Charlie's Sweet- Version 1 Cecil Sharp

"Charlie’s Sweet" Cecil Sharp

Charlie’s Sweet/Weevily Wheat/ Over the River to Charlie

Old-Time/Bluegrass Play-Party Song and Breakdown; Widely Known

ARTIST: Charlie’s Sweet From EFFSA Cecil Sharp Sung by Mrs. Laura V. Donald; Dewey Va. June 10, 1918

Listen; Charlie is a Nice Young Man

CATEGORY: Fiddle and Instrumental Tunes

DATE: 1918 1700's as "Over the Water To Charlie" in England. Listed as a Songs of the Carolina Charter Colonists, 1663-1763.

RECORDING INFO “Pretty Little Pink” “Little Pink”: Ford, Tennessee Ernie. Ford, Tennessee Ernie / Gather 'Round, Capitol T 1227, LP (196?), trk# B.01 (Pretty Little Pink); Kincaid, Bradley. Bradley Kincaid. Volume 2, Old Homestead OHCS 155, LP (1984), trk# A.06 [1929/10/04] (Pretty Little Pink); Ledford, Lilly May. Lily May Ledford, Old Blue --, CD (2005), trk# 7 [1966/06/29] (Pretty Little Pink); Mabus, Joel. Clawhammer, Fossil 491C, Cas (1991), trk# 6 (Pretty Little Pink); May, William. Folksongs and Ballads, Vol 4, Augusta Heritage AHR 010, Cas (1992), trk# A.07 [1990/06] (Little Pink); McCutcheon, John. Barefoot Boy with Boots On, Front Hall FHR-021, LP (1981), trk# 3 (Little Pink); Goodwin, Lonnie. Carolina Sampler, Global Village C 312, Cas (1992), trk# 8 [1980s] (Pretty Little Pink); Stamper, I. D.. That's My Rabbit, My Dog Caught It; Southern Trad. Instrument..., New World NW 226, LP (1978), trk# 3 [1977/08]; Watson, Doc; Clint Howard and Fred Price. Old Timey Concert, Vanguard 107/8, Cas (1987), trk# a.06 (Pretty Little Pink); Williams, Mrs. Dan. Owens, William A. (ed.) / Texas Folk Songs. 2nd edition, SMU Press, Bk (1976/1950), p101 [1940s]; Workman, Nimrod. Mother Jones' Will, Rounder 0076, LP (1978), trk# 2

SOURCE INFO: “We're Marching Down to Old Quebec” Newell, William Wells / Games and Songs of American Children, Dover, sof (1963/1909), p246/#175 (Quebec Town); Smithers, Rena. Randolph, Vance / Ozark Folksongs. Volume III, Humorous & Play-Party ..., University of Missouri, Bk (1980/1946), p297/#519B [1934/04/17]; Woods, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Woods. Randolph, Vance / Ozark Folksongs. Volume III, Humorous & Play-Party ..., University of Missouri, Bk (1980/1946), p296/#519A [1928/08/12]

