Captain, Captain, Tell Me True-Wilbur Addison (VA-CO) 1920 Lumpkin

 Captain, Captain, Tell Me True- Wilbur Addison (VA-CO) c.1920 (recorded in 1964) Lumpkin

[Two lines with music from Ben Gray Lumpkin Collection. Additional text Colorado Folksong Bulletin - Volume 3 - Page 28, titled "Captain, Tell Me True." Apparently there are four stanzas (two missing on Google Books).

R. Matteson 2017]

    Captain, Captain, Tell Me True- sung by Wilbur C. Addison of Denver, Colorado, on  1/2/1964. Learned in Virginia about 1920. 

"Captain, captain, tell me true:
Does my Sweet Willie sail with you?"  
"No, oh no, he's not with me,
For he is on the deep blue sea."

"Father, oh Father, build me a boat,
So on the ocean I can float.
"And every ship that I pass by
I think I hear my Willie cry.