Veblen: "Appendices" with list of Variants
Abbreviations Used
AFC Collections of the Archive of Folk Culture, formerly the Archive of Folk Song, part of the U.S. Library of Congress, Washington D.C.
AI Archive Item Index of Field Recordings (1933-1940 and 1940-ca. 1950), AFC.
Anderson Anderson, Geneva. 1932. A Collection of Ballads and Songs from East Tennessee.
MA thesis, Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina: #88. C in Bean.
Ashton Ashton, John. 1891. Real Sailor Songs. London: Leadenhall Press, Ltd: 63.
Barry Barry, Phillips. 1939. The Maine Wood Songster. Cambridge, MASS: Powell Printing Co: 59, 100
Bean Bean. 1982. An Index to Folksongs Contained in Theses and Dissertations in the Library of Congress. MA thesis, Loughborough, University of Technology, Leicestershire, England.
Beard Beard, Anne Winsmore. 1959. The Personal Folksong Collection of Bascom Lamar Lunsford. MA thesis, Oxford OH: Miami University: 272-273. C in Bean.
Belden Belden, H. M. 1940. Ballads and Songs of Indiana. Bloomington: Indiana University: 269-270.
Bleakney Bleakney, F. Eileen. 1918. “Folklore From Ottawa and Vicinity.” Journal of American Folk-lore XXXI: 162.
Brereton Brereton broadside. nd. “A New Song Call’d the Young Lady’s Lamentation fro the Loss of Her True Love,” Dublin: P. Brereton, Printer. Library of Congress, Music Room, special boxed collection of broadside ballads.
Broadwood Broadwood, Lucy E. and J. A. Fuller Maitland. 1893. English Country Songs.
& Maitland London: The Leadenhall Press, Ltd: 74-75.
Brown 1 Brown, Frank C. 1952. The Frank C. Brown Collection of North Carolina Folklore. Edited by Ivey White Newman. Durham : Duke University Press. 7 volumes: II: 322-329.
Brown 2 Brown, Frank C. 1952. The Frank C. Brown Collection of North Carolina Folklore. Edited by Ivey White Newman. Durham : Duke University Press. 7 volumes: IV: 186-191.
Brunnings 1 Brunnings, Florence E. 1981. Folk Song Indes; A Comprehensive Guide to the Florence E. Brunnings Collection. New York: Garland Publishing, Inc.
Brunnings 2 Brunnings, Florence E. 1972. Catalogue of Broadsides in the Rare Book Division, Library of Congress. Boston: G.K. Hall and Co., four volumes.
Bunting Bunting, Edward. 1969. The Ancient Music of Ireland. Dublin: Waltons’ Piano & Musical Instrument Galleries Ltd: 48.
Burton & Burton, Thomas G. and Ambrose N. Manning. 1971. Folksongs II. USA : The East
Manning Tennesee State University Collection of Folklore: 61-62.
Bush Bush, Michael E. 1970. Folk Songs of Central West Virginia. Ravenswood, WV: Custom Printing Company. Vol. 2: 86-87.
Carey Carey, George G. 1971. Maryland Folk Legends and Folksongs. Cambridge, MD: 99.
CF Carter Family version. See Cohen & Seeger, 1964.
Catnach Catnach broadside. c1820? “ The Sailor Boy and his faithful Mary,” London: Catnach Printer, Also found in British Museum, LR271 a 2, vol. VIII: 121.
Child Child Mss, Hrvard College. C in Kitterdge.
Christie Christie, William. 1876-81. Traditional Ballad Airs. Edinburgh: Edmonston & Douglas, 2 vol., vol. 1: 248-249.
Cohen & Cohen, John and Mike Seeger, eds. 1964. The New Lost City Ramblers Song Book.
Seeger New York: Oak Publications: 42.
CLC Comb’s LV Finding Aide Sheet AFC.
Combs Combs, Josiah H. 1967. Folk-Songs of the Southern United States., ed. D.K. Wilgus Austin: University of Texas Press for the American Folklore Society: 212.
Cox Cox, John H. 1977. Folksongs Mainly From West Virginia. NY: Da Capo Press: 29-30.
Creighton Creighton, Helen. 1966. Songs and Ballads from Nova Scotia. New York: Dover: 89-90.
Davenport Davenport, J. c1810. Merry Songs. London: n.p.#15, Harvard College, 25243.20, folio 28, c in Kittredge.
Davis Davis, Arthur Kyle. 1965. Folk Songs of Virginia: A Descriptive Index. New York: AMS Press, Inc : 108-111.
Duncan Duncan, Ruby. 1939. Ballads and Folk Songs Collected in Northern Hamilton County. MA thesis, Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee: #149. C in Bean.
Dusenbury Dusenbury Mss of Songs, notated by Laurence Powell from the singing of Emma Dusenbury of Mena, Arkansas.
Eddy Eddy, Mary O. 1939. Ballads and Songs From Ohio. NY: J.J. Augustin : 97-103.
Emrich Emrich, Duncan, 1974. American Folk Poetry: An Anthology. Boston: Little, Brown & Co: 144-145.
Evans T. Evans broadside, ‘Sweet William,’ London: T. Evans Publishers, c by Sharp 2.
Gardner & Gardner, Emelyn E. and Geraldine J. Chickering. 1939. Ballads and Songs of Chickering Southern Michigan. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press: 94.
Garret Garret’s Merrie Book of Garlands., vol,. I, c by Sharp 2.
Gordon Gordon Index. C1919-1932. AFC.
Greig Greig, Gaven. 1963. Folksongs of the Northeast. Hatbro, PA: Folklore Associates: #64.
Hammond Hammond, David. 1978. Songs of Belfast. Dublin: Gilbert Dalton : 34.
Healy Healy, James N. 1965. Ballads from the Pubs of Ireland. Cork: Mercier Press: 91-92.
Henry, M Henry, Mellinger Edward. 1938. Folk-Songs from the Southern Highlands. New York: J.J. Augustin : 188-190.
Henry, S Henry, Sam. N.d. Henry papers: unpublished mss and transcripts with some airs, collected by Sam Henry, in possession of daughter Mrs. O. Craig, Kilrea, Co. Derry, Ireland, c in Shields.
Henry & Henry, Mellinger Edward and Maurice Matteson. 1936. Twenty-Nine Beech
Matteson 1 Mountain Folk Songs and Ballads: 24-25.