RECORDING INFO: “Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss” “Western Country” Bell Spur String Band. Bell Spur String Band, Heritage (Galax) 047, LP (1984), trk# B.03 [1963/08/12] (Susannah Gal); Blackard, Dad;'s Moonshiners. It'll Never Happen Again. Old Time String Bands, Vol. 1, Marimac 9110, Cas (198?), trk# 6 [1927/08/03] (Susannah Gal); Blevins, Frank; and His Tarheel Rattlers. Ballads and Breakdowns of the Golden Era, Columbia CS 9660, LP (1968), trk# B.06 [1927/11/08] (Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss/Pink; Bogtrotters (Bog Trotters). Original Bogtrotters, Biograph RC 6003, LP (1968), trk# 11 [1937-42]; Camp Creek Boys. Camp Creek Boys, County 709, LP (1967), trk# 6 (Susannah Gal); Cedar Point String Band. Cedar Point String Band, Roane, Cas (1993), trk# 11 (Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss/Pink); Cockram, Grover. Old Five String, Vol 2, Heritage (Galax) 052, Cas (1991), trk# 6 (Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss/Pink); Cockerham, Jarrell and Jenkins. Down to the Cider Mill, County 713, LP (1968), trk# 5 (Susannah Gal); Crisp, Rufus. Rufus Crisp, Folkways FA 2342, LP (1972), trk# A.02 [1946] (Blue Eyed Gal); Douglas, Wilson. Boatin' Up the Sandy, Marimac AHS 1, Cas (1989), trk# 3 (Blue Eyed Miss); East, Earnest; & the Pine Ridge Boys. Old Time Mountain Music, County 718, LP (1969), trk# 7 (Susannah Gal); Feldmann, Peter. How to Play Clawhammer Banjo, Sonyatone STI-104, LP (1975), trk# 10 (Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss/Pink); 21. Gaskin, Phyllis. Mountain Dulcimer - Galax Style, Heritage (Galax) 094C, Cas (1991), trk# 8 (Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss/Pink) 22. Hall, Kenny; and the Sweets Mill String Band. Kenny Hall and the Sweets Mill String Band, Vol. 2, Bay 103, LP (1973), trk# 3 (Susannah Gal); Hart and Blech. Build Me a Boat, Voyager VRCD 354, CD (2001), trk# 10 (Blue Eyed Gal); Herald Angels. You've Been a Friend to Me, Herald Angels HA1001, Cas (1994), trk# 18 (Fly Around); Hicks, Buna. Traditional Music of Beech Mountain, NC, Vol II, Folk Legacy FSA-023, LP (1965), trk# 18 [1961-63] (Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss/Pink); Honig, Peter. Young Fogies, Heritage (Galax) 056, LP (198?), trk# 36 (Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss/Pink); Hopkins, Al; and his Buckle Busters. Fiddlers Convention in Mountain City, Tennessee, County 525, LP (1972), trk# 8 [1926/10/22] (Blue Eyed Gal); Howard, Clint; and Fred Price. Old-Time Music at Clarence Ashley's. Part 1, Folkways FA 2355, LP (1961), trk# 17 [1962ca] (Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss/Pink); Iron Mountain String Band (Galax). Music from the Mountain, Heritage (Galax) 101C, Cas (1992), trk# 5 (Old Time Flyin' Around); Jarrell, Tommy; and Kyle Creed. June Apple, Mountain 302, LP (1972), trk# 9 (Susannah Gal); Jarrell, Tommy. Fiddler Magazine, Fiddler Mag., Ser, 2/1, p27(1995) [1970s] (Suzanna Gal); Kazee, Buell. Buell Kazee, June Appal JA 0009, LP (1977), trk# 6a (Blue Eyed Gal); Kazee, Buell. Buell Kazee Sings and Plays, Folkways FS 3810, LP (196?/1956), trk# A.03 (Dance Around My Pretty Little Miss); Kimble Family. Pine Knots School Rowdies, Marimac 9037, Cas (1992), trk# 14 (Susannah Gal); Kingston Trio. Make Way, Capitol T 1474, LP (1961), trk# B.06 (Blue Eyed Gal); Kretzner, Leo; and Jay Leibovitz. Dulcimer Fair, Traditional TR 018, LP (1981), trk# B.04a (Susannah Gal); Luckiamute River String Band. Waterbound, Lucks '94, Cas (1994), trk# A.01 (Fly Away My Pretty Little Miss) 43. Lundy, Emmett. Fiddle Tunes from Grayson County, String 802, LP (1977), trk# 17 [1941/08] (Susannah Gal); Lundy, Emmett. Krassen, Miles (ed.) / Masters of Old Time Fiddling, Oak --, Sof (1983), p 35 (Susannah Gal); Lunsford, Bascom Lamar. Appalachian Minstrel, Washington VM 736, LP (1956), trk# B.02 (Fly Around My Blue Eyed Gal); Michels, Amy. Fowl Farmer, Michels, CD (2002), trk# 8 (Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss/Pink); Michael, McCreesh & Campbell. Host of the Air, Front Hall FHR-023, LP (1980), trk# A.03 (Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss/Pink); Mill Run Dulcimer Band. Sunday at the Mill, Lark LRLP 3094, LP (1980), trk# A.01; Moore, Charlie. Charlie Moore Sings Good Bluegrass, Vetco LP 3011, LP (196?), trk# B.01 (Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss/Pink); New Lost City Ramblers. New Lost City Ramblers, Vol. 3, Folkways FA 2398, LP (1961), trk# 17 (Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss/Pink); Old Reliable String Band. Old Reliable String Band, Folkways FA 2475, LP (1963), trk# A.01 (Fly Around); Old Virginia Fiddlers. Old Time Fiddle, Patrick County, VA, County 201, LP (1977), trk# B.02 [1948] (Susannah Gal); Pegram, George; and Parham, Red (Walter). Pickin' and Blowin', Riverside RLP 12-650, LP (1959), trk# 9 [1957] (Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss/Pink); Piney Creek Weasels. Squirrel Heads and Gravy, Hay Holler HHH-1101, CD (1996), trk# 4 (Fly Around My Blue Eyed Gal); Pleasant Family. Old Time String Band, Pleasant --, CD (2005), trk# 12 (Blue Eyed Gal); Powell, Dirk. Hand Me Down, Rounder 0444, CD (1999), trk# 5; Price, Truman; and Jane Keefer. Songs and Tunes of the Oregon Trail, True West TW C-21, Cas (1991), trk# 13; Ramsey, Obray. Obray Ramsey Sings Folksongs from the Three Laurels, Prestige International INT 13020, LP (196?), trk# B.03 (Shady Grove); Reed, Ola Belle. Ola Belle Reed, Rounder 0021, LP (1973), trk# 4 (Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss/Pink); Russell Family. Old Time Dulcimer Sounds from the Mountains, County 734, LP (1972), trk# 8 (Old Susannah); Sexton, Lee "Boy". Mountain Music of Kentucky, Smithsonian/Folkways SF 40077, CD (1996), trk# 2.62 [1959] (Fly Around); Shelor Family. Eight Miles Apart, Heritage (Galax) 022, LP (1979), trk# 7 [1973/08/07] (Susannah Gal); Smith, Earl;'s Band. 1941 Old Fiddlers Convention, Galax, Virginia, Voyage Beyond, CD (200?), trk# 31 [1941] (Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss/Pink); Smith, Hobart. Banjo Songs, Ballads and Reels from the Southern Mountains, Prestige International INT 25004, LP (196?), trk# 15 [1959/08/24] (Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss; Smith, Hobart. Southern Journey. Vol. 2: Ballads and Breakdowns, Rounder 1702, CD (1997), trk# 17 [1959/08/24] (Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss/Pink); Smith, Hobart. In Sacred Trust. 1963 Fleming Brown Tapes, Smithsonian SFWCD 40141, CD (2005), trk# 4 [1963/10] (Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss/Pink); Stoneman, Ernest; and the Blue Ridge Corn Shuckers. Day in the Mountains, County 512, LP (196?), trk# 7e [1928/02/22] (Possum Trot School Exhibition); Ward, Wade. Uncle Wade. A Memorial to Wade Ward, Old Time Virginia Banjo ..., Folkways FA 2380, LP (1973), trk# 2; Whitetop Mountain Band. Seedtime on the Cumberland. Sampler 1990-91, June Appal JA 0067C, Cas (1992), trk# 1 (Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss/Pink);

