Yankee Doodle- Version 1

Yanke Doodle- Version 1
Standard Lyrics- Shuckburgh circa 1755


Yankee Doodle

Old-Time Songtune; English (originally), American;  Country Dance Tune (2/4 time) or March.

ARTIST: Richard Shuckburgh circa 1755

CATEGORY: Fiddle and Instrumental Tunes


RECORDING INFO: Yankee Doodle [Me II-AA 1]- Shuckburgh, Richard

Rt - Yankee Doodle Dixie; Yankees Return from Camp
Rm - American Army of Two
Mf - Battle of the Kegs ; Aunt Jemima's Plaster; Our Soldiers Went to War ; Go It Jerry ; Annexation - 1846 ; Fair and Free Elections ; Song of the Presidents ; Harrison Yankee Doodle ; Uncle Sam's Wedding ; Colonel Heard ; My Pretty Little Pink ; Lucy Locket ; Presidents ; States and Capitals ; Yankee Doodle Dandy ; Uncle Johnny Sick in Bed ; Arnold Is As Brave a Man ; Affair at Newport ; Battle of Plattsburgh ; Cornwallis Country Dance ; Class Communion ; Hey, Polly
Pb - Mormon Yankee Doodle ; Freedom Riders Came to Town ; Old Abe's Elected ; Confederate Yankee Doodle ; Pelles/Pelle's Yankee Doodle ; Yankee Doodle 1812
Lomax, J. A. & A. Lomax / American Ballads and Folk Songs, MacMillan, Bk (1934), p521
Spaeth, Sigmund / Read 'Em and Weep, Arco, Sof (1959/1926), p 3
Ford, Ira W. / Traditional Music in America, Folklore Associates, Bk (1965/1940), p259
Ford, Ira W. / Traditional Music in America, Folklore Associates, Bk (1965/1940), p396
Snyder, Jerry (arr.) / Golden Guitar Folk Sing Book, Hansen, Fol (1972), p128
Kennedy, Peter (ed.) / Fiddler's Tune Book, Hargail, poc (1951), # 53 [1950ca]
Lovett, Benjamin B. / Good Morning: Music, Calls and Directions for Old-, Henry Ford, fol (1943), p 49 (Victory March)
de Ville, Paul (ed.) / Concertina and How To Play It, Carl Fischer, sof (1905), # 33
Chapple, Joseph Mitchell / Heart Songs, Chappell, Bk (1909), p382
Gearhart, Livingston (ed.) / Gentlemen Songsters, Shawnee, sof (1959), p12
Glassmacher, W. J. (ed.) / Songs for Children, Amsco, fol (1934), p141
Brand, Oscar (ed.) / Songs of '76. A Folksinger's History of the Revolut, Evans, Sof (1972), p 61 (Yankee Doodle Doodle Doo)
Lorenz, Ellen J.(ed.) / Men's Get-Together Songs, Lorenz, Fol (1938), p 99/#142
Scofield, Twilo (ed.) / An American Sampler, Cuthroat, Sof (1981), p 56
Silverman, Jerry / Folksingers Guide to Note Reading and Music Theory, Oak, Sof (1966), p26
Ives, Burl / Burl Ives Song Book, Ballantine Books, Bk (1963/1953), p100
Mursell, James, et.al.(eds.) / Music Now and Long Ago, Silver Burdette, Bk (1956), p128
Glazer, Tom / Treasury of Songs for Children, Songs Music, Fol (1964/1981), p249
