Shelton Family; Madison Co. NC; Sharp EFSSA

 Shelton Family; Madison Co. NC; Sharp EFSSA

[I've included some charts for Roderick Shelton b. 1754 in Virginia (attached).  John Shelton, born 1732, son of Ralph, was the father of Roderick. Some of the Shelton singers line comes from Martin Shelton, who was Roderick's son. Martin Shelton Jr., who married  Mary Franklin (his sons namesake) was the father of Franklin (also Frankland) B. Shelton, b. 1859. Prominent names in the Shelton line include Hensley, Franklin, and Haire.

Some of the locations in the region include Rice Cove, Shelton Laurel, Big Laurel, Alleghany, Allenstand, Spillcorn, Hot Springs and Sodom Laurel.

In Jane Hicks Gentry: A Singer Among Singers - Page 74,  Betty N. Smith comments, "The Sheltons, like the Hicks family, came from England to Virginia and then to North Carolina. According to the Shelton family history, Roderick Shelton was the “first settler in this part of the state,” at least in the part of Madison County known as Shelton Laurel.”

Of the thirty-nine contributors to Sharp from Madison County, twenty-eight have been identified as Shelton descendants, three as spouses of his descendants, and five with family members who married his descendants. Three appear to be spouses of the descendants and five with family members married into the Shelton family."

The Sheltons, Mary Sands, Mitchell Wallin; the Hensley's; the Chandlers (and at least one Chandley) and the Rice family were all related. Emma Hensley later married a Shelton and was recorded in 1950 by Karpeles on her return trip. Other Madison County singers include: Dillard Chandler (1907-1992); Berzilla Wallin (1892- 1986) m. Lee Wallin. Lee's brother Cas Wallin (1903-1992) Dellie Chandler Norton (sister of Berzilla Chandler); Lloyd Chandler (Dellie's brother); Evelyn Ramsey (father Morris Norton)

Edith Fish, a local ballad collector, took Sharp and Karpeles to meet Granny Banks and Polly Shelton on July 28, 1916.  Fish from the New England area, married locally and began her ballad collection in the 1800s. Several of the ballads in Perrow's collection came second hand from Fish.

R. Matteson 2016]

Some Madison County Ballads

Giles Collins Sung by Mrs. DORA SHELTON Allanstand 1916

Brown Girl Sung by Mr. William RILEY SHELTON Pentatonic. Mode 3. at Alleghany, N. C., Aug. 29, 1916

G. Lord Thomas sung by  N. Shelton

In October 1913 the Campbells attended the Country Life Conference in Big Laurel, one of Frances Goodrich's missions in Madison County ...  There Olive Dame Campbell heard some ballad singing and had an opportunity to explain the significance of the ballads.  By 1914 she had visited singers in the Laurel Country, Rosin Hensley and Mrs Sotherland [sic], and in 1915 she took down a song from Mandy Shelton.

One singer encountered on Sharp's first day was Aunt Polly Shelton who sang them a fine version of the old ballad Earl Brand.  The next day Mr Campbell took a buggy to drive Sharp and Karpeles to meet Norah Shelton, 'Who sang me 2 or 3 beautiful songs', 30.

Sharp diary,  and other members of the Shelton family.  Within four days Sharp had collected over fifty songs, and had doubled this figure within seventeen days.

This last week I spent three whole days, from 10 A.M.  to 5.30 P.M., with a family in the mountains consisting of parents and daughter, by name Hensley.  All three sang and the father played the fiddle.  Maud and I dined with them each day, and the rest of the time sat on the veranda while the three sang and played and talked, mainly about the songs.  I must have taken down thirty tunes from them and have not yet exhausted them.  one ballad, The Cruel Mother, is by far the finest variant, both words and tune, which, in my opinion, has yet been found.  Of course, I am only at the beginning of things yet.  I have been here seventeen days, but it looks as though I shall bring away with me a large amount of extremely valuable stuff, which when published will create a very great deal of interest in certain circles.  Although the people are so English, they have their American quality that they are freer than the English peasant.  They own their own land, and have done so for three or four generations, so that there is none of the servility which, unhappily, is one of the characteristics of the English peasant.