SOURCE INFO: “Weevily Wheat” Songs Lomax, John A. & Alan Lomax / American Ballads and Folk Songs, MacMillan, Bk (1934), p.290 (Weavily Wheat); Sandburg, Carl / American Songbag, Harcourt Brace Jovan..., Sof (1955/1928), p161; Owens, William A. (ed.) / Texas Folk Songs. 2nd edition, SMU Press, Bk (1976/1950), p151 [1930s]; Baber, Carrie. Randolph, Vance / Ozark Folksongs. Volume III, Humorous & Play-Party ..., University of Missouri, Bk (1980/1946), p297/#520A [1922/09/08]; Boren, Curt. Randolph, Vance / Ozark Folksongs. Volume III, Humorous & Play-Party ..., University of Missouri, Bk (1980/1946), p299/#520D [1933/06/21]; Buchanan, Stella. Randolph, Vance / Ozark Folksongs. Volume III, Humorous & Play-Party ..., University of Missouri, Bk (1980/1946), p301/#520G [1941/10/22] ; Chambliss, Emma B. (Baird). Randolph, Vance / Ozark Folksongs. Volume III, Humorous & Play-Party ..., University of Missouri, Bk (1980/1946), p299/#520B [1926/08/10]; Haswell, A. M.. Randolph, Vance / Ozark Folksongs. Volume III, Humorous & Play-Party ..., University of Missouri, Bk (1980/1946), p300/#520F [1934/04/25]; Muller, Eric. Muller, Eric & Barbara Koehler / Frailing the 5-String Banjo, Mel Bay, Sof (1973), p45; Sager, Lloyd. McIntosh, David S. / Folk Songs and Singing Games of the Illinois Ozarks, SIU Press, Bk (1974), p 58 [1952/04/03] (Weavily Wheat); Webb, J. Will. Randolph, Vance / Ozark Folksongs. Volume III, Humorous & Play-Party ..., University of Missouri, Bk (1980/1946), p300/#520E [1934/04/17] (Trip Charley); Ford, Ira W. / Traditional Music in America, Folklore Associates, Bk (1965/1940), p241 (Make a Cake for Charley); New Lost City Ramblers. Cohen, John, Mike Seeger & Hally Wood / Old Time String Band Songbook, Oak, Sof (1976/1964), p161

