dottle dottle chip chip chip

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