Henry & Henry, Mellinger Edward and Maurice Matteson. 1941. Southern Folklore
Matteson 2 Quarterly 5: 145.
Hickerson Joe Hickerson LP Song Index. AFC.
Hubbard Hubbard, Lester A. 1961. Ballads and Songs from Utah. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press: 90-91.
Huntington Huntington, Gale. 1990. Sam Henry’s Songs of the People. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press. C in Shields: 543.26 : air 6.
Joyce Joyce, Patrick W. 1965. Old Irish Folk Music and Songs. New York: Cooper Square: 153-154.
JAF Journal of American Folk-lore.
JFSS 1 Journal of the Folk Song Society, c 1899. London. Vol. I : 99-100.
JFSS 2 Journal of the Folk Song Society, c 1901. London. Vol. II : 293-294.
JFSS 3 Journal of the Folk Song Society, c 1908. London. Vol. VIII: 212-213.
JIFSS Journal of Irish Folk Song Society, 1904-10. Dublin, XVII, pp. 18-19.
Huntington Huntington, Gale. 1964. Songs the Whalemen Sang. Barre, MA: Barre Publishers: 271.
Karpeles 1 Karpeles, Maud. 1950. Sing Care Away; Book Four. London: Novello.
Karpeles 2 Karpepes, Maud. 1968. Eighty English Folk Songs From the Southern Appalacians. Cambridge, MASS: MIT Press.
Karpeles 3 Karpeles, Maud. 1970. Folk Songs From New Foundland. Hamden, CT: Achron Bks: 159-160.
Karpeles 4 Karpeles, Maud. 1975. The Crystal Spring: Book 2. London: Oxford University Press.
KFR Kentucky Folklore Record. VII, 63f. c in Bean.
Kidson & Kidson, Frank and Alfred Moffat. 1926. A Garland of English Folksongs.
Moffat London: Asherberg, Hopwood & Crew, Ltd: 92-93.
Kittredge Kittredge, G.L., ed. 1917. “ Ballads and Songs.” JAF xxx: 363-364.
Laws Laws, G. Malcolm, Jr. 1957. American Balladry from British Broadsides. Philadelphia: American Folklore Society: 146-147.
Leach 1 Leach, MacEdward, ed. 1955. The Ballad Book. New York: A.S. Barnes & Co., Inc: 736-737.
Leach 2 Leach, MacEdward. 1965. Folk Ballads and Songs of the Lower Labrador Coast. Ottawa: National Museum of Canada, Bulletin #201, Anthropology series #68: 46-47.
Lomax Lomax, Alan. 1960. Folksongs of North America. Garden City, New York: Doubleday & Co., Inc: 112.
Lumpkin Lumpkin, Ben gray. 1950. Folksongs on Records, Issue 2. Denver: Alan Swallow. C in Laws, 1957 : 301.
MacColl MacColl, Ewan and Peggy Seeger. 1977. Travelers’ Songs From England and
& Seeger Scotland. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul: 122-126.
Meade Meade, Gutherie T. n.d. Discography of Traditional Songs and Tunes on Hillbilly Recordings., 3 vols., with index. Unpublished ms in Archive of Folk Culture, Library of Congress.
Moeran Moeran, E.J. 1932. Six Suffolk Folk-Songs. London: J. Curwen & Songs Ltd:26-29.
Moffat Moffat, Alfred. 1898. The Minstrelsy of Ireland. London: 248. C in JIFF.
Moore Moore, Ethel and Chancey. 1964. Ballads and Folksongs of the Southwest. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press: 174-5.
Morton Morton, Robin. 1970. Folksongs Sung in Ulster. Cork: Mercier Press: 10-12.
O’Lochlainn O’Lachlainn, Colm. 1984. The Complete Irish Street Ballads. London: Pan Books: 112-113, 223.
Owens Owens, William A. and Jessie Ann. 1976. Texas Folk Songs. Dallas: SMU Press: 88.
Peters Peters, Harry B. 1977. Folk Songs Out of Wisconsin. Madison: The State Historical Society of Wisconsin: 94.
Petrie Petrie, George. 1902-1905. The Complete Petrie Collection of Irish Music. Edited by Charles Villeiers Stanford. New York: #765 in JIFSS.
Pound Pound, Louise. 1914. Folk-Songs of Nebraska and the Central West; A Syllabus. Lincoln: Nebraska Academy of Science Publication IX (3): 42.
Randolph Randolph, Vance. 1946. Ozark Folksongs. Columbia, MO: The State Historical Society of Missouri, 4 vols. Vol. I: 296-301.
Reeves Reeves, James. 1960. The Everlasting Circle. London: Heinemann: 254-255.
Rickaby 1 Rickaby, Franz. 1926. Ballads and Songs of the Shanty-Boy. Cambridge, MASS: Harvard University Press: 210-211.
Rickaby 2 Rickaby, Franz. N.d. Unpublished ms. In Mills Music Library Archives at University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Scarborough Scarborough, Dorothy. 1937. A Songcatcher in the Southern Mountains. New York: Columbia University Press: 318-320, 441-442.
Scott, John A. 1966. The Ballad of America: The History of the United States in Song and Story. New York: Bantam Books, Inc: 39-40.
Seeger & M Seeger, Peggy and Ewan MacColl. 1960. The Singing Island. London : 28.
SFQ Southern Folklore Quarterly 5 : 186-187., c in Randolph.
Sharp 1 Sharp, Cecil J. 1959. English Folk Songs. London: Novello & Co. Ltd.: 47-48.
Sharp 2 Sharp, Cecil J., Karpeles, Maud, ed. 1974. Cecil Sharp’s Collectgion of English Folk Songs. London: Oxford University Press: 320-323, 624.
Sharp 3 Sharp, Cecil J. 1975. One Hundred English Folksongs. New York: Dover: xxxvi : 162-163. 1st printed 1916. Boston: Oliver Ditson Co.. Reprinted 1944.
Sharp 4 Sharp, Cecil J., n.d. Folk-songs: Pinewoods. London: Novello.
S & C Sharp, Cecil J. & Olive Dame Cmpbell. 1966. English Folk Songs from the Southern Appalacians. London: Oxford University Press : 84-89.
Sharp & Wms Sharp, Cecil J. and Ralph Vaughn Williams. n.d. Folk-songs: Vol. 2. London: Novello.
