An Epithalamie (Acrostick)

An Epithalamie presented on the names and nuptials of Thomas Argall Esq. and the most virtuous Lady Anne Wyld, his most Endeared Consort. (Acrostick)

Tho Mr. Addison has with equal Justice and humour exploded the whole Tribe of anagrams and acrosticks, yet it may not be useless or unentertaining to preserve some at least of them.

The two following are Originals, and have some Poetical merit.

The first was written in the year 1615- the Original in a very clear and elegant hand-writing, beautifully adorned with neat flourishes of Penmanship all round it, and the first Letters of every Line and all the Capitals are written in Gold; which may serve to shew how exact out forefathers were in these laborious Trifles.


Written about an hundred years ago, and ornamented nearly in the same exact and Elegant manner with the anagram. This is entitled “an Epithalamie presented on the names and nuptials of Thomas Argall Esq. and the most virtuous Lady Anne Wyld, his most Endeared Consort.”

                         Thrice happy is their Course whose Pious Love
                         Attends the Wheels that Providence doth move
                         Having no loose beginnings nor false Ends
                         Nor any heat but what from Heav’n descends
                         Owning their bright legitimate desires
                         Not unto Earth but Celestial fires
                         May Angels sing your bridal songs, as some
                         Expresser Prophets of Your Joyes to come
                         And in your fairest Garlands they have made
                         Winde in new flowers if any old shou’d fade
                         So great, So high may your Example stand
                         'Inrich'd with Honours like the countless Lands'
                         And may a noble Issue, high in fame
                         Live and advance both Wyld’s and Argall’s name
                         Replenish’t and adorn’d with all that can
                         Draw honors on the seed of a grateful Man
                         Giving great cause of Joy, til You on high
                         Again shall wed, and kiss Eternitie' 
                         Let angels sound it and let all the Spheres
                         Lend it their Music to delight all Ears.

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