Williams, Vivian (ed.) / The Peter Beemer Manuscript, Voyager, Sof (2008), p69
Bayard, Samuel (ed.) / Dance to the Fiddle; March to the Fife, Penn State, Bk (1982), p 24/# 19 [1950s]
Vinson, Lee (ed.) / Early American Songbook, Prentice-Hall, Bk (1974), p 42
Herder, Ronald (ed.) / 500 Best-Loved Song Lyrics, Dover dn500/500, Sof (1998), p392
Armstrong, Jack; and his Northumbrian Barnstormers. English Folk Dances, EMI CLP 3754, LP (1974), trk# 8e [1961]
Band of Musick. Fife & Drums and the Band of Musick, Col. Williamsburg WS 101, LP (196?), trk# B.06
Bouterse, Curtis C.. Down the Road I'll Go, Dancing Cat EWM 1002, CD (2006), trk# 9
Cole, Edson (H.). Linscott, Eloise Hubbard (ed.) / Folk Songs of Old New England, Dover, Bk (1993/1939), p118 [1920-30s]
Ives, Burl. Ives, Burl / Burl Ives Song Book, Ballantine Books, Bk (1963/1953), p 76
Lincoln Minute Men Fife and Drums. Grand Musick, Old North Bridge ONB 1775, LP (1974), trk# B.02
Litten, William. Huntington, Gale (ed.) / William Litten's Fiddle Tunes 1800 -1802, Hines Point, fol (1977), p27c [1802]
MacArthur, Margaret. MacArthur, Margaret / How to Play the MacArthur Harp, Front Hall FHRBP 1005, Cas (1986), trk# p19
McGowan, Mrs. Bennie. McIntosh, David S. / Folk Songs and Singing Games of the Illinois Ozarks, SIU Press, Bk (1974), p 92 [1947/05/08]
New Columbia Fiddlers. Fiddle Tunes of the Lewis and Clark Era, Voyager VRCD 358, CD (2002), trk# 1
Old Thresher's Fife and Drum Band. Art of Field Recording, Vol. 1, Dust to Digital DTD 08, CD( (2007), trk# 4.20 [1973]
Ossman, Vess L. (Sylvester Louis Ossman). Banjoland, Rounder 0087, LP (1977), trk# A.01
Pipers Gap Ramblers. Old-Time Tunes from Coal Creek, Heritage (Galax) 005, LP (1975/field), trk# 6 [1927/09/26]
Pipers Gap Ramblers. Round the Heart of Old Galax, Vol 3., County 535, LP (1980), trk# A.05 [1927/09/26]
Sauers, Ralph. Guntharp, Matthew G.(ed.) / Learning the Fiddler's Ways, Penn State, Sof (1980), p 70b [1974ca]
Seeger, Pete. Seeger, Pete / American Favorite Ballads, Oak, Fol (1961), p71
Shelton, Ed (Eddie). Expedition, Ridge Runner RRR 0011, LP (1976), trk# A.02a
Taussig, Harry. Taussig, Harry / Teach Yourself Guitar, Oak, Sof (1971), p101
Taussig, Harry. Taussig, Harry / Advanced Guitar, Oak, Sof (1975), p 59
Townley, John. Songs of Rebels and Redcoats, National Geographic Soc. 07788, LP (1972), trk# A.10
Trischka, Tony. Trischka, Tony (ed.) / Banjo Song Book, Oak, Sof (1978), p101
Woods, Sylvia. Woods, Sylvia / Teach Yourself to Play the Folk Harp, Woods Books, sof (1978), p19
Yankee Doodle 1812