Shields Shields, Hugh. 1981. Shamrock, Rose and Thistle; Folk Singing in North Derry. Belfast: Blackstaff Press. Cites personal manuscript 1954, 6130, EB.
Silber Silber, Fred and Irwin. 1973. The Folksinger’s Wordbook. New York, Oak : 58, 181.
Steely Steely, Mercedes S. 1936. The Folk Songs of Ebenezer Community. MA thesis, Chapel Hill, NC: University fo North Carolina: #114. C in Bean.
Stone Stone, Christopher. 1906. Sea Songs and Ballads. Oxford: Clarendon Press : 174-176.
Stratman- Stratman-Thomas, Helene. 1940-1973. Stratman-Thomas Collection of mss,
Thomas transcriptions nd recordings collected in Wisconsin under Library of Congress and University of Wisconsin projects, Mills Music Library, Memorial Library, Madison, Wisconsin.
Such Such broadside. 1800’s. London: Such Publishers, c by Belden.
Tolman Tolman, Albert H. 1916. “Some Songs Traditional in the United States.” Journal of American Folk-lore XXIX 16-170.
Tolman & Tolman, Albert H. and Mary O. Eddy. 1922. “Traditional Texts and Tunes.”
Eddy Journal of American Folk-lore XXXV: 410-411.
Warner Warner, Anne. 1984. Traditional American Folk Songs from the Anne and Frank Warner Collections. USA: Syracuse University Press : 149-150.
Williams & Williams, Ralph V. and A L. Lloyd. 1959. The Penguin Book of English Folk
Lloyd Songs. Middlesex: Penguin : 94, 123.
1917 Edward Hovington, Quebec via Ireland, 1 c1850 from Irishman, ‘The Sailor Boy,’ published text, Bleakney, and recording #447, Victoria Museum, Ottawa, 6 stanzas, cc, t, s.
1918 Eileen Bleakney, Ottawa via Belfast, 1 c1880 from a broadside, ‘The Sailor Boy,’ published text, Bleakney, 5 stanzas, pt, t.
1929 Mrs. Curran, Conception Harbour, Newfoundland, ‘Sweet William,’ published text, Karpeles 3, 9 stanzas, pt, t.
1948 Aubrey Murphy, ‘No. Mosherville, Hants Co., Nova Scotia, The Sailor,’ AFC citation, #9244A1.
1960 William Riley, Lance au Loup, Labrador, ‘The Sailor Boy,’ published text, Lea ch, 7 stanzas, cc, t.
1966 Muriel Henneberry, Devil’s Island, Nova Scotia, ‘My Sailor Lad,’ published text, Creighton, 6 stanzas, cc, t.
1966 Mrs. Chas. Kelley, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, 1 from seaman, ‘Sailor Bold,’ published text, Creighton, 5 stanzas, pt, t.
1978 Barde, Toronto, Ontario, ‘the Sailor Boy,’ commercial recording, Flying Fish FF217.
C1812 London, ‘The Sailor Boy,’ published text, Davenport, c in Kittredge.
1800’s London, ‘The Sailor Boy and his Faithful Mary,’ broadside published by Catnach, 8 stanzas, cc.
1800’s London, broadside published by Such, c by Belden.
1800’s London, ‘Sweet William,’ broadside published by T. Evans, c by Sharp 2.
1800’s London, ‘The Sailor Boy,” broadside published by Pitts, c in JFSS-1:100.
1891 ‘The Sailor Boy,’ broadside-like printed text, Ashton, 9 stanzas, cc.
1893 Harley, Bewdley, ‘Sweet William,’ published text, Broadwood & Maitland, 5 stanzas, cc, t.
1899 ‘London, A Sailor’s Life,’ Published text, JFSS-1, 7 stanzas, cc, t, like Pitts broadside ?
c1890 Rev. S. Baring-Gould, Devonshire, ‘A Sailor’s Life,’ MS. Published tune, JFSS-1, nt.
1898 Mr. Rugman, Dunsfold, Surrey, ‘A Sailor’s Life,’ MS. Published tune, JFSS-1, nt.
c1901 Mrs. Hollings, Lincolnshire, ‘Sweet William,” published text, JFSS 2: 293-294, 7 stanzas, cc, t.
1903 Tom Sprachlan, Hambridge, Somerset, ‘Sweet William,’ published text, Sharp 2, 8 stanzas, cc, t.
1904 Henry Hills, Sussex, ‘A Sailor’s Life,’ published text, Williams & Lloyd, 6 stanxas, cc, t.
1906 Mr. Gordge, Bridgwater, Somerset, ‘Sweet William,’ published text, Sharp 2, 1 stanxa, pt, t.
1906 William Bailey, Cannington, Somerset, ‘Sweet William,’ published text, Sharp 2, 1 stanza, pt, t.
1906 Oxford, ‘The Sailor Boy,’ published text, Stone, 9 stanzas, cc.
1908 George Say, Axbridge, Somerset, ‘Sweet William,’ published text, Sharp 2, 1 stanza, pt, t.
1908 James Lovell, Ball’s Cover, ‘Sweet William,’ published text, Sharp 2, 1 stanza, pt, t.
n.d. Sharp 4, c in Brunnings #342.
n.d. Sharp & Wms, c in Brunnings #347.
n.d. Garret’s Merrie Book of Garlands, c by Sharp 2.
1908 Mrs. Jarrett, Bridgwater, Somerset, ‘Sweet William,’ published text, Sharp 2, 1 stanza, pt, t.
c1910 Mrs. Sartin, Corscombe Hill, ‘Come Father Build Me,’ published text, Sharp 2, 1 stanza, pt, t.
c1910 Mrs. Sartin, Corscombe Hill, ‘Come Father Build Me,’ published text, JFSS 8: 212, 1 stanza, pt, t.
1916 ‘Sweet William,’ published text, Sharp 1, 6 stanzas, cc, t.
1926 London, ‘Twas early, early all in the spring,’ published text, Kidson & Moffat, 5 stanzas, cc, t., described as same version as 1899 Pitt’s broadside.
