The Bridgewater- Graham (CA-IO) 1938 Cowell REC

The Bridgewater- Graham (CA-IO) 1938 Cowell REC

[From LOC recording: UC-WPA Disk No. 1E-B1 _ A3 by singer George Vinton Graham; Sidney Robertson Cowell, collector and Ella Asmussen, transcriber of text. Recorded at San Jose, California; October 1938.

Listen (end):

Graham was born November 12, 1871 in Iowa and died Oct. 1, 1947 in Santa Clara CA. He learned songs from his mother when he was a boy in Iowa, and also his aunt from Ohio. When George Vinton Graham forgot his words while singing, Robertson jotted down that “Mr. Graham's gravity was disturbed by the antics of the photographer.” He recorded around 70 songs and Ballads for the LOC in 1938 and 1939.

R. Matteson 2016]

The Bridgewater- Sung by George Vinton Graham accompanying himself on the guitar on October 12, 1938. Collected by Sidney Robertson Cowell in San Jose, California.

Near a bridgewater a rich man liveth,
He had two sons and one daughter dear,
And through life to death, he was resolved then
To bring them up in the hearts of fear.

Unto the seas these two boys ventured,
For to bring home their father gain;
An apprentice bound by a firm indenture
For to cross o'er the raging main.

Now, this young man had a fair complexion,
He was neat and handsome in every limb,
And on him their sister placed her affection,
But unbeknownst to any of them;

Except unto the youngest brother
Who chanced to hear them sport and play.
And this he told unto no other,
But to his brother he did say,

"Now, perhaps he may be of some low family,
And would like our sister for to have,
But we'll soon end him of his wishes,
And quickly send him to his grave."

Near a bridgewater all went a-hunting
Where harmless birds do sport and play.
In a lonely wood not much frequented,
They did this young man's body slay.

When they came home, their sister asked them
What they had done with the servant man.
"We tell you plainly, we were offended,
And for your future a better plan.

"In a lonely wood near a bridgewater,
He'll soon forget our sister dear.
We lost him in a game of hunting,
And never more we could him hear."

That very night as she lay sleeping,
She dreamed her true love came and stood
By her bedside, and appearing
Covered o'er in a gore of blood.

Said he, "My sweet, my emris jewel,
'Tis a true folly for thee to pine,
Since your two brothers have been so cruel;
In such a place you may me find."

Then she rose most bright and early,
And traveled all alone, alone,
Until she came to the bridgewater.
There she found him killed and thrown.

The tears were dried up on his pale cheeks;
His eyes were salt as any brine.
She kissed him over and ten times over,
Saying, "Oh, this bosom friend of mine!"

Three days and nights she stayed a-weeping,
All alone, alone, alone,
Until she felt fierce hunger creeping,
Which forced her for to go home.

When she came home, her brothers asked her
What made her look so pale and wan.
She said, "The reason, you've acted treason
In killing of your servant man.

"And I suppose you think I'll conceal this murder,
But I'll do no, no such a thing.
But for his sake,
Both of you have got to swing."

Now they were both confined in prison,
And both of them condemned to die.
And she her true love is lamenting
And yielding up herself to die.


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