RECORDING INFO: “Weevily Wheat” “Charlie's Neat” “Charley He's a Good Old Boy/Man” Boguslav, Raphael (Ray). Songs from a Village Garret, Riverside RLP 12-638, LP (1956), trk# B.01; Bok, Gordon. Songs & Sounds of the Sea, National Geographic Soc. 705, LP (1973), trk# 9 (Wheat in the Ear); Darling, Erik. Erik Darling, Elektra EKL-154, LP (1958), trk# 9a (Banjo Medley) Hamilton, Mark. Songs and Tunes from Wolf Run, Sampler 9223, Cas (1992), trk# 26 (Weavily Wheat); Hughes, Ella. Skip to My Lou, Pine Breeze 004, LP (1977), trk# B.04 [1975]; Lattin, Rosie. Randolph, Vance / Ozark Folksongs. Volume III, Humorous & Play-Party ..., University of Missouri, Bk (1980/1946), p299/#520C [1932/09/14]; 100. Seeger, Peggy. American Folksongs for Banjo, Folk Lyric FL 114, LP (195?), trk# B.04; Wright, Oscar And Eugene. Oscar & Eugene Wright, Rounder 0089, LP (1978), trk# 21 104. Harrell, Kelly; & the Virginia String Band. Kelly Harrell and the Virginia String Band, County 408, LP (1975), trk# B.02 [1927/08/12]; 105. Harrell, Kelly; & the Virginia String Band. Early Rural String Bands, RCA (Victor) LPV-552, LP (1968), trk# 5 [1927/08/11] ; 106. Ill-Mo Boys. Fine As Frog's Hair, Marimac 9054, Cas (1992), trk# 15; RECORDING INFO: “Coffee Grows On White Oak Trees” Carawan, Guy. This Little Light of Mine, Folkways FG 3552, LP (1959), trk# B.04; Lomax, John A. & Alan Lomax / Folk Song USA, Signet, Sof (1966/1947), # 31; De Cormier, Robert; Folk Singers. Dance Gal - Gimme the Banjo, Command RS 865 SD, LP (1964), trk# A.07a ; Rhoden, Mr. Arlie. Morris, Alton C. / Folksongs of Florida, Univ. Florida, Bk (1950), p205/#117 [1934]

SOURCE INFO: “Wheevily Wheat”

RECORDING/SOURCE INFO: “Four in the Middle” De Cormier, Robert; Folk Singers. Dance Gal - Gimme the Banjo, Command RS 865 SD, LP (1964), trk# A.07b; Durbin, Carl. Randolph, Vance / Ozark Folksongs. Volume III, Humorous & Play-Party ..., University of Missouri, Bk (1980/1946), p309/#524A [1927/06/04]; 113. Hastings, Dr. George E.. Randolph, Vance / Ozark Folksongs. Volume III, Humorous & Play-Party ..., University of Missouri, Bk (1980/1946), p312/#524G [1942/01/06]; Lamberson, Jewell. Randolph, Vance / Ozark Folksongs. Volume III, Humorous & Play-Party ..., University of Missouri, Bk (1980/1946), p311/#524D [1935/11/21]; Langstaff, John. Songs for Singing Children, Revels 8586, CD (1996), trk# 18 [1968] (Jump Josie); Lipscome, Sam. Randolph, Vance / Ozark Folksongs. Volume III, Humorous & Play-Party ..., University of Missouri, Bk (1980/1946), p311/#524E [1935/01/01]; McCord, May Kennedy. Randolph, Vance / Ozark Folksongs. Volume III, Humorous & Play-Party ..., University of Missouri, Bk (1980/1946), p311/#524C [1934/04/17] (Susan Brown); Mills, Alan. More Songs to Grow On, Scholastic SC 7676, LP (1955), trk# B.04 (Two in the Middle); Oster, Harry. Louisiana Folksong Jambalaya, LFS A-2, LP (1959), trk# B.09 (Choose Your Love as We Go Round); Petty, Pauline. Randolph, Vance / Ozark Folksongs. Volume III, Humorous & Play-Party ..., University of Missouri, Bk (1980/1946), p311/#524B [1930/06/23]; Rayburn, Otto Ernest. Randolph, Vance / Ozark Folksongs. Volume III, Humorous & Play-Party ..., University of Missouri, Bk (1980/1946), p312/#524F [1933/05/06]; Setzekorn, Ina. McIntosh, David S. / Folk Songs and Singing Games of the Illinois Ozarks, SIU Press, Bk (1974), p 64 (Susan Brown); Tarpley, A. R.. Randolph, Vance / Ozark Folksongs. Volume III, Humorous & Play-Party ..., University of Missouri, Bk (1980/1946), p312/#524H [1942/01/06] (I Love Susie Brown); Trail, Arthur. Randolph, Vance / Ozark Folksongs. Volume III, Humorous & Play-Party ..., University of Missouri, Bk (1980/1946), p312/#524I [1941/12/13]