Cecil Sharp’s Madison County, North Carolina Singers

Cecil Sharp collected a total of 260 tunes in Madison County, NC. 158 of these were collected in one small area, comprising the settlements of White Rock, Alleghany, Allenstand, Carmen, Big Laurel, Rice Cove and Spillcorn. The remaining 102 songs came from the small town of Hot Springs. These include 70 songs which came from one singer alone, Jane Gentry. Cecil Sharp’s Madison County, NC, singers:

Mrs Mary Shelton Gosnell
Mrs Mary Sands [Mary Sands was one of the great grandchildren of Roderick Shelton.  Her mother, Rosannah ‘Granny Roz’ Shelton (aka Franklin) (1836 - 1909), being one of Roderick’s granddaughters.  Rosannah was married twice.  Her first husband, Hugh Wallin (1829 - 1864), died during the Civil War.]
Mrs Dorah Shelton
Mr Franklin (also Frankland) B Shelton--b. 1859
Mr Mitchell Wallin [half-brother of Mary Sands]

Mrs Anelize Chandler [Anna (also Ann) Eliza Chandley 1858-1928; father John Chandley 1822-1918 mother Elizabeth Haire]
Mr Floyd (or is this Lloyd?) Chandler [Lloyd Chandler, Dellie Chandler Norton's brother]
Mr Jehu Harris
Miss Donna Shelton
Miss Memory Shelton
Mrs Norah Shelton
Miss Stella Shelton
Miss Virginia Shelton
Mr William Riley Shelton [b. 1873 brother of Solomon] [Yates: Sharp noted the song in 1916 from Frankland B Shelton of Allenstand in Madison County, NC.  Doug Wallin knew both Frankland Shelton and his brother William Riley Shelton - Doug calls the latter 'the brag ballad singer' - who also sang to Cecil Sharp, and can be heard talking about William on his Smithsonian Folkways CD (SF CD 40013). ]

Big Laurel
Mrs Becky Griffin
Miss Viney Norton
Mrs Minnie Rice
Mr & Mrs Tom Rice
Mrs Zipo Rice [Berzilla Wallin was sister of Zipporah Rice]

Miss Emma Hensley (later became Mrs Donald Shelton; daughter of Reuben and Rosie Hensley. She was recorded by Karpeles in 1950 at nearby Flag Pond, TN)
Mrs Rosie Hensley [m. Reuben Hensley, fiddler)
Miss Linnie Landers
Mrs Mandy Shelton
Mrs Nancy E Shelton
Mr Sol Shelton [Solomon "Sol" Shelton b. Mar. 2, 1856; Madison County; d. Oct. 26, 1930 Carmen--married Ann Mineriva Haire Shelton (1856 - 1935) There is a Solomon Shelton who is Franklin (Frankland) Shelton's brother born in 1841. ]
Mrs Wonnie Shelton [sang "Fair Margaret" Aug. 11, 1916.]
Mrs Sotherland [also Sutherland; Reuben Hensley's sister; ref. Campbell]

Hot Springs
Mrs Jane Hicks Gentry [From Hicks/Harmon line Watuaga County]
Mrs Hester House
Mrs Ellie Johnson
Mrs Lizzy Roberts
Mrs Smith
Mrs Julie Williams

Mrs Harland Shelton [possibly William Harlin Shelton (1869-1936)]
Mr Silas Shelton
Mrs Tempa Shelton

White Rock

‘Granny’ Banks (Ealy Franklin Banks)
Mrs "Aunt" Polly Shelton




Cecil Sharp’s diary entry for 27th July, 1916, however, shows that they stayed with a Presbyterian missionary, a Miss Helen Fish, and that it was Miss Fish’s sister, Edith Fish of Allenstand - described by Sharp as ‘a very grim old maid’ - who next day introduced them to a number of singers, including ‘Aunt’ Polly Shelton of White Rock, who gave them a version of the old ballad Earl Brand, much to Sharp’s delight.  ‘(I am) thoroughly satisfied with my first afternoon’s work’, he was to write that evening in his diary.  On the following morning Miss Fish took Sharp to meet Norah Shelton and other members of the Shelton Family who lived in the nearby settlement of Alleghany.  Within four days Sharp and Karpeles had collected over fifty songs.

92. Martin Shelton Jr. (Martin , Roderick , John , Ralph , Ralph , Peter , (Sir) John , William , William , Ralph , John , John ) was born on 12 Dec 1817 in , , NC.

Martin married Mary Polly Franklin. Mary was born on 2 Jan 1827 in , , NC.

They had the following children:

          113     M     i     Solomon Shelton was born on 17 Jan 1841 in , , NC.
          114     F     ii     Ailsey Shelton was born on 15 Feb 1844 in , , NC.
          115     M     iii     Shadrack Shelton was born on 15 Oct 1849 in , , NC.
          116     F     iv     Viannala Shelton was born on 9 Mar 1853 in , , NC.
          117     F     v     Mahuldy Shelton was born on 6 Sep 1856 in , , NC.
          118     M     vi     Franklin B. Shelton was born on 14 Feb 1859 in , , NC.
          119     F     vii     Nancy Shelton was born on 29 Apr 1861 in , , NC.
          120     M     viii     Andrew Jackson Shelton was born on 23 Mar 1864 in , , NC.
          121     M     ix     Thomas J. Shelton was born on 10 Jan 1867 in , , NC.


