Marguirite Mosely (Anagram)
Tho Mr. Addison has with equal Justice and humour exploded the whole Tribe of anagrams and acrosticks, yet it may not be useless or unentertaining to preserve some at least of them.
The two following are Originals, and have some Poetical merit.
The first was written in the year 1615- the Original in a very clear and elegant hand-writing, beautifully adorned with neat flourishes of Penmanship all round it, and the first Letters of every Line and all the Capitals are written in Gold; which may serve to shew how exact out forefathers were in these laborious Trifles.
ON Cowden’s Banks an Orient Pearle is found.
Of fairest, hue and price inestimable
The Gemms and Stones in India that abound
Are to this Margarite not comparable
For having search I find mongst none of them
So rich a Jewel, nor so rare a Gem
All Things for Love or Money purchas’d are
But this bright Gem nor Gold nor Silver gains yt
The full fruition this Jewel rare
Only desert and constant Love obtains it
Thrice happy man that so this Pearle hath got
He well may say A RARE GEM IS MY LOT