RELATED TO: Say, Darling, Say; Where Are You Going; Washing Mama's Dishes; Black Jack Davy (Tune); Little Betty Ann; I Want to Go Back to Georgia; Jaybird Died with the Whooping Cough; Shady Grove (tune); Daisy; How Old Are You (My Pretty Little Miss)?; Leroy Troy's Rabbit Dog; Jim Along Josie; Old King Cole was a Jolly Old Soul (Jean Ritchie);

OTHER NAMES: Weavily Wheat; Over the River to Charlie; Charley He's a Good Old Boy/Man; Quadrille in D and A; Charlie's Neat (and Charlie's Sweet); Twistification; Charlie He's My Darling; Four in the Middle; Coffee Grows on White Oak Trees; Over the Water to Charlie; Bonnie Sweet Prince Charlie; Who'll be King but Charlie?

SOURCES: “Pretty Little Pink” Kincaid, Bradley. Lair, John (ed.) / 100 WLS Barn Dance Favorites, Cole, fol (1935), p59 (Pretty Little Pink); Sandburg, Carl / American Songbag, Harcourt Brace Jovan..., Sof (1955/1928), p166; Newell, William Wells / Games and Songs of American Children, Dover, sof (1963/1909), p245/#175 (My Pretty Pink) Sandburg, p. 166, "My Pretty Little Pink" (1 text, 1 tune); Randolph 793, "Careless Love" (3 texts, 1 tune, but the "B" text belongs here if it belongs anywhere) BrownIII 287, "Darling Little Pink" (1 text); also 78, "Coffee Grows on White Oak Trees" (7 texts plus 1 excerpt and mention of 1 more, but almost all mixed -- all except "H" have the "Coffee grows" stanza, but "A" also has verses from "Fly Around, My Pretty Little Miss"; "and "C" through "H" are mostly "Little Pink"; "B" is mixed with "Raccoon" or some such); Hudson 85, p. 212, "Going to the Mexican War" (1 fragment, with the "Knapsack on my Shoulder" text and also the "Coffee Grows" stanza; there isn't much "Little Pink" in it, but it clearly goes with the Brown texts cited above); Baring-Gould-MotherGoose #808, p. 301, "(My little pink)" (a fragment that appears related but may be a by-blow)

SOURCES: “Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss” “Western Country” Mates, Tony. Silberberg, Gene (ed.) / Complete Fiddle Tunes I Either Did or Did Not.., Silberberg, Fol (2005), p 57; Brody, David (ed.) / Guitar Pickers Fakebook, Oak, Sof (1984), p148; Creed, Kyle. Brody, David (ed.) / Fiddler's Fakebook, Oak, Sof (1983), p288; Carlin, Bob. Brody, David (ed.) / Banjo Picker's Fakebook, Oak, Fol (1985), p176a; Cunningham, Bill. Cunningham, Bill / Hoedown Fiddle in America (How to Play It), Cunningham, fol (1971), p15 (Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss/Pink); Curley, Clyde. Songer, Susan; & Clyde Curley (eds.) / Portland Collection. Contra..., Portland Collection, Fol (1997), p208; Kazee, Buell. Old Time Herald, Old Time Herald, Ser, 3/3, p34(1992) (Pretty Little Miss); Krassen, Miles. Krassen, Miles / Clawhammer Banjo, Oak, sof (1974), p27; New Lost City Ramblers. Cohen, John, Mike Seeger & Hally Wood / Old Time String Band Songbook, Oak, Sof (1976/1964), p 66 (Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss/Pink)

(Long the Days of Sorrows) Parr, Mae. Randolph, Vance / Ozark Folksongs. Volume III, Humorous & Play-Party ..., University of Missouri, Bk (1980/1946), p394/#589 [1942/01/06]

NOTES: Typical lines: "Charlie, he's a nice young man, Charlie he's a dandy." Stories about Charlie's attempts at courting and his visits to town. The mention of "Weevily wheat," “barley” and lines such as "Over the river to feed my sheep" and “Over the water/river to Charlie” are common.