Feb. 14, 1859
Madison County
North Carolina, USA
Death:     Apr. 20, 1938
Madison County
North Carolina, USA

Son of Martin Shelton (Jr.) & Mary "Polly" Franklin daughter of George "Rock" Franklin
Family links:
  Susan Dudley Shelton (1861 - 1921)*
  Docie Bell Shelton Payne (1881 - 1969)*
  Birchard Shelton (1886 - 1967)*
  Robert Shelton (1893 - 1973)*
  Annie Shelton Shelton Gosnell (1897 - 1992)*


FFRU Volume 35 - Page 6
+    24      M      iv.         Alfred Franklin was born about Nov 1844 in North Carolina.
+    25      M      v.          Peter H. Franklin was born about 1846 in North Carolina.
+    26      M      vi.         Joseph T. Franklin was born about 1848 in North Carolina.
+    27      F        vii.        Harriet Franklin was born about 1851 in North Carolina.
+    28      M      viii.       George W. Franklin was born about Aug 1851 in North Carolina.
+    29      F        ix.         Temperance Tempy Franklin was born about 1854 in North Carolina.
+    30      F        x.          Isabel Franklin was born about Aug 1856 in North Carolina.
6.          Mary Franklin was born on 2 Jan 1827 in North Carolina. Another source lists her birth date as 14
Dec 1817. She married Martin Shelton, Jr., son of Martin Shelton and Nancy Willard.
+    31      M      i.           Soloman Shelton was born on 17 Jan 1841 in North Carolina.
+    32      M      ii.          Thomas J. Shelton was born on 10 Jan 1867 in North Carolina.
+    33      F        iii.         Ailsey Shelton was born on 15 Feb 1844 in Shelton Laurel, Madison
County, North Carolina and died on 14 May 1914 in Madison County,
North Carolina.
34      F        iv.         Arminda Shelton was born about 1847 in Shelton Laurel, Madison County,
North Carolina.
+    35      M      v.          Shadrach Shelton was born on 14 Oct 1849 in Shelton Laurel, Madison
County, North Carolina.
+    36      F        vi.         Vianna Shelton was born about 1852 in Shelton Laurel, Madison County,
North Carolina.
+    37      F        vii.        Nancy Mahulda Hully Shelton was born on 6 Sep 1856 in Shelton Laurel,
Madison County, North Carolina.
+    38      M      viii.       Franklin B. Shelton was born on 14 Feb 1859 in North Carolina and died
on 20 Apr 1938.
+    39      F        ix.         Nancy Shelton was born on 29 Apr 1861 in North Carolina and died on 14
Apr 1934.
+    40      M      x.          Andrew Jackson Shelton was born on 23 Mar 1864 in Shelton Laurel,
Madison County, North Carolina and died on 18 Jan 1942.


 Noah Shelton. son of William Riley and Martha Jane Johnson Shelton, born abt 1858, wed Melinda (Linnie) Shelton in 1877, daughter of Judith Shelton & Sol Chandley. Noah & Linnie had 10 children.

Dora Mae Shelton

Birth:     May 30, 1885
Madison County
North Carolina, USA
Death:     Oct. 7, 1958
Madison County
North Carolina, USA

Family links:
  Noah Shelton (1858 - 1935)
  Malinda Shelton (1858 - 1949)
  Crittendon (Critton) Shelton (1882 - 1972)*
  Malcolm Shelton (1908 - 2001)*
  Munice Shelton Metcalf (1915 - 2012)*
  Leola Shelton Watts (1927 - 2011)*
  Hannah Shelton (1877 - 1955)*
  Dora Mae Shelton Shelton (1885 - 1958)
  Alpha Shelton Chandley (1885 - 1971)*
  Viney Shelton (1891 - 1942)*
  Leonard Shelton (1899 - 1918)*
  Delbert Lawrence Shelton (1901 - 1982)*
  Broyate Shelton (1904 - 1946)*


Donna Shelton, daughter of William Gaither and Sarah E. Shelton, was born about 1906.

 Solomon Shelton, son of Judith Shelton and Sol Chandley, was born about l856. He wed Annie Haire. They had 12 children:

Everett Hayes Shelton, son of Solomon and Annie Haire Shelton, was born about 1876. He was killed in 1895 by Jim and Rod Stanton.

Milom S. Donna) Shelton, daughter of Solomon and Annie Haire Shelton, was born about l879. She wed William Bax­ter Shelton, son of William Riley and Polly Biddle Shelton; she wed second Joe Reeves.



Wade G. Shelton, son of Solomon and Annie Haire Shelton, was born about 1880. He wed Baley Hensley, daughter of Emery Ray and Ursula Hensley; second he wed Emma Landers, daughter of Beverly and Tenny Shelton Landers.

Mary Lodusky Shelton, daughter of Solomon and Annie Haire Shelton, was born about 1882. She wed George Washington Landers, son of Beverly and Tenny Shelton Landers.