1932 George Hill, Earl Stoneham or Oliver Waspe, Coddenham, ‘A Seaman’s Life,’ published text, Moeran, pt ?, t.
1950 Karpeles 1, c in Brunnings #301.
1975 Karpeles 4, c in Brunnings #786.
1960 George Baldwint, Tichborne, Hants, ‘Sweet William,’ Text from ms, Reeves, 8 stanzas, cc.
1960 Job Read, Southhampton, nd, ‘Sweet William,’ text from ms., Reeves, 4 stanzas, pt.
1969 Fairport Convention 1, Sandy Dennie, ‘A Sailor’s Life,’ commercial recording, “Unhalfbricking” 6 stanzas, s, close to Pitts broadside text, cc, s.
1975 ‘Sweet William,’ published text, Sharp 2, 6 stanzas, cc., same as 1906 Mr. Gordge, t.
n.d. Isla Cameron, “The Best of Isla Cameron,” commercial recording, c in Brunnings #44A, Prestigue / Internationale INT. 13042, s.
1800’s Dublin, ‘A New Song Call’d the Young Lady’s Lamentation For the Loss of Her True Love,’ Dublin, broadside published by Brereton, 8 stanzas, cc.
1840 Dublin, ‘The Robber’ or ‘Charley Reilly,’ published tune, Bunting, reprinting 1969.
1898 ‘The Bastard,’ Moffet, c in JIFSS.
c1900’s Ireland, ‘The Sailor Boy.’ Published text, Healy, 8 stanzas, cc, t.
1900 ‘The Jacket Blue,’ published text, Joyce, 1 stanzas, pt, t.
1902-04 ‘Early, early,’ published text, Petrie, c in JIFSS.
1904-10 Dublin via Co. Antrim, JIFSS, Colm O’Lochlainn, published text, 6 stanzas, cc, t, gives 3 additional broadside stanzas.
c1910 Dr. J.S. Crone, 1 from nurse c. 1860, Co. Down, published text, JFSS-8, 1 stanza, pt, t.
1912 Mr. Warner, Co. Antrim, ‘My Boy Willie,’ published text, O’Lochlainn, 8 stanzas, pt, t.
1952 Lal Smith, Waterford ‘Sweet Willie,’ field recording by BBC Sound Archive, commercial recording, The Folksongs of Britain: Volume 6: Sailormen and Servingmaids, Caedmon TC 1162. Liner notes by Kennedy and Lomax.
1962 Peg Clancy Power, Carrick-on-Suir, Co. Tipperary, ‘My Boy Willie,’ commercial recording cc, s, Peg Clancy Powers., Folk-Legacy FSE-8.
1970 Ulster ‘My Boy Willie,’ published text, Morton, 8 stanzas, cc, t.
197? Bothy Band, Triona Ni Dhomhnaill, ‘The Sailor Boy,’ commercial recording, Out of the Wind, Into the Sun, 7 stanzas, cc, s.
1978 Belfast, ‘My Fine Sailor Boy,’ published text, Hammond, 7 stanzas, cc, t.
1981 Northe Derry, ‘The Sailor Boy,’ c by Shields.
1990 No. Ireland, ‘The Sailor Boy,’ Huntington, ref. in Shields.
1876 Mrs. Christie (editor’s mother), ‘The Sailing Trade,’ printed text, 8 stanzas, cc, t.
c1905 James Alexander, Affath, New Deer, ‘The Sailor’s Life,’ published text, Grieg, 10 stanzas, cc.
n.d. Ewan MacColl, commercial recording, Matching Songs of the British Isles, Canada and America, Riverside #12637.
1960 Seeger & MacColl, printed text, c in MacColl & Seeger.
1977 Maggie McPhee, ‘My Willie Boy,’ published text, MacColl & Seeger, 5 stanzas, cc, t.
1977 Nelson ridley, nt, published text, MacColl & Seeger, 4 stanzas, pt, t.
1993 Elizabeth Stewart, Aberdeenshire, ‘Sailin’, Sailin’,’ commercial recording, 7 stanzas, cc, s. ‘Atween You An’ Me,Hightop Imagery HTI 001.
1933-36 Emma Dusenbury, Mena, Dusenbury Mss.
1941 Gladys McCarthy, Farmington, ‘My darling’s on the Deep Blue Sea,’ text of field recording by Randolph, LC AFC, Emrich, 6 stanzas, CF version, cc. also AFC #5352A3.
c1973 Joan Sprung, Sharon, (place recording was issued), Ballads and Butterflies, commercial recording, c in Brunnings, Folk-Legacy FSI-60.
1944 Ruby & Gertie Lou Chesser, Okefinokee Swamp Region, ‘Sailor on the Deep Blue Sea,’ AFC citation, #7730A2.
n.d. Red Clay Ramblers, ‘What did the Deep Sea Say?,’ commercial recording, Ramblin’.
1935 Mrs. R.M. Johnson, Franklin, Johnson Co., 1 from mother Mrs. Nancy Prichard Coleman, ‘The Sailor Boy,’ published text, Brewster, 9 stanzas, cc.
1920 Earl Cruickshank, Columbus, ‘Sailor Boy,’ printed text, Belden, 6 stanzas, cc.
1916 Jehu Harris, Alleghany, ‘Sweet William,’ published text, S & C, 1 stanza, pt, t.
1915 Dan Gibson, Hindman, Knott Co., KFR, c in CLC.
1917 Margaret Dunagan, St. Helen’s, Lee Co., ‘Sweet William,’ published text, S &C, 1 stanza, pt, t.
1850’s Susie C. Young (verses 1-2. 4-9 and tune), and Fannie H. Eckstorm (verses 3-4), Brewer, MA, ‘The Sailor Boy,’ published text, Barry, 9 stanzas, composite, cc, t.
1971 Carey, George G., published text, c in MacColl & Seeger.
1916 Mable tuggle, Detroit, 1 from sister in Concord Depot, Va., ‘The Sailor Boy,’ pulished text, 5 stanzas, Gardner & Chickering, pt.
1938 J.W. Green, St. James, Beaver Island, ‘The Sailor Boy,’ AFC citation, #3285B.
1917 John D. McInnis, Meridian, 1 in Tennessee during Civil War, ‘Sweet William,’ published text, Kittredge, 6 stanzas, cc, t.
1957 ‘The Sailor Boy I,’ recording, Lumpkin Item #3103B2, c in Lawes 1957.
1957 ‘The Sailor Boy I,’ recording, Lumpkin Item #3104A1, c in Lawes 1957.