The "Weevily Wheat" songs mention Charlie as in "Charley He's a Good Old Boy/Man.” The “Charlie” title can be traced back to England. Charlie was originally a reference to Prince Charles Edward Stewart, 'Bonnie Prince Charlie' 1720-1788. Current versions version often have similar lyrics to the nursery rhyme in Mother Goose (below) but little to do with the Jacobite song by Robert Burns and others (see notes for their versions).

One lyric source in the United States is found in Mother Goose: “Over the Water and over the lea” HNR 604 also Baring-Gould-MotherGoose #144, p. 115.

Over the water and over the lea,
And over the water to Charley.

Charley loves good ale and wine,
And Charley loves good brandy,
And Charley loves a pretty girl
As sweet as sugar candy. 

Over the water and over the lea,
And over the water to Charley.

I'll have none of your nasty beef,
Nor I'll have none of your barley;
But I'll have some of your very best flour
To make a white cake for my Charley. 

Here’s some information about “Weevily Wheat” in the US from Songs of the Carolina Charter Colonists, 1663-1763; Chapter IV-Nursery Dance And Game, Comic and Humorous Songs:

WEEVILY WHEAT: BCNCF V. 521. Described by Botkin (The American Play-Party Song, 345) as "A Virginia reel related to the Scotch Weaving Game.... Based on a Jacobite song of Bonnie Prince Charles Stuart, the Pretender." Compare "Come Boat Me O'er" and "Over the Water to Charlie."

Weevily Wheat is known as a play-party song in the Appalachians. Jean Ritchie talks about her version called "Over the River, Charlie" as well as a version of ‘Pretty Little Pink” named "Old King Cole:"

“I think that everybody who sings these songs "improves" on them, to make them funnier maybe, or to make them his/her own. But we separated them this way: "Old King Cole," was definitely a singing-game- it was called "a gettin-up song" because the boys were too bashful to ask girls to dance without help. SO, one brave couple promenaded round the room singing and when they reached the last verse, "we'll open up the ring and choose a couple in," another boy (or girl) had got up the nerve to get a partner, and they joined in the promenading and singing, until there were enough couples to play a regular game like, "Goin to Boston," or, "Over the River, Charlie."

NOTES- EARLY SOURCES: “Weevily Wheat” originated from the Jacobite song "Over the Water to Charlie" also named "Charley Over the Water," or "Over the River to Charlie." Here’s some information from Andrew Kuntz:

A Jacobite (i.e. Highland supporters of Bonnie Prince Charlie) tune that was "improbably" introduced into British Guards regiments by 1764 (Winstock, 1970). That Winstock finds this improbable seems to be because the last Jacobite attempt to capture the throne of England was defeated at the Battle of Culloden in 1745, a mere nineteen years prior to the British Guards introduction. However, memories of the rising appeared to have healed even more quickly in the general populace of England, as evidenced by this excerpt from a letter written by Ralph Bigland in 1749 of an entertainment on the London stage (quoted by Emmerson, 1972):

I have since I came here [London] been lately two or three
times at the play and what invited me most was to see a
new dance called the Scots Dance consisting of about 20
lads and lasses dress'd after the Highland fashion. The
scene represents a very romantic, rocky, or mountainous
country seemingly, at the most distant view you behold a
glorious pair (which far surpass all the other actors) sitting
among the rocks, while the rest are dancing below among
groves of trees. Some are also representing with their
wheels a spinning; all the while the music plays either 
Prince Charlie's minuet or the Auld Stewarts Back Again.
At last descends from the mountains the glorious pair
which to appearance is a prince and princess. Then all the 
actors retire on each side while the royal youth and his
favourite dance so fine, in a word that the whole audience
clap their hands for joy. Then in a moment the spinning
wheels are thrown aside and every lad and lass join in the 
dance and jerk it away as quick as possible while the 
music briskly plays--Over the Water to Charlie, a bagpipe
being in the band. In short it was so ravishing seemingly
to the whole audience that the people to express their joy
clap their hands in a most extraordinary manner indeed. 

