Careless Love- Spencer Moore (TN) 1988 REC

Careless Love- Spencer Moore (TN) 1988 REC

[From Ferrum College; Digital Appalachia--Spence Moore (b.1919 ) plays guitar and sings a song with his brother, Joe. This takes place in where they used to live.

R. Matteson 2017]

Careless Love- Spencer and Joe Moore of Mountain City, Tennessee, 6/30/1988

Love, oh love oh careless love
Love, oh love oh careless love
You broke the heart of many a poor boy,
But you'll never break this heart of mine.

Yonder she goes, oh yonder she goes,
Yonder she goes, oh yonder she goes,
Yonder she goes, oh yonder she goes,
With a brand new hat and a suit of clothes


Two old freight trains side by side[1],
Two old freight trains side by side,
Two old freight trains side by side,
Don't know which one I want to ride.

1. Stanza sung by Asa Martin in 1934