Wait in the Kitchen

Wait in the Kitchen

Wait in the Kitchen/Duck's Eyeball

See Also: Knock Around the Kitchen/Cuttin' At The Point

Old-time/bluegrass banjo and fiddle tune. Kentucky, West Virginia.

ARTIST: From Andrew Kuntz

CATEGORY: Fiddle and Instrumental Tunes

DATE: The title may have derived from “Richmond Polka” which is said to have been printed in the 1850's. It has been said by Kerry Blech and others that the tune’s original name was simply “Richmond” or “Richmond Polka” and that the ‘cotillion’ became appended by its appearance on some of the Gennett stencil labels of Da Costa Woltz’s 1920’s recording which read “Richmond” Cotillion. Blech and Gerry Milne take this to mean that the tune Richmond was a vehicle for the cotillion, an old dance form.

RECORDING INFO: Cutting at the Point [Me IV-E 86]

Rt - Knock Around the Kitchen 'Til the Cook Comes In
Carlin, Bob. Banging and Sawing, Rounder 0197, CD (1996/1985), trk# 12 [1982-85]
Deseret String Band. Young Fogies, Heritage (Galax) 056, LP (198?), trk# 8b
Silberberg, Gene. Silberberg, Gene (ed.) / Complete Fiddle Tunes I Either Did or Did Not., Silberberg, Fol (2005), p 42
Wilson, Charlie; & his Hayloft Boys. Fiddle Band Music from Kentucky, Vol.3, Way Down South in Dixie, MorningStar 45005, LP (1980), trk# A.01 [1932/10/19]
Knock Around the Kitchen 'Til the Cook Comes In [Me IV-E 86]

Rt - Cutting at the Point
Herd, Jim. Traditional Fiddle Music of the Ozarks. Vol. 3, Rounder 0437, CD (2000), trk# 4 [1997/08/19]

Lay Around the Kitchen 'Til the Cook Comes In [Me IV-F 3] 

Richmond Cotillion [Me IV-F 3]

Rt - Century Reel; Mud Fence; Redman's Reel
At - Rocky Road to Dublin; Oh Dear Mammy; Pin a Rose On Me; Oh Aunt Jenny ; There's a Bug On Me; Jackson's Breakdown; Plaza Polka; Little Boss; Corn Huskin' Sally
Rm - West Virginia Special; Rocky Mountain Goat; Stonewall Jackson; Flop Eared Mule; Honeysuckle; Roundin' Up the Yearlings; Green Mountain Polka

Brody, David (ed.) / Guitar Picker's Fakebook, Oak, Sof (1984), p118
Austin, Lonnie;, Buck Easley, and Alice Easley. Virginia Carolina Sampler, Flying Cloud FC 007, LP (1988), trk# A.01
Brower, Cecil (Cousin Cecil). Old Fashion Country Hoedown, Cumberland MGC 29500, LP (1970), trk# B.04 (Corn Shuckin' Sally)
Burke, John. Burke, John (ed.) / Book of Old Time Fiddle Tunes for Banjo, Amsco, sof (1968), p54
Burris, Otis; & the Mountain Ranblers. Virginia Breakdown, County 705, LP (1966), trk# A.04 (Richmond)
Craig, Gray; & The New North Carolina Ramblers. Blue Ridge Barn Dance, County 746, LP (1974), trk# 8
Creed, Kyle. Brody, David (ed.) / Fiddler's Fakebook, Oak, Sof (1983), p228 (Richmond)
Curley, Clyde. Songer, Susan; & Clyde Curley (eds.) / Portland Collection. Contra..., Portland Collection, Fol (1997), p167
Delaware Water Gap. Fox Hollow Lodge String Band Festival, Vol. 1. Comin' Home, Biograph RC 6008, LP (1976), trk# 5
Delaware Water Gap. Brody, David (ed.) / Fiddler's Fakebook, Oak, Sof (1983), p229
East, Earnest; & the Pine Ridge Boys. Old Time Mountain Music, County 718, LP (1969), trk# 3
Enloe, Lyman. Now That's a Good Tune. Masters of Missouri Traditional Fiddling, Grey Eagle 101, LP (1989), trk# 31 [1987/12/27] (Hanging Around the Kitchen ('Til the Cook C
Erbsen, Wayne. Old Fashioned WindDing, Native Ground NG 114, CD (2000), trk# 3
Gordon, David. Banjo Newsletter, BNL, Ser (1973-), 1977/05,p?
Gross, Cliff; and Muryel Campbell. Kentucky Country; Old Time Music From Kentucky, Rounder 1037, LP (1983), trk# 16 [1937/06/13] (Run them Coons into the Ground)
Hall, A. L.; Band. 37th Old-Time Fiddler's Convention, Folkways FA 2434, LP (1962), trk# 3 (Old Richmond)
Herdman, Curly; and his West Virginia Boys. Old Time Fiddle Tunes, Arcade CRLP-1002, LP (196?), trk# A.02 (Richmond Polka)
Hollow Rock String Band. Traditional Dance Tunes, Kanawha 311, LP (1968), trk# 5
Jarrell, Tommy. Joke on the Puppy, Heritage (Galax) 044, LP (1992), trk# 7
Kaufman, Alan. Kaufman, Alan (ed.) / Beginning Old-time Fiddle, Oak, sof (1977), p73 (Richmond)
Kessinger, Clark. Clark Kessinger, Fiddler, Folkways FA 2336, LP (1966), trk# 18 (Richmond Polka)
Kimble Family. Pine Knots School Rowdies, Marimac 9037, Cas (1992), trk# 7
Martin, Asa; and the Cumberland Rangers. Dr. Ginger Blue, Rounder 0034, LP (1974), trk# 1 (Lay Around the Kitchen 'Til the Cook Comes In)
Mates, Tony. Silberberg, Gene (ed.) / Complete Fiddle Tunes I Either Did or Did Not., Silberberg, Fol (2005), p160
New North Carolina Ramblers. Cotton Mill Blues, Old Blue CD 703, CD (2007), trk# 4 (Richmond)
Nowlin, Gabe [G. A.]. 1941 Old Fiddlers Convention, Galax, Virginia, Voyage Beyond, CD (200?), trk# 32 [1941] (Richmond)
Pickow, Peter. Pickow, Peter / Hammered Dulcimer, Oak, Sof (1979), p 44
Poole, Charlie; and the Highlanders. Charlie Poole and the Highlanders, 1927-29, Puritan 3002, LP (1971), trk# 1 [1929/05] (Richmond Square)
Poole, Charlie; and the Highlanders. Charlie Poole and the Highlanders, 1927-29, Puritan 3002, LP (1971), trk# 9a [1929/05/11] (Trip to New York. The Audition)
Sapoznik, Hank (Henry). Brody, David (ed.) / Banjo Picker's Fakebook, Oak, Fol (1985), p130
Seeger, Mike. Old Time Country Music, Folkways FA 2325, LP (196?), trk# 1
Shelor Family. Eight Miles Apart, Heritage (Galax) 022, LP (1979), trk# 2 [1975/08/05] (Old Richmond)
Smokey Valley Boys. Smokey Valley Boys, Rounder 0029, LP (1974), trk# 9
Smokey Valley Boys. 38th Annual Galax Old Fiddlers Convention, 1973, Gazette 38, LP (1973), trk# 19
Stein, Evan. Banjo Newsletter, BNL, Ser (1973-), 1979/01,p21
Stoneman, George. Clawhammer Banjo, County 701/CD 2716, LP (2002/1966), trk# 13 [1964/10] (Richmond)
Trischka, Tony. Trischka, Tony (ed.) / Banjo Song Book, Oak, Sof (1978), p 89
Williams, Vivian. Silberberg, Gene (ed.) / Complete Fiddle Tunes I Either Did or Did Not., Silberberg, Fol (2005), p171 (Sally Put a Bug on Me)
Woltz, DaCosta;'s Southern Broadcasters. DaCosta Woltz's Southern Broadcasters, County 524, LP (1972), trk# B.06 [1927/05ca]