Though the title stems from the Jacobite era, the tune is older and has had many names (given above as alternates--see notes for "Pot Stick" and "Sean Buide")—Kate Van Winkler Keller (1992) identifies "Charlie" as having been based on a 1740's dance tune called "Potstick." However, by the 1750's it appears in published collections with the "Over the Water" title. Bayard (1981) identifies that at some point the tune was altered and a new group of variations formed using the second half of the "Charlie" tune as the first strain and adding a different second strain. This second group is usually known as "Blow the Wind Southerly" (after song lyrics) or "Kinloch (of Kinloch)" {a title which first appeared in 1798 in John Watlen's Second Collection of Circus Tunes}. Early printings of the tune can be found in Oswald's Caledonian Pocket Companion (book 4, pg. 7, c. 1752), the Gillespie Manusript of Perth (1768), Jonathan Fentum's Compleat Tutor for the German Flute (London, 1766), and Robert Bremner's 1757 collection (pg. 16). A three-verse version exists in the Scots Musical Museum (1788) and it appears in Hogg's Jacobite Relics (early 1800's).

"Over the Water to Charlie" was employed variously as an accompaniment to dancing in the British Isles and was imported as a dance tune to America. A morris dance version was collected in the village of Bledington, Gloucestershire, in England's Cotswolds, while country dance instructions, but not the melody, appear in the Scottish Menzies Manuscript, 1749 (contained in the Atholl Collection of the Sandeman Library, Perth). The title appears in Henry Robson's list of popular Northumbrian song and dance tunes ("The Northern Minstrel's Budget"), which he published c. 1800, and in the music manuscript collections of Joseph Kershaw and Joshua Gibbons (see below). In America, the tune appears in Giles Gibbs' MS collection made in 1777 in East Windsor, Connecticut, and in the music copybook of Henry Livingston, Jr. Livingston purchased the estate of Locust Grove, Poughkeepsie, New York, in 1771 at the age of 23. In 1775 he was a Major in the 3rd New York Regiment, which participated in Montgomery's invasion of Canada in a failed attempt to wrest Montreal from British control. An important land-owner in the Hudson Valley, and a member of the powerful Livingston family, Henry was also a surveyor and real estate speculator, an illustrator and map-maker, and a Justice of the Peace for Dutchess County. He was also a poet and musician, and presumably a dancer, as he was elected a Manager for the New York Assembly's dancing season of 1774-1775, along with his 3rd cousin, John Jay, later U.S. Chief Justice of Governor of New York.

The following are from the Scots national poet, Robert Burns: 

"O'er The Water To Charlie"

Come boat me o'er, come row me o'er,
Come boat me o'er to Cherlie:
I'll gie John Ross anither bawbee
To boat me o'er to Charlie. 

Chorus: We'll o'er the water, we'll o'er the sea,
We'll o'er the water to Charlie;
Come weal, come woe, we'll gather and go,
And live or die wi' Charlie. 

I lo'e weel my Charlie's name,
Tho' some there be abhor him:
But O, to see auld Nick gaun hame,
And Charlie's faes before him!

I swear and vow by moon and stars,
And sun that shines so early!
If I had twenty thousand lives,
I'd die as aft for Charlie. 

He’s a translation of  Robert Burns "O'er The Water To Charlie:" 

Over The Water To Charlie

Chorus: We will over the water, We will over the sea,
We will over the water to Charlie!
Come well, come woe, we will gather and go,
And live and die with Charlie!

Come boat me over, come row me over,
Come boat me over to Charlie!
I will give John Ross another half-penny
To boat me over to Charlie.

I love well my Charlie's name,
Though some there be abhor him;
But O, to see Old Nick going home,
And Charlie's foes before him!

I swear and vow by moon and stars
And sun that shines so early,
If I had twenty thousand lives,
I would die as often for Charlie! 

 Ettick Shepherd, James Hogg (Jacobite Relics): 

Come boat me o'er, come ferry me o'er,
Come boat me o'er tae Charlie
I'd hear the call once, but never again,
Tae carry me over tae Charlie.

Chorus: We'll over the water, we'll over the sea,
We'll over the water tae Charlie.
Come weel, come woe, we'll gather and go
And live or die with Charlie.

I swear by moon and stars sae bright,
And sun that shines sae Dearly,
I would give twenty thousand lives
I'd given them all for Charlie.

Once I had sons, but now I've gat nane,
I've treated them all sae sairly.
But I would bear them all again,
And lose them all for Charlie

FINAL NOTES: The group of songs/titles connected with “Weevily Wheat” are large. I basically have them sorted into four main closely related families. The folk index puts most of them under the "Western Country/Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss" title. "Coffee Grows on White Oak Trees" is part of this group.

