There Lives a Lady- children (Essex) 1894 Frances, Gomme B

There Lives a Lady- children (Essex) 1894 Frances, Gomme B

[My title, from Dictionary of British Folk-lore, Volume 1, edited by G. Laurence Gomme, 1894 collected by Miss G. M. Frances.

R. Matteson 2017]

II. There lives a lady on the mountain,
   Who she is I do not know;
     All she wants is gold and silver,
     All she wants is a nice young man.

Choose one, choose two,
Choose the fairest of the few.

Now you're married I wish you joy,
Father and mother you must obey;
Love one another like sister and brother,
And pray, young couple, come kiss one another.

—Colchester (Miss G. M. Frances).

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