RELATED TO: Richmond Cotillion tunes; Dark of the Night (Owen Chapman); Red Fox (Henry Reed); Girl on the Log; Cuttin' At The Point; Cutting at the Pint; If You Can't Stand the Heat Get out of the Kitchen;

OTHER NAMES: Duck's Eyeball; Sally Put a Bug on Me

SOURCES: Folk Index; Kuntz; Meade

NOTES: Related to the large Richmond Cotillion family of tunes/titles. Similar to "Knock Around the Kitchen," an old tune that was in the African-American tradition in 1868 also known as "Cuttin' at the Point"  (see: Knock Around the Kitchen).

Here are Knock Around the Kitchen lyrics from Ozarks Fiddle Music:

Knock around the kitchen til the cook comes in,
The cook comes in, the cook comes in.
Knock around the kitchen til the cook comes in,
The poor old cook comes in.

Here are some lyrics and info from Kuntz: WAIT IN THE KITCHEN (TILL THE COOK COMES IN). AKA and see "Duck's Eyeball," "Richmond Cotillion," "Old Richmond," "Hanging Around the Kitchen (Till the Cook Comes Home)," "Run Them Coons in the Ground," "Jackson's Breakdown." Old-Time. Silly verses are sung to the tune, one of which explains the alternate title. For example, Charlie Acuff sang:

Wait in the kitchen till the cook comes in,
The cook comes in, the cook comes in.
Wait in the kitchen till the cook comes in.


Stuck my finger in the ducks eyeball,
The ducks eyeball, the ducks eyeball.
Stuck my finger in the ducks eyeball.

See also the related "Sally Put a Bug on Me" and Lymon Enloe’s “Hanging Around the Kitchen (Till the Cook Comes In).” CA-01, Charlie Acuff - "Left Handed Fiddler" (1990. A privately issued cassette of 70 year old fiddler Charlie Acuff of Alcoa, Tennessee).

DUCK’S EYEBALL- AKA and see "Wait in the Kitchen (Till the Cook Comes In)." Old-Time. The title comes from one of the silly verses sung to the tune. Kerry Blech calls it a variant of "Richmond." “Duck’s Eyeball” was in the repertoire of western Virginia fiddler Luther Davis (as “Right in the middle of a duck’s eyeball”). It may have sometimes been called “Duck’s Asshole.” Tommy Magness recorded the tune in 1948 (along with many others in his older traditional repertoire) for a private recording for fiddler Roy Acuff on an old home disc recorder (Charles Wolfe, Classic Country, pg. 148, 2001).

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