1903 Miss Williams, Clinton Co., ‘The Sailor Boy,’ published text, Belden, 7 stanzas, cc, t.
c1909 Ada Belle Cowden, Woodlandville, Boone Co., ‘The Sailor Boy,’ published text from ms, Belden, 6 stanzas, pt.
1909 Mary Van Wormser, West Plains HS, 1 from grandfather, ‘The Sailor’s Trade,’ published text from ms, Belden, 8 stanzas, cc.
1914 Celestine McDonald, Vernon Co., ‘California Boy,’ published text, Belden, 5 stanzas, pt, t.
1922 Carrie Baber, Pineville, ‘The Sailor’s Sweetheart,’ published text, Randolph, 3 stanzas, pt, t.
1928 Mrs. L.A. Thomas, Anderson, ‘The Sailor’s Sweetheart,’ published text, Randolph, 7 stanzas, cc, t, uses different melody to 1st stanza.
1934 Beulah Wohlbeck, ‘True Sailor Boy,’ published text, Belden, 3 stanzas, pt.
1938 Kathleen Denoon, Springfield, ‘The Sailor’s Sweetheart,’ published text, Randolph, 6 atanzas, cc, t.
1939 Ruth Tyler, Neosho, ‘The Sailor’s Sweetheart,’ published text, Randolph, 4 stanzas, pt.
1942 Doney Hammontree, Farmington, 1 c1890, ‘The Sailor boy,’ published fragments of text & tune, Randolph, pt, t.
1948 Matt Hanifin, Butte, ‘The Sailor,’ AFC citation, #9728A2.
1960 Fiddler & Evelyn Beers, Lewiston, 1 from May McCord of Ozarks Mt., ‘The Sailor Boy,’ commercial recording, Walkie in the parlor, Folkways #FS 2376, 3 stanzas & chorus, cc, s.
1914 ‘Sailors Trade,’ c in Pound.
1914 ‘Sailor Boy,’ c in Pound.
1928 Carter Family, ‘Sailor on the deep Blue Sea,’ or ‘I Have No One to Love Me,’ published text of commercial recording, Cohen & Seeger, 5 stanzas, pt, t.
1915 Thomas Smith, Zionville, Watauga Co., 1 during Civil war from Mrs. Parsons of Wilkes Co., ‘ Oh Father, Go Build Me a Boat,’ published text, Brown 1, 4 stanzas, pt.
1915 E.B. Miller, Boone, Watauga Co., ‘Captain, Captain, Tell Me True,’ published text, Brown 1, 2 stanzas, pt.
1915 Polly Rayfield, Zionville, Watauga Co., 1 during Civil War, ‘Captain, Captain, Tell Me true,’ published fragment, Brown 1, pt.
1915 Junius Davis, Wilmington, New Hanover Co., ‘Oh, Captain, Captain, Tell Me True,’ published text, Brown 1,3 stanzas, pt, variant verse.
1916 William f. Wells, Swannoanoa, ‘Sweet William,’ published text, Sharp 2,7 stanzas, cc, t.
1916 Rosie Hensley, Carmen, ‘Sweet William,; published text, Sharp 2,4 stanzas, pt, t.
1916 Jehu Harris, Alleghany, ‘Sweet William,’ published text, S & C, 1 stanzas, pt, t.
1916 W. Riley Shelton, Alleghany, ‘Sweet William,’ published text, S & C, 1 stanza, pt, t.
1918 Mary Blankenshipp, Burnsville, ‘Sweet William,’ published text, S & C, 1 stanza, pt, t.
1918 Julie Boone, Micaville, ‘Sweet William,’ published text, S & C, 1 stanza, pt, t.
1918 Mrs. E.F. Chrisom, Burnsville, ‘Sweet William,’ published text, S & C, 1 stanza, pt, t.
1919-32 ‘O Captain, Captain, Tell Me True,’ Gordon Index c Moses Mss, #341.
1919-32 ‘Sailor or the Deep Blue Sea,’ Gordon Index c Newcomb Mss, #342.
1923 Mrs. Charles k. Tillett, Wanchese, Roanoke Island, ‘ The Prentice Boy,’ published text, Brown 1, 13 stanzas, pt. amalgamation of ‘Prentice boy’ and ‘Sailor Boy.’
1929 Mrs. G.L. Bostic, Mooresboro, Cleveland Co., ‘ Black-Eyed Susan,’ or ‘Sweet Willie,’ published text from field recording, Brown 2, 2 stanzas, pt, t.
1930 Mrs. Ewart Wilson, ‘Sweet Soldier Boy,’ published text, Henry & Matteson 2, 6 stanzas, cc.
1932 ‘Sailor Boy,’ Anderson, c in Bean.
1934 Mrs. Ewart Wilson, ‘Sweet Soldier Boy,’ published text, Henry & Matteson 2, 6 stanzas, r, m, cc, t. See 1930 Henry, m. This version was re-recorded with changes in text.
1936 Henry & Matteson 1, cited in Brown 1.
1937 Polly Morris, Yellow Branch, ‘Oh, Captain, Captain, Tell Me True,’ published text, Scarborough, 6 stanzas, cc, borrows from CF version.
1940 Warner, Lena Bourne Fish, ‘I’ll Sit Down and write a Song,’ published text, 6 stanzas, cc, t.
1940 Nora Hickes, Mast’s Gap, Watauga Co., ‘The Sailor Boy,’ Brown 2, published text, 1 stanza, pt, t.
1940 Mrs. Nilla Lancaster, Wayne Co., published text, Brown 2, 1 stanza, pt.
1943 Mrs. Harold Glasscock, Raleigh, from parents, ‘Captain, Oh Captain, Tell Me True,’ published ms text, Brown 1, 1.5 stanzas, pt.
1950 Mrs. Naomi Lyford, Bee Log, ‘Sweet William,’ frag, AFC citation, #10,005 A13.
1952 Edith Walker, Boone, Watauga Co., ‘Sweet Willie,’ published ms text, Brown 1, 4 stanzas, pt.
1952 Jeannette Tingle, Alliance School, Pamlico Co., ‘There is a town Where I Did Dwell,’ published ms text, Brown 1, text, 4 stanzas, pt.
1952 Austin L, Elliott, Randolph Co., ‘Sweet Willie,’ published text, Brown 1, 5 stanzas & chorus, pt, only one verse belongs to ‘The Sailor Boy.’
