Roving Sailor- Kuntz

"Roving Sailor" from Bayard

Roving Sailor

American, Reel or March (4/4 time). USA, southwestern Pa.

ARTIST: Bayard from Kuntz. Levi Hall (Fayette County, Pa., 1944) [Bayard]. Bayard (Dance to the Fiddle), 1981; No. 126, pg. 69.

CATEGORY: Fiddle and Instrumental Tunes

DATE: 1900s- 1981 Bayard


RELATED TO: Betty Martin (lyrics); Granny Will Your Dog Bite? (lyrics) 

OTHER NAMES: "William Taylor"

PRINT SOURCES: Levi Hall (Fayette County, Pa., 1944) [Bayard]. Bayard (Dance to the Fiddle), 1981; No. 126, pg. 69.

NOTES: ROVING SAILOR, THE [2]. A Dorian. Standard. ABB. The tune is used more for songs than dancing, states Bayard (1981), and in Ireland is joined to the ballad "William Taylor." In Pennsylvania it was a song and play-party tune, and was used as a dance tune by fiddlers. This ditty was sung to it:
Come, my little roving sailor,
Come, my little roving bee,
Come, my little roving sailor,
Won't you ring around with me?
Granny will your dog bite? No, child, no, child,
Granny will your dog bite? No, child, no.
An alternative chorus was:
Little Betty Martin, tiptoe, tiptoe,
Little Betty Martin, tiptoe fine.
Source for notated version: Levi Hall (Fayette County, Pa., 1944) [Bayard]. Bayard (Dance to the Fiddle), 1981; No. 126, pg. 69.

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