Randall, My Son- Child 12S Lord Randal; April 1775

Randall, My Son- Child 12S Lord Randal; April 1775

[Titled, Ballad, by Parsons: this is Randall my Son (my title), version 12S in Child's ESPB. It was not included in Child's first volume because he did not have the Percy Paper's yet but was included in Additions and Corrections in the second volume.

Parson's commented: "All the Songs that I have enclosed are Original, at least to me –  That on the the other side [Randall my Son], a Friend took from the Spinning Wheel in Suffolk-"

There are some minor differences:

13 and 16 Child inserts "the," has "sick at the heart"
23 Child has "I have"
41 Child has "colour"

There are no hypens in Child's transcription-- all taken out and the incorrect captial letters have been changed.] 


Where have you been to-day, Randall my Son?
Where have you been to-day, my Only Man?
“I have been hunting, Mother; -  make my bed soon
“For I am Sick at heart,- fain wou’d lie down
“Dear Sister, hold my head, Dear Mother make my bed
“For I am Sick at heart, - fain wou’d lie down

What have you eat to-day, Randall my Son?
What have you eat to-day, my only man?
“I’ve eat an Eel, Mother; - make my Bed soon
“For I am sick at heart – fain wou’d lie down
“Dear Sister, hold & c

Who gave you Eels to-day, Randall my Son?
Who gave you Eels to-day, my Only Man?
“My own Sweetheart, Mother, - make my bed soon
“For I am Sick at heart – fain wou’d lie down
“Dear Sister, hold & c

What was the Color of it, Randall my Son?
What was the Color of it, my only man?
“It was neither green, grey, blue, nor black
“But speckled on the Back – make my bed soon
“For I am Sick at heart – fain would lie down
“Dear Sister, hold & c

Where Shall I make your Bed, Randall my Son?
Where shall I make your Bed, my Only Man?
“In the Church-yard, Mother, make my bed soon
“For I am Sick at heart – fain would lie down
“Dear Sister, hold & c

What will you leave her then, Randall my Son?
What will you leave her then, my only man?
“A Halter to hang her, Mother – make my bed soon
“For I am Sick at heart – fain would lie down
“Dear Sister, hold & c

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