1952 Mrs. Sutton, ‘Susie’s search for Her Lover,’ published text fragment, Brown 1, pt.
1952 Alva Wise, Nag’s Head, Dare Co., ‘Oh Captain, Captain, tell Me True,’ published text, Brown 1, 8 stanzas, pt, only 2 stanzas belong to ‘The Sailor Boy,’ same as Alva Wise version.
c1952 C.K. Tillett, ‘The Forsaken Lover,’ published text from field recording, Brown 2, 1 stanza, pt, same as 1926 version by Mrs. G.L. Bostic?
1962 ‘Sweet WILLIAM,’ Steely, c in Bean.
1984 Le Monroe presnell, Beech Mountain, ‘My Sweet Soldier Boy,’ c by Warner.
1984 Martha Ann Midgette, Mann’s Harbor, ‘Captain, Captain,’ or ‘ The Sweetest Boy That Ever Sailed,’ c by Warner.
1984 Roby Monroe Hicks, Beech mountain, ‘A Soldier’s Trade,’ c by Warner.
1922 Henry maurer, Perrysville, ‘Sweet William,’ published text, Tolman & Eddy, 9 stanzas, f, m, cc, t, similar or same as Eddy 1939 version,
1939 Henry Maurer, Perrysville, ‘Sweet William,’ published text, Eddy, 9 stanzas, cc, t.
1939 Elizabeth Koffel, Canton, ‘Sweet William,’ published text, Eddy, 8 stanzas, cc, t.
1939 Mrs. L.A. Lind, Canton, 1 from father, ‘Sweet William,’ published text, Eddy, 8 stanzas, cc.
1939 Mrs. S.T. Topper, Ashland, ‘Sweet William,’ published text, Eddy, 7 stanzas, cc.
1939 Mrs. Lawrence Davis, Perrysville, ‘Sweet William,’ published text, Eddy, 6 stanzas, cc, t.
1939 Florence Landis McKee, Canton, ‘Lost Willie,’ published text, Eddy, 6 stanzas, cc.
1955 ‘The Sailor Boy,’ published text, Leach, 9 stanzas, cc, Tolman & Eddy version?1959 Beard, c in Bean.
1964 Susie Evans Daley, Tulsa, ‘My True Sailor Boy,’ published text, Moore, 6 stanzas, cc, t.
1917 J.W.M. Maples, Sevierville, ‘Sweet William,’ published text, S & C, 1 stanza, pt, t.
1929 Mary King, Gatlinberg, Sevier Co., ‘Soldier Lover,’ published text, Henry, M., 8 stanzas, cc.
1939 Austin Harmon, Maryville, ‘The Sailor Boy,’ AFC citation, #2619A2.
1939 Samuel Harmon, Maryville, ‘The Sailor Boy,’ frag, AFC citation, #2892A1
1939 ‘Father, Father,’ Duncan, c in Bean.
1966, 68 Buna Hicks, 1 from father Andrew Jackson Presnell, ‘Soldier boy,’ published text, Burton & Manning, 7 stanzas, cc, t.
1936 Billie State, San Antonio, ‘Sailor’s Sweetheart,’ AFC citation, #555A
1976 ‘The Sailor Boy,’ published text, Owens, 5 stanzas, cc, t.
1947 Roseina Reber, Santa Clara, ‘The Sailor’s Trade is a Weary Life,’ published text, Hubbard, 7 stanzas, cc, t.
VERMONT ‘The Sailor Boy I,’ recording, Lumpkin Item #3747A3, c in Lawes 1957.
1913 Mrs. Holmes Bridges, West Rockingham, Rockingham Co., “The Sailor Boy’ or “The Sea Song,’ c by Davis, 12 stanzas.
1914 Callie Hogan, Lynch Station, Campbell Co., ‘Sweet William,’ c by David, 3 stanzas.
1914 Mrs. J. P. Maxie, near Altavista, Campbell Co., “A Sailor’s Life,’ c by Davis, 8 stanzas.
1915 Thomas P. Smith, Palmyra, 1 from May Smith, Villar, N.C., ‘Sailor Boy,’ c by Davis, 3 stanzas.
1916 Mrs. B. P. Shelor, Salem, Roanoke Co., ‘Captain, Captain, Tell me True,’ c by Davis, 3 stanzas.
1918 Fanny Coffey, White Rock, ‘Sweet William,’ published text, S & C, 1 stanza, pt, t.
1918 James H. Chisholm, Nellysford, ‘Sweet William,’ Published text, S & C, 1 stanza, pt, t.
1920 Mrs. Huffman, craig Co., no local title, c by Davis, 4 stanzas, recited.
1920 Major William Ellis, Shawsville, Montgomery Co., no local title, c by Davis, 1 stanza.
1921 Ada McGivvil, Roanoke, Roanoke, Co., ‘Sailor’s Life,’ c by Davis, 5 stanzas.
1931 Minnie Baylor, Harrisonburg, Rockingham Co., ‘Lonely Riverside,’ c by Davis, 8 stanzas.
1931 Abner Keesee, Altavista, Campbell Co., ‘Johnny Dear,’ c by Davis, 5 stanzas.
1931 Mrs. John Webb, Lynch Station, Va., ‘Sweet William,’ field recording, c in Davis.
1932 Ruby Bowman, Laurel Fork, Carroll Co., ‘Green Isle,’ c by Davis, 6 stanzas.
1934 Mrs. H.H. Huffman, Brightwood, Madison Co., ‘The Sailor’s trad,’ c by Davis, 8 stanzas.
1934 Mrs. Kit Williamson, Yellow Branch, Cambell Co., ‘Down on Moorman’s River Side,’ c by Davis, 7 stanzas.
1935 Mrs. B. Dickenson, Rocky Mount , Franklin Co., ‘Way Down on Mommen’s River Side,’ c by Davis, 4 stanzas.
1936 Ruby Metts, Gladstone, Amherst Co., ‘Sailor Song,’ c by Davis, 3 stanzas & chorus.
1936 Nita Metts, Tye River, Amherst Co., ‘Sailor Song,’ c by Davis, 4 stanzas & chorus.
1939 Mrs. Goldie Hamilton, Hamiltontown, near Wise, ‘Sweet Willie (Father, Build Me a Boat),’ frag, AFC citation, #2788B3.
