Madam I have Come A-Courtin'- A. Meyers (NY) 1941

Madam, I have Come A-Courtin'- Arthur Meyers (NY) 1941

[Title spelling changed. AFC 1985/001: st070  MS transcription from Voices from the Dust Bowl: The Charles L. Todd and Robert Sonkin Migrant Worker Collection, 1940 to 1941 (526).

R. Matteson 2017]

MADAME I HAVE COME A-COURTIN' (5028 B3) by Arthur Meyers of Lily Dale, N.Y., 1941

Madame I have come a-courtin'
M-m-m, Oh dear me
'Tis for fun and not for sportin'
M-m-m, Oh dear me

I've a ring worth forty shillin'
M-m-m, Oh dear me
You may have it if you're willin'
M-m-m, Oh dear me.

I care not for your rings nor money
Fal Fal ke-die-de-o
I want someone to call me honey
Kiddy-ka-dink, ka-die-de-o.

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