The “Pretty Little Pink” group mentions “pretty little pink” and can also be traced back to England by a poem/song by Robert Burns. One of the essential verses is also a nursery rhyme appearing in Mother Goose. Included in this group are the "We're Marching to Quebec (sometimes Mexico, New Orleans etc.)" songs which incorporate the “pretty little pink” verses.

Then there's "Four in the Middle" a mid-west variant that is also related to "Jim Along Joe." There are several versions of "Four in the Middle" that can be heard on-line in the Max Hunter Collection. Here’s the way I list them:

1) "Western Country/Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss" songs 
"Coffee Grows on White Oak Trees."
2) "Pretty Little Pink" songs 
"We're Marching to Quebec (sometimes Mexico, New Orleans etc.)"
3) "Weevily Wheat" songs. 
"Charley He's a Good Old Boy/Man;" “Charlie's Neat (and Charlie's Sweet);”
“Charlie He's My Darling;” “Over the River/Water to Charlie”
4) "Four in the Middle" songs

Meade categorizes "Charlie He’s a Good Old Man" in the “Weevily" family under which he references back to the 1700’s. Kuntz lists “Weevily Wheat” under the related melody “Christmas Eve.” He also has a short listing under the alternate title spelled: “Weavily Wheat” as an Old-Time, Song Tune (cut time). D Major. Standard. One part. Source for notated version: Kerry Blech (Seattle, Wash.) [Phillips]. Phillips (Traditional American Fiddle Tunes), vol. 2, 1995; pg. 164.

For Weevily Wheat/Christmas Eve, Kuntz has the following: Old-Time, Breakdown. USA, Kentucky. D Major. Standard or ADae. AABB (Monday/Titon): ABBCC’ (Bowles/Titon): AABB'CC' (Bowles/Phillips). The tune, played slower than a normal breakdown, was learned by south-central Kentucky fiddler Jim Bowles (b. 1903) from local musicians--it was not widely known outside the area. Phillips notates the 'A' part as irregular, with a measure of 3/4 and a measure of 2/4 time in an otherwise cut time piece. Titon notates Bowles’ version entirely in 2/2, with no irregular measure. The melody was also in the repertoire of Isham Monday, who like Bowles played it in ADae although he tuned his fiddle low, sounding below standard ‘C’. Titon (2001) finds variants of “Christmas Eve” in “Weevily Wheat” and “Willy and Evil.” Bruce Greene says “Christmas Eve” dates to pre-Civil War era. The melody was also in the repertoire of African-American fiddler John Lusk (Ky.), who recorded the melody (along with musicians Murph Gribble and Albert York) for the Library of Congress (AFS 8511). Sources for notated versions: Jim Bowles (Rockbridge, Monroe County, Ky., 1959) [Phillips, Titon]; Isham Monday (Tompkinsveille, Monroe County, Ky., 1959) [Titon]. Phillips (Traditional American Fiddle Tunes), vol. 2, 1995; pg. 31. Titon (Old-Time Kentucky Fiddle Tunes), 2001; No. 24A & B, pg. 59. Cartunes 105, Bruce Molsky and Bob Carlin – “Take Me as I Am” (2004. Sourced to Isham Monday and Murph Gribble, John Lusk and Albert York). County 2730, Rafe Stefanini – “Glory on the Big String.” Marimac 9060, Jim Bowles - "Railroading Through the Rocky Mountains." Marimac 9023, Bruce Molsky & Bob Carlin – “Take Me as I Am.” Meriweather Records, Isham Monday – “I Kind of Believe it’s a Gift.”

For other versions in this collection see: "Pretty Little Pink" “Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss" "Western Country” and "Four in the Middle."

"Charlie’s Sweet/Weevily Wheat" song lyrics from Mrs. Laura V. Donald:

Charlie’s Sweet/WEEVILY WHEAT; Charlie’s Sweet From EFFSA Cecil Sharp
Sung by Mrs. Laura V. Donald; Dewey Va. June 10, 1918

As I come over we trip together,
It’s in the morning early.
Heart and hand I give to thee,
So true I love thee dearly.

I won't have none of your weavil wheat,
And I won't have none of your barley.
Give to me the good old wheat,
To bake a cake for Charlie.

Charlie he's a nice young man,
Charlie he's a dandy.
Charlie he's the very one
That sold his daddy’s brandy.

I’ve got a sweet little wife,
A wife of my own choosing.
Hug her neat and kiss her sweet,
And no more go a-courting.

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