Ives, Burl / Burl Ives Song Book, Ballantine Books, Bk (1963/1953), p149 ; Yankee Doodle
Yankee Doodle (1845)

Ives, Burl / Burl Ives Song Book, Ballantine Books, Bk (1963/1953), p258

OTHER NAMES: Battle of the Kegs; Aunt Jemima's Plaster; Our Soldiers Went to War; Go It Jerry; Annexation - 1846; Fair and Free Elections; Song of the Presidents; Harrison Yankee Doodle; Uncle Sam's Wedding; Colonel Heard; My Pretty Little Pink; Lucy Locket; Presidents; States and Capitals ; Yankee Doodle Dandy ; Uncle Johnny Sick in Bed; Arnold Is As Brave a Man; Affair at Newport; Battle of Plattsburgh; Cornwallis Country Dance; Class Communion; Hey, Polly

SOURCES:  Folk Index; Kuntz: Mt. Pleasant Tablatures (a fife MS from Pa., 1950's) [Bayard]; the MS collection of Captain George Bush [Keller]; the fife MS collection of young Revolutionary War soldier Giles Gibbs (1760-1780) [Keller]. Bayard (Dance to the Fiddle), 1981; No. 19, pgs. 24‑25. Huntington (William Litten’s), 1977; pg. 27. JIFSS No. 15, pg. 18. S. Johnson (The Kitchen Musician No. 8), 1988; pg. 9. Keller (Giles Gibbs Jr., His Book for the Fife...1777, 1974; pg. 31 (under the curious title “Thehos Gendar”). Keller (Fiddle Tunes from the American Revolution), 1992; pg. 17. Kennedy (Fiddler’s Tune Book), vol. 1, 1951; No. 53, pg. 26. Kerr (Merry Melodies), vol. 2; No. 409, pg. 46. Kidson (Old English Country Dances), 1890; pg. 13. Linscott (Folk Songs of Old New England), 1939; pg. 118. Morrison, 1976; pg. 43. O'Neill (Dance Music of Ireland), No. 999. O'Neill (Waifs and Stays of Gaelic Melody), No. 80. Stanford-Petrie (Complete Collection), No. 849 (“All the Ways to Galway”). Raven (English Country Dance Tunes), 1984; pg. 148. Reavy, No. 41. Sweet (Fifer’s Delight), 1965/1981; pg. 12 (two versions, one labled "18th Century Version").

NOTES: One of the well-known melodies. I remember learned to play Yankee-Doodle Dixie on the guitar (which is simply playing Yankee Doodle and Dixie at the same time ala Chet Atkins.)

Notes Kuntz: D Major (Bayard, Keller, Kennedy, Kidson, Raven, Sweet): G Major (Linscott): C Major (Kerr). Standard tuning. AB (Bayard, Johnson, Linscott): AAB (Kerr): AABB (Johnson, Kidson, Raven, Sweet): AABBA'A'B'B' (Kennedy). There is some mystery and controversy about the exact origins of one of the most famous tunes in American tradition, "Yankee Doodle." Elson (The National Music of America, 1899) finds that the first period of the melody was once quite familiar to Dutch musicians and “has been used in Holland from time immemorial as a children’s song,” however, the second part was not known. The Irish musicologist Flood (1906) maintains "Yankee Doodle" derives from a Jacobite era (early 18th century) song called "All the Way to Galway [1]." Claims have also been made for Spanish and even Hungarian musical origins. The earliest appearance of the complete melody was claimed by Dr. Rimbault (1876) to have been a printing in Walsh's Collection of Dances for the year 1750  where it he said it appears as "Fisher's Jig" (a reference to the ‘notorious lady’, Kitty Fisher, who died in 1771). Rimbault later wrote that it was a country dance found under the title “Kitty Fisher's Jig,” written in triple time, but that it was afterwards altered to common time, although the title remained the same (he printed what he said was the Walsh tune in the magazine Leisure Hour, see abc below). The problem is that no one has been able to locate the melody in either Walsh’s publication or in any of Thompson’s Country Dance Books of the same era. “Kitty Fisher” does exist in Thompson and Son’s Twenty-four Country Dances for 1760 but it is a different, duple-time tune, unlike anything resembling what we know as “Yankee Doodle.” A nursery rhyme exists that goes:


Lucy Locket lost her pocket,

Kitty Fisher found it,

Not a bit of money in it,

Only binding round it.


This contains Fischer’s name (misspelled, while Lucy Locket was presumably a name taken from a character in The Beggars Opera of 1727) and scans to the “Yankee Doodle” tune, but any direct relationship remains speculative. 


If one discounts Rimbault’s claims, the earliest corroborated appearances of the “Yankee Doodle” tune are in James Aird’s Selection of Scotch, English, Irish and Foreign Airs Selections Vol. 1 (1782, sometimes dated 1775-76), and George Colman’s opera Two to One (1784) as a song entitled “Adzooks, Old Crusty, Why so Rusty?”  The tune's mocking connotations with at least a portion of the American colonial population were apparently well-established somewhat before that time.