1939 Sarah Ison, near North, ‘Sweet Willie (Early in the Spring,’’ AFC citation, #2813A3.
1924 William Lemley, preston Co., ‘The Sailor Boy,’ c by Combs.
1925 Jessie McCue, Hookersville, Nicholas Co., ‘A Soldier’s Life,’ published text, Cox, 7 stanzas, cc, t.
c1928 Carter Family, Scott Co., ‘I Have No One to Love me,’ commercial recording, More Golden Gems From the Original Carter Family, 1972, RDA, CAS-2554(e).
1969 Bush, Mr. H.J. Shinn, Cottageville, ‘A Sailor’s Life,’ published text, 8 stanzas, cc.t.
C1920 Mrs. M.A. Olin, Eau Claire, 1 from Thomas Ward, neighbor boy c. 1867, thinks song came from Canada, ‘The Pinery Boy,’ published text, Rickaby, 8 stanzas, cc, t.
1941 Mrs. Otto Rindlishbacher, Rice Lake, ‘The Pinery Boy,’ field recording, AFC, Folk Music of Wisconsin LP L55, liner notes by Stratman-Thomas, played on the ‘Viking cello’ or lumberjack pitchfork cell. Stratman-Thoman #54m 5016m nt, pt.
1947 Roy Parkin, Coloma, ‘The Pinery Boy,’ c in stratman-Thomas liner notes to field recording, AFC ‘Folk Music of Wisconsin’ LP L55, a few verses and melody.
1960 ‘The Pinery Boy,’ published text, Lomax, 7 stanzas, cc, t. duplicates mrs. M.A. Olin c. 1920 version.
1977 ‘The Pinery Boy,’ published text, Peters, 7 stanzas, cc, t. duplicates mrs. M.A. Olin c. 1920 version.
1982 Art Thieme, ‘The Pinery Boy,’ commercial recording, A Simply Folk Sampler, Simply Folk, Wisconsin Public Radio.
1986 Art Thieme, ‘The Pinery Boy,’ commercial recording, On the Wilderness Road, Folk-Legacy.
1853 ‘The Sailor Boy’s Song, published text, Huntington, frag, pt.
c 1880? ‘Tis Early, Early All in the Spring, Child Mss, ii, 42, c in Kittredge as Irish-American version
1919-32 ‘A Sailor’s Life is a Roving Life, It Robbed Me of My Hearts’s Delight,’ ‘Song of the Sea,’ Gordon Index, c McGinnis Mss, #25
1919-32 ‘A Sailor’s Life is a Roving Life,’ Sailor’s Sweetheart,’ Godon Index, c G. Hirdt, #2710
1919-32 ‘Sailor’s Sweetheart,’ ms. Text, Gordon Ms, 8 stanzas, cc.
1924 Gid Tanner, ‘Sailor Boy,’ recording, Meade.
1925 Vernon Dalhart, ‘Oh Captain, Captain, Tell me True,’ recoding, Meade.
1927 Elzie Floyd & Leo Bowell, ‘Captain, Captain, Tell me True,’ recording, Meade.
1928 Carter family, ‘I Have No One to Love Me [But the Sailor in the Deep Blue Sea],’ recording, Meade, Cam cAS(E)2554, RCA DPS2046, CMH 107;
1928 C.W. Davis & Lowe Stokes, ‘Sweet William,’ recording, Meade.
1930 Asa Martin & Doc Roberts, ‘Sailor on the Deep Blue Sea,’ recording, meade.
1931 Asa Martin, ‘My Lost Lover on the Sea,’ recoding, Meade.
1931 Asa Martin & James Robert, ‘My Lover on the Deep Blue Ocean’ recording, meade.
1935 Lake Howard, ‘I Have No One to Love Me But the Sailor in the Deep Blue Sea,’ recording, Meade.
1938 Clay Long & His Longhorns, ‘captain Tell me True,’ recording, Meade.
1966 ‘Sweet William,’ published text, Scott, 9 stanzas, m, f, cc, duplicates Sharp & Karpeles, 1932.
1968 Karpes, 2, c in Brunnings #261.
n.d. Artus Moser, ‘Sailor on the Deep Blue Sea,’ recording, Hickerson, Riverside 12-617.
n.d. B.L. Lunsford, ‘Sailor on the Deep Blue Sea,’ recording, Hickerson, Riverside 645.
n.d. N.L.C.R. ‘Sailor on the Deep Blue Sea,’ recording, Hickerson, Prestige Int. 13020.
n.d. Obray Ramsey, ‘Sailor on the Deep blue Sea,’ commercial recording, Hickerson, Folkways FA 2390.
n.d. A.L. Lloyd, ‘Sailor on the Deep Blue Sea,’ recording, Hickerson, Folk Lyric FL121.
n.d. Pat Foster, ‘Sailor on the Deep Blue Sea,’ recording, Hickerson, Riverside RLP 12-654.
n.d. Sam Eskin, ‘Pinery Boy,’ commercial recording, Hickerson, Folkways 19.
n.d. Woody Guthrie, ‘What Did the Deep Sea Say?’ commercial recording, Woody Guthrie, Folkways FA 2483.
n.d. Clannad, commercial recording, Dulamann?
n.d. ‘My Boy Willie,’ Irish Rovers, commercial recording.
n.d. Kentucky, Jean Ritchie, ‘Sweet Sailor Boy,’ commercial recording.
n.d. Dolores Keene, ‘Willie Dear,’ commercial recording.
n.d. Fairport Convention 2, June Tabor, It All Comes Around Again, commercial recording.
Flander’s collection in Middlebury College
Author Hawes Bert.
Uniform title Sailor Boy I
Title Sailor Boy.
Publication info. Stewartstown, NH Apr. 20 1942,
Note Male.
Subject Stewartstown, NH
Genre Sung.
Misc. Laws K12.
Other author Marguerite Olney.
Other title First line: A sailor's life is a roving life.
Misc. s1942 nhu eng ctm7a
Author Sullivan Ellen M Mrs.
Uniform title Sailor Boy I
Title My Love Willie.
Publication info. Springfield, VT Nov. 10 1939, Nov. 17 1939,
Note Female.
Subject Springfield, VT
Genre Recording.
Misc. Laws K12.
Other author Helen Flanders.
Other title Father Father Build Me A Boat.
First line: A sailor's life is a roaming life.
Misc. m19391939vtu eng ctm7a
Author Sullivan Ellen M Mrs.
Uniform title Distressed Maiden
Title Song Of The Sea.
