Brattleby, Lincolnshire Mummers' Play- (Linc) 1894 Helm & Cawte

Brattleby, Lincolnshire Mummers' Play- (Linc) 1894

[From A.Helm & E.C.Cawte's "Six Mummers' Acts" Leicestershire, The Guizer Press, 1967, pp.37-43. Excerpt from Brattleby, Lincolnshire Mummers' Play; text From the Rev. Denzil Wright who copied out the text for Mrs Rudkin in 1966. Helm and Cawte's notes follow. See: Classified Index of English Folk Play Scripts, compiled by Peter Millington.

R. Mattesdon 2017]

    Helm and Cawte's Notes:

    "Mrs E.H.RudkIn: Collection. The words were noted by Alice Wright while the mummers still played about 1894. They were preserved In a Family Scrap Album now belonging to the present vicar of Willoughton, Rev. Denzil Wright, whose father had often seen the mummers and had described them to his son. Up to about 1905 there was a hobby horse on which the Sergeant rode. The Rev. Denzil Wright copied out the text for Mrs Rudkin In 1966.


        I am a lady bright and fair,
        My fortune is my charms,
        It's true that I have been borne away
        Out of my dear lover's arms.
        He promised for to marry me,
        As you will understand,
        He listed for a soldier,
        And went into a foreign land.


        Madam, I've got gold and silver!
        Madam, I've got horse end land!
        Madam, I've got world and treasure,
        Everything at thy command.


        What care I for gold and silver?
        What care I for horse and land ?
        What care I for world and treasure?
        All I want is a nice young man.

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