Regarding the lyrics, there is little hard evidence for the derivation of the word Yankee, although it was in use as a term to identify New Englanders since the early 18th century. Doodle, on the other hand, has been traced to the Lancashire dialect, and means a trifler or shiftless individual. Of the song itself, Winstock (1970) writes "It is generally accepted that the words were written by (the Englishman) Dr. Richard Shuckburgh around 1755 in derision of the odd‑looking colonials who had come to help the British regulars fight the French, and the redcoats continued to use it in contempt...”. Elson (The National Music of America, 1899) traces this claim to an early 19th century publication called Farmer & Moore’s Monthly Literary Journal, although there are other, separate attributions to Shuckburgh (whose name is spelled various ways).  The good and witty doctor did not live to see his satire used in the war of rebellion for he died in August, 1773, the New York Gazetter reporting: “Died, at Schenectady, last Monday, Dr. Richard Shuckburgh, a gentleman of a very genteel family, and of infinite jest and humour.”  In October, 1768, the New York Journal gave the earliest notice of its performance:

The British fleet was bro’t to anchor near Castle William, in Boston Harbor,

and the opinion of the visitors to the ships was that the ‘Yankey Doodle

Song’ was the capital piece in the band of their musicians.


Boorish British officers called for dancing after a concert in Boston on January 25, 1769, that had been performed by a group led by musician Stephen Deblois. "Yankee Doodle" was one of the tunes (along with "Wild Irishman") the Redcoats derisively demanded, according to a newspaper account of the time, and when Deblois was not forthcoming, the British rioted. Deblois cancelled further concerts, and did not reinstate them until the English general in command pledged his officers' good behavior. By 1775 the piece was played by British fifers and drummers as a way to taunt the colonial populace as, for example, they did that year when one "John Andrews complained of the field music of the (British) 4th Regiment playing that melody near a church during religious services to annoy the congregation" (Camus, 1976).  Culprits were drummed out to the sound of the tune from British camps in the city of Boston.


“Yankee Doodle’s” rapid transformation from a vehicle of derision to a famed national tune occurred at the very onset of the Revolutionary War with the attack on Lexington and Concord by forces belonging to Colonel Smith and Major Pitcairn.  “In 1775 the British troops who attacked Concord and Lexington needed rescuing by Lord Percy's troops. As Percy marched through Roxbury with his band jeeringly playing "Yankee Doodle," he good‑naturedly asked a young American what there was to laugh about. ‘To think that soon you will dance to 'Chevy Chase'’, answered the boy, referring to the very old ballad about Otterbourne where Percy's great ancestor was defeated and captured" (Winstock, 1970; pg. 70). The British were indeed chased back to Boston with a one-sided loss of life, harassed much of the way by the ‘minutemen.’ The Americans immediately appropriated the tune, which for a long time after was called “The Lexington March.” The melody appears in the manuscript collection of young Connecticut fifer Giles Gibbs (1760-1780), who perished in the war, under the curious title “Thehos Gendar.” “Yankee Doodle” was played by both sides in the Battle of Bunker Hill, and thereafter continued to be performed by musicians in the American army as well as the British. It appears in the manuscript collection, for example, of Captain George Bush (1753?-1797), an officer in the Continental Army and a fiddler by avocation. Under the terms of the surrender agreement at Yorktown in 1782 the British were specifically prohibited from playing the tune. So powerful was the metaphor, that when they turned insultingly away from the Colonials to present themselves to the French forces as they piled their arms on the ground, Lafayette instructed the French bands to play it in solidarity with the Americans.


Morrison (1976) states the air had a number of dance figures associated with it in Colonial times, and gives two examples. Johnson (1988) prints two contra dances to the tune. 