Cortland W. Shelton, son of Solomon and Annie Haire Shel­ton, was born about 1884. He wed Sophia Shelton, daughter of Alford and Milam Shelton Shelton.

Lattie B. Shelton, son of Solomon and Annie Haire Shelton, was born about 1886. He wed Althea Cody, daughter of Gab­riel and Rachael Ball Cody.

Roxana Camella Shelton, daughter of Solomon and Annie Haire Shelton, was born about 1888. She wed David Bartholomew.


Effie Blodgett Shelton, daughter of Solomon and Annie Haire Shelton, was born about 1890. She wed Prince Bismark Ray, son of John Shelton and Sarah Elizabeth Crain Ray.

Virginia Dare Shelton, daughter of Solomon and Annie Haire Shelton, was born about 1892. She wed Dave Norton, son of Alfred and Mary Ann Gillis Norton.

Oscar Shelton, son of Solomon and Annie Haire Shelton, was born about 1894. He wed Violet Chapman.

Henry Hubert Shelton, son of Solomon and Annie Haire Shel­ton, was born about 1896. He wed Doshia Helen Shelton, daughter of Trull and Mary Shelton Shelton


The life and work of John Charles Campbell: September 15,
1968 -
John wrote Dr. Finley in Marshall, North Carolina, on September 30th: ''If the I will weather promises well, Mrs. ... Reuben Hensley and Mrs. had a pleasant time and got ballads; then drove over the line (Tennessee - North Carolina) to see  Minta Carter.

 you found Lizzie Shelton at Carmen, and also whether you got any word of Mrs. Sutherland --Mr . Reuben Hensley 's sister?


HENSLEY, ROSIE M. was born 15 May 1903, received Social Security

Mrs Anelize Chandley
 Anna Eliza Chandley 1858-1928; father John Chandley mother Elizabeth Haire
married Jonah Blankenship

Members of the Wallin family are either descendants of or married to descendants of Hugh Wallin (1829—1864), a Union Army recruiter assassinated by Confederate soldiers during the U.S. Civil War.[2] Among the children of Hugh and his wife, Rosannah, were sons Mitchell Wallin (1854—1932) and Thomas Jefferson "Tom" Wallin (1857—1948). After Hugh's death, Rosannah married John Bullman, and their children included daughter Mary Bullman Sands (1872—1949). Children of Thomas Jefferson Wallin included Robert Lee Wallin (1889—1973), Chappel Wallin (1898—1984), Jeter Wallin (1899—1985) and Cas Wallin (1903—1992). Robert Lee (usually listed as simply "Lee Wallin") and his wife Berzilla (née Berzilla Chandler) had more than 10 children, including Martin Douglas "Doug" Wallin (30 July 1919—15 March 2000) and Jack Wallin (7 May 1932—3 January 2005).[1][2] Berzilla was the sister of ballad singers Lloyd Chandler and Dellie Chandler Norton, and a cousin of Dillard Chandler.

Alexander "Elic" Shelton
born 1815 Buncombe County NC
Married #2 Nancy Riddle (b. 1820 - before 1860)

Genus Mandy Shelton b. 1851

Alexander "Elic" Shelton
born 1815 Buncombe County NC
Married #3 margaret Hensley on Oct 16, 1855 Madison CO, NC
(b. abt 1840/41, no death date, parents listed as Charles Hensley 1796-? and Rhoda Franklin 1799-?)

Reuben Shelton b. 1873 [wrong Reuben]


Shelton, William Riley, Born Mar 04 1897 in Upper Laurel, Madison Co. NC, Died Feb 16 1983 in AR.

Shelton, William Riley, Born Jul 19 1850 in Alleghany, White Rock, NC, Died Jan 23 1930 in White Rock, Madison Co. NC

Shelton, William Riley, Born Dec 11 1836 in Madison Co. NC, Died Feb 03 1896 in Madison Co. NC

David SHELTON (son of David and Catherine MILLER SHELTON), b. abt 1822, d. 1
Jul 1863; married 9 Mar 1842 (Yancey Co, NC) Elizabeth GOSNELL (dau of
Morris GOSNELL and Jane LINDSEY), b. abt 1824 (Greenville Co, SC)
Children: Jane SHELTON, b. abt 1843 (NC)
Kindness SHELTON, b. abt Nov 1844
Judith SHELTON, b. abt 1846
Green Berry SHELTON, b. 11 Apr 1851 (NC), d. 16 Apr 1920
William Riley SHELTON, b. abt 1851 (NC)
Katherine SHELTON, b. abt 1855 (NC)
Oma Omie SHELTON, b. abt 1862

1880 - Madison Co, NC (32a, 5 Jun, Twp 2, Shelton Laurel, 94/94)
William R. SHELTON, age 28, farmer, CNRW, NC/NC/SC


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