Publication info. Springfield, VT undated,
Note Female.
Subject Springfield, VT
Genre Manuscript.
Other author Helen Flanders.
Other title Rowboat Of Three Oars.
First line: The sailor's life is a roving life.
Misc. u vtu eng ctm7a
Sailor Boy (I), The [Laws K12]
DESCRIPTION: A girl asks her father to build her a boat so that she may search for her lover. She describes the boy to a passing captain, who tells her he is drowned. She gives directions for her burial, then dies of grief or dashes her boat against the rocks
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: before 1839 (broadside, Bodleian Harding B 11(2298))
KEYWORDS: ship death lover drowning loneliness separation sailor
FOUND IN: Britain(England(Lond,South,West)) US(Ap,MW,NE,SE,So) Canada(Mar,Newf,Queb) Scotland
REFERENCES (24 citations):
Laws K12, "The Sailor Boy I"
Belden, pp. 186-191, "The Sailor Boy" (6 texts, 1 tune)
Randolph 68, "The Sailor's Sweetheart" (3 text plus 2 fragments, 4 tunes)
Randolph/Cohen, pp. 68-70, "The Sailor's Sweetheart" (1 text, 1 tune -- Randolph's 68C)
Brewster 54, "Sweet William (The Sailor Boy)" (1 text)
Eddy 33, "Sweet William" (6 texts, 3 tunes)
Gardner/Chickering 25, "The Sailor Boy" (1 short text; the first 6 lines are "The Sailor Boy"; the last twelve are perhaps "The Butcher Boy")
Rickaby 18, "The Pinery Boy" (1 text, 1 tune; also a fragment in the notes)
Leach, pp. 736-737, "The Sailor Boy" (1 text)
Leach-Labrador 9, "The Sailor Boy" (1 text, 1 tune)
Karpeles-Newfoundland 43, "Sweet William" (1 text, 1 tune)
Creighton-NovaScotia 27, "Broken Ring Song fragment" (1 single-stanza fragment, 1 tune); 44, "My Sailor Lad, "Sailor Bold" (2 texts, 2 tunes)
Warner 53, "I'll Sit Down and Write a Song" (1 text, 1 tune)
Sharp-100E 72, "Sweet William" (1 text, 1 tune)
Sharp/Karpeles-80E 35, "Sweet William" (1 text, 1 tune -- a composite version)
Vaughan Williams/Lloyd, p. 94, "A Sailor's Life" (1 text, 1 tune)
JHCox 110, "Sweet William (The Sailor Boy)" (3 texts plus mention of 6 more)
BrownII 104, "The Sailor Boy" (5 texts, mostly short, plus excerpts from 4 more and mention of 2 more and 1 very short fragment; several texts, notably "C," are mixed with "The Butcher Boy"; "E" is a mix with something unidentifiable as only part of the song is printed; "H" is apparently a mix of floating material, only partly printed; "J" is mostly from some unidentified ballad; "L" appears to mix this with "The Apprentice Boy" [Laws M12])
Scott-BoA, pp. 39-40, "Sweet William" (1 text, 1 tune, a composite version)
Lomax-FSNA 55, "The Pinery Boy" (1 text, 1 tune)
Huntington-Whalemen, pp. 272-273, "A Sailor's Trade Is a Roving Life" (1 text, with the manuscript damaged by water)
MacSeegTrav 25, "Sweet William" (2 texts, 2 tunes)
Darling-NAS, pp. 97-98, "Sweet Soldier Boy" (1 text)
Roud #273
Anita Best and Pamela Morgan, "A Sailor's Trade is a Weary Life" (on NFABestPMorgan01)
Dock Boggs, "Papa, Build Me a Boat" (on Boggs2, BoggsCD1) (a complex version, with this plot but many floating verses, e.g. from "The Storms Are On the Ocean")
Rufus Crisp, "Fall, Fall, Build Me a Boat" (on Crisp01)
Mrs. Otto Rindlisbacher, "The Pinery Boy" [instrumental] (AFS, 1941; on LC55)
Art Thieme, "The Pinery Boy" (on Thieme04)
Bodleian, Harding B 11(2298), "The Maid's Lament for her Sailor Boy," J. Catnach (London), 1813-1838; also Firth c.12(226), Harding B 11(3375), Harding B 25(1684), "Sailor Boy" ("Down by a chrystal river side"); Firth c.12(227), "The Sailor Boy and his Faithful Mary"
cf. "The Butcher Boy" [Laws P24] (lyrics)
cf. "A Soldier's Life" (lyrics, theme)
cf. "The Deep Blue Sea (I)" (plot)
cf. "Taven in the Town" (lyrics)
The Pinery Boy
Papa, Papa, Build Me a Boat
A Shantyman's Life
I Have No One to Love Me
Captain Tell Me True
The Sailor Boy and his Faithful Mary
Notes: Paul Stamler suggests that "The Deep Blue Sea" is a worn-down version of this song. He may well be right (see the notes to that song), but I believe that the characteristic of Laws K12 is the girl's request of a boat. Since "Deep Blue Sea" lacks that feature, I tentatively separate the songs.
Art Thieme's "Pinery Boy" version of this song is localized thoroughly to Wisconsin, mentioning the Dells, the Wisconsin river, etc. It's interesting to note that there is a town in Wisconsin (on Lake Pepin) called Maiden Rock -- but the name seems to predate the local version of this song; the story is that an Indian girl committed suicide there after being separated from her lover. The town of Winona is said to be named after her. - RBW
Creighton-NovaScotia shows a collector misled by a source. The version is only a single verse, identical to broadside Bodleian, Firth c.12(227), "The Sailor Boy and his Faithful Mary" ("A sailor's life is a merry life"), J.Harkness (Preston), 1840-1866. The singer, in this case, thought this was a returned lover ballad -- from Creighton's title -- of the broken ring type. - BS
File: LK12
The Ballad Index Copyright 2005 by Robert B. Waltz and David G. Engle.
Subject: RE: Penguin: A Sailor's Life
From: Allan C.
Date: 15 Feb 04 - 05:10 PM
I found a version that is much like the d) version posted above by Roberto. One main difference is the inclusion of this verse:
"A deep blue jacket he used to wear,
With rosey cheeks and coal black hair,
His lips were of a velvet fine,
And oft time used to meet with mine."
Source: "Heart Songs Dear to the American People"; 1909, Chappele Publishing.