“Yankee Doodle” returned to Europe as an American anthem some years later.  Elson (1899) relates that, in 1814, near the conclusion of the War of 1812, the American statesmen Henry Clay and John Quincy Adams met the British ambassador at Ghent to arrange the final points and to sign the treaty of peace between Great Britain and America. The burghers were proud their city was the site for so momentous an occasion and proposed a serenade to the two embassies.  They knew the English tunes well enough, but were perplexed as to the American national anthem.  The bandmaster was sent to Clay to inquire, and was told that, of course, America’s chief melody was “Yankee Doodle.”  The musician begged Clay to hum it to him, that he might write it down.  Clay attempted to do this but failed, as did the secretary of the legation.  Attention then turned to Clay’s African-American body-servant, called Bob, who was requested to whistle the tune.  Bob complied, the bandmaster copied and harmonized, and the tune was heard in the serenade as planned.


Stories involving tin-ears, “Yankee Doodle” and American leaders do not end with Clay. A famous story about General Ulysses Grant and his ‘tin-ear’ has it that in order to perform his martial duty the famous Union Army warrior required a horse that could distinguish and respond to bugle commands, for Grant himself acknowledged that he himself knew but two tunes—one was “Yankee Doodle”... and other wasn’t. Another Civil War anecdote is contained in historian Stephen Sears volume To the Gates of Richmond, about the Lower Peninsula campaign of 1862. An incident occurred during the Battle of Williamsburg:


[Federal] Corps commander [Samuel] Heintzelman joined the desperate struggle to close the broken ranks. He hit on the novel idea of rallying them with music. Finding several regimental bands standing by bewildered as the battle closed in, Heintzelman ordered them to take up their instruments. "Play! Play! It's all you're good for," he shouted. "Play, damn it! Play some marching tune! Play 'Yankee Doodle,' or any doodle you can think of, only play something!" Before long, over the roar of the guns, came the incongruous sound of "Yankee Doodle" and then "Three Cheers for the Red, White, and Blue." One of [General Joseph] Hooker's men thought the music was worth a thousand men. "It saved the battle," he wrote.


It is surprising to note that "Yankee Doodle" was used, along with "Edie Sammon's Tune," as part of the music for the ritual horn dance at Abbots Bromley, Staffordshire, England in late Victorian times (see "Edie Sammon's Tune"); the playing of "Yankee Doodle" thus emphasized the whimsical nature of the dance (which features, along with the horn dancers, the characters of the hobby horse, Robin Hood, the Maid and the Fool), which is performed with such dusky solemnity at modern ‘Revels’ stage productions in America. The title appears in a list of tunes in his repertoire brought by Philip Goodman, the last professional and traditional piper in Farney, Louth, to the Feis Ceoil in Belfast in 1898 (Breathnach, 1997). While mostly traditional Irish in his repertoire, Goodman regularly played several novelty or ‘popular’ tunes (he also played “Dixie,” calling it “Dicksie’s Land,” and thus covered all bases for Irish veterans of both sides of the Civil War). Recorded by Alabama fiddler Dr. D. Dix Hollis (1961‑1927) for the Silvertone (Sears) lable, 1924.

Yankee Doodle- Lyrics By Richard Shuckburgh circa 1755

Yankee Doodle went to town
A-riding on a pony
Stuck a feather in his cap
And called it macaroni.
Yankee Doodle, keep it up
Yankee Doodle dandy
Mind the music and the step
And with the girls be handy.

Father and I went down to camp
Along with Captain Gooding
And there we saw the men and boys
As thick as hasty pudding.
Yankee Doodle, keep it up
Yankee Doodle dandy
Mind the music and the step
And with the girls be handy

There was Captain Washington
Upon a slapping stallion
A-giving orders to his men
I guess there were a million.
Yankee Doodle, keep it up
Yankee Doodle dandy
Mind the music and the step
And with the girls be handy

Yankee Doodle went to town
A-riding on a pony
Stuck a feather in his cap
And called it macaroni.
Yankee Doodle, keep it up
Yankee Doodle dandy
Mind the music and the step
And with the girls be handy

Yankee Doodle, keep it up
Yankee Doodle dandy
Mind the music and the